Just a quickie post to make a couple of points.
The federal resettlement contractor (US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants) bringing refugees to Des Moines is the same one bringing refugees to Idaho (in that still festering controversyabout the sexual abuse of a little girl by migrants from Sudan and Iraq). Is Joshua Barr saying any immigrant (including illegals) can get welfare in Des Moines? Hmmm! Photo here: http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/opinion/columnists/2015/09/17/column-new-human-rights-director-looks-dms-underbelly/72370936/ And, for very new readers, who maybe don’t know, refugees are eligible for all forms of welfare available to Americans including SSI for the elderly and disabled.
From KCCI Des Moines:
DES MOINES, Iowa —The first Syrian refugee family to arrive in Iowa is getting help to start a new life here.
Gov. Terry Branstad ordered the state to do nothing to help those fleeing Syria, but a federal agency works with refugees here.
The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants has a field office in Des Moines, and is treating the Syrian refugees like any other refugees, by setting up an apartment and helping them settle in.
The Tameem family from Syria sat through a class with 60 immigrants from Thailand, Nepal, Malysia, Kenya and Somalia to learn the ropes in Iowa. [Have they all been tested for TB, just wondering—ed]
“When you come to the city seeking services, they cannot treat you differently based on your immigrant status,” said Joshua Barr, of the Des Moines Civil & Human Rights Commission.
Of course “services” is code for welfare of all sorts—food stamps, housing, education, medicaid etc…. Go hereto see if USCRI is working in your town. By the way, it is the same contractor planning to bring refugees to Rutland, VT and Reno, NV—got services?
I’m sure you either stayed up very late or jumped out of bed, like I did, eager to learn the results from the British vote to stay in the European Union or leave, to discover that the “leaves” have won!
From left, Northern League leader Matteo Salvini, French far right leader Marine Le Pen and Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders as they create EU Freedom group earlier this year. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)
Now, leaders, of what The Guardianwants you to be sure to understand, the FAR-RIGHT, are over the moon! Longtime readers of RRW surely don’t need a big dissertation from me to explain that this vote was all about immigration and whether countries can choose for themselves who enters and what sort of nation they will be. I bet a buck that if German Chancellor Angela Merkel had never “welcomed” hordes of mostly Muslims from Africa and the Middle East to invade Europe and then demanded that other countries in the EU take them in when Germany became overwhelmed, this vote would never have come out the way it did. (It might never have been called!)
I hope this sends a resounding message to the American electorate as we learn that a new wave of thousands upon thousands of border crossers are entering the US right now and Obama is pushing for his own flood of mostly Muslim refugees to change America as he promised he would 8 years ago.
Here is what The Guardian is reporting this morning:
Europe’s far-right parties hailed the UK’s vote to leave the European Union as a victory for their own anti-immigrant and anti-EU stance and vowed to push for similar referendums in their own countries.
France’s Front National (FN) saw it as a clear boost for Marine Le Pen’s presidential bid next year and momentum for the party’s anti-Europe and anti-immigration line.
Le Pen told RTL radio: “Like a lot of French people, I’m very happy that the British people held on and made the right choice. What we thought was impossible yesterday has now become possible.”
The Dutch far-right and anti-immigration leader Geert Wilders called on Friday for a referendum on the Netherlands’ membership of the European Union.
“I think it’s historic,” he told Dutch radio. “I think it could also have huge consequences for the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. Now it’s our turn. I think the Dutch people must now be given the chance to have their say in a referendum.”
In Germany, Beatrix von Storch, an MEP for rightwing populist party Alternative für Deutschland, who was recently expelled from the Tories’ party group in the European Parliament over her “shooting refugees” comments, welcomed the result.
“The 23 June is a historic day. It is Great Britain’s independence day. The people were asked – and they decided. The European Union as a political union has failed.”
… the leader of Italy’s far-right Northern League party was swift to celebrate the Brexit outcome. “Hurrah for the courage of free citizens! Heart, head and pride beat lies, threats and blackmail. THANKS UK, now it’s our turn,” said Matteo Salvini, whose popularity has increased in recent years on the back of an anti-EU, anti-immigration platform.
More here. Check it out and see how many times the reporters use the phrase “far-right”….funny!
I watched CNN’s reporting this morning and Christiane Amanpour was interviewing some FAR-LEFT British pol and he called Le Pen a Nazi. The international NO Borders agitators are squirming and wetting their pants today, name calling is all they have left. Hey, George Soros you lose! (And, Obama that is two losses for you in two days!)
We’ve had so many good comments over the last few days, but this one at our facebook page jumped out at me. It is in response to Michelle Malkin’s good article: “Horror and Hush-up in Twin Falls, Idaho.” Children will heal the world. Oh! So that is what those boys were doing with the little girl in the laundry room! Silly me!
I couldn’t agree more with Gordon Millar about the idea of FORCED DIVERSITY, but he can explain it better than I can.
Mr. Millar:
This gets at the crux of the Lunacy. The elite demand Forced Diversity, a focused plan by a few. The civil servants are obliged to enforce it, They cover up any negativity that would inflame the masses. The Mainstream Media, who were programmed at Uni and are on-board with Multiculturalism, suppress news that exposes the weakness of the Multicultural Ideology, and they promote a narrative that is favourable to it.
The Left cannot re-evaluate their Faith in Multiculturalism, they sense it will not work but they can’t dare look. No, they are forced by pride and cowardice, to close their minds to reason and re-double their efforts to make the dream they believe in, a reality. (Magical Thinking)
We must do our homework and be ready to stand when the opportunity presents itself.
And we will!
See all of our guest posts and comments worth noting, here.
Roy Beck
This is from Roy Beck just now at NumbersUSA! (hat tip: Brad)
Boston Globe headline captures it: ‘Supreme Court hands Obama crushing defeat on immigration’
The decision was handed down just a few minutes ago. I know that all of you are as thrilled — and relieved — as I am.
Here was my first statement to the national media:
“The ruling today is a win for American workers and the Constitution. The court’s decision means that immigration policy — including the power to issue work permits — still belongs to the people through their elected officials in Congress and that a president cannot unilaterally change that policy. “U.S. citizens and legal immigrants in this country have been spared having to face direct job and wage competition from millions of illegal migrants for whom Pres. Obama had promised to open up every job in America.”
Several other federal court decisions have blocked Obama’s DAPA amnesty since just before it was to take effect a little more than a year ago.
The Supreme Court granted the Obama Administration a hearing on its insistence that the high court overturn the injunction that was preventing millions of illegal migrants from being granted work permits and other benefits.
A tie vote in the Supreme Court means that lower court rulings stand. So, this was a tremendous victory for all of us.
Keep in mind that the merits of the case by Texas and 25 other states against the DAPA amnesty have still not been ruled on by the lower courts which have merely issued a temporary injunction. But now, the country can breathe easier knowing that millions of illegal migrants are not legally competing for every U.S. job while the courts move forward on the merits.
Practically speaking, though, there is little chance that the case on the merits will be decided before Pres. Obama leaves office.
We will continue to provide you updates on this massively important issue, just as we have from the beginning.
Be prepared for big pro-amnesty demonstrations as Election 2016 approaches…
How do we know? Because last fall when we attended the Georgetown Law School pow-wow here, one of the leading NO Borders advocates in America, Marielena Hincapie, promised us as much should the Supreme Court rule against them!
Anti-Muslim agitators and those opposed to resettlement of refugees from the Syrian civil war nevertheless seized on the incident to buttress their arguments for shutting down a refugee center in Twin Falls to prevent entry by displaced Syrians…
Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, said the Idaho sexual assault should be fully investigated but added the case had become a lightning rod for anti-Muslim, and anti-refugee sentiments.
“These two forms of hostility seem to be overlapping and reinforcing each other,” he said.
The families of the boys who are alleged to have sexually assaulted a five year old girl in Twin Falls have received eviction notices from the landlord of the Fawnbrook Apartments. BTW, this Idaho Statesman story does admit one of the boys touched the girl and it is described as a criminal act. (See eviction letter here)
See also, several updates at the World Net Daily story, here, about the case (including new photo).