Read the story here. The IRC is one of nine major federal resettlement contractors. No escaping the propaganda machine.
I wonder if they could bring Sesame Street to those young boys in Idaho?
Month: June 2016
US won't make Syrian resettlement goal this year say refugee contractors
This is a strange turn of events. For the last couple of months we have been told (repeatedly) that the Obama Administration is on target to get its 10,000 Syrian Muslims placed in your towns by September 30th (the end of fiscal year 2016). We were told Obama sent an army of people to the Middle East to step-up the security screening process and now we are to believe that they can’t make the goal.
Don’t get me wrong, if true, that is good. But….
What’s up with this! Have they found more security concerns? Are the contractors downplaying expectations to protect Obama?
Here we have the Huffington Post (in a story that reads like it was planted) quoting many officials from the refugee resettlement companies matter-of-factly saying there won’t be 10,000 Syrians coming. Huh?
In September, Secretary of State John Kerry declared that the U.S. would go from taking in 70,000 refugees per year to accepting 85,000 in fiscal year 2016 and 100,000 in the year after that. President Barack Obama specified, in the days following the Paris terror attacks in November, that at least 10,000 refugees taken in would be Syrian.
Kerry explained that the numbers of people resettled in America can’t realistically be any higher because of the rigorous post-9/11 screening requirements. The U.S. refuses to take any shortcuts on security.
It’s unlikely that the United States will resettle a total of 85,000 refugees in the 2016 fiscal year, let alone 10,000 Syrians, according to experts.
The quota is “not a hard and fast rule, it’s kind of just what people are hoping for. It depends on how processing continues overseas,” William Haney, associate director for external relations at Church World Service, one of the nine domestic resettlement agencies, told The Huffington Post.
Since Oct. 1, 2015, 2,805 Syrians have been resettled across the U.S., according to the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration’s latest figures, released after May 31, 2016. That’s almost 30 percent of the 10,000 goal.
It’s progress from last year, when only 1,682 Syrians were resettled in total, said Eskinder Negash, senior vice president at the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.
“Things are slower than we anticipated,” added Helen Molinaro, the assistant director for refugee pre-arrival services at the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.
But it’s rare that the U.S. meets its refugee resettlement targets, Negash said. Although it wouldn’t be unusual for the 10,000 figure not to be reached, it would represent “another disappointment,” he added.
Large pushes to reach the quota are common in July and August, before the fiscal year ends.
More than one-third of all Syrian resettlements so far this fiscal year happened in May, meaning that similar figures in the summer months could bring the U.S. closer to its target.
“I’m hopeful that there will be some expedited processing and we’ll have a better number to show,” Negash said.
What are the numbers so far?
I just checked the numbers and we have resettled 45,736 refugees this fiscal year as of June 15th. That means that in order to get to their dream number, 85,000 from all over the world, they have to get 39,264 seeded in towns in 49 states with only 3 and 1/2 months to go in the fiscal year. They might not make it!
Very strange in light of the fact that the O-man and Kerry bragged about this 85,000 goal for the year. And, they want 100,000 in here in 2017! (If Trump is elected in November he can halt the program or revise the numbers downward, but if Hillary is to be our next President, you can assume this program will not be slowed or reformed in any way.)
And what about that big Obama show in September at the UN, won’t he be embarrassed?
Could they have run into some really serious screening problems with the Syrians? Or, maybe they don’t have enough capacity in your towns to ‘welcome’ such large numbers? LOL! or maybe they couldn’t find enough Syrians who want to come to the US!
Update on Twin Falls, Idaho sexual assault case, boys are refugees
Update June 22: Families of boys in alleged attack evicted from apartment complex, here. And, Breitbart has a story as well, here.
Latest Update thanks to reader Robin: Citizens gave the Twin Falls city council an earful last evening. Read this! (click here).
We told you what we knew here yesterday. The details of the assault are now beginning to come out even as the case has supposedly been sealed by a judge. Clearly something happened and clearly the elected leaders and other officials in Twin Falls were trying to hide something!
Reporter Leo Hohmann of World Net Daily interviewed the woman who discovered the incident. Hohmann’s (updated this morning) report begins with this:
A 5-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by two boys at an apartment complex in Twin Falls, Idaho, and some local residents are charging the police and city officials with covering up the fact that the boys are from Muslim immigrant families from Sudan and Iraq.
Although not yet confirmed, the alleged perpetrators, ages 14, 10 and 7, appear to be from refugee families.
In a new twist to the story, the Twin Falls City Council met Monday night and was given an earful by residents who warned last year that exactly this type of criminal behavior was being invited into their community through refugee resettlement.
“Islam has declared global jihad on us,” Vicky Davis of Twin Falls told the council. “And Obama, this administration, is bringing them in as fast as he possibly can.”
“They’re on your head, your head, your head, yours, yours,” she said as she pointed at each member of the council.
Twin Falls is one more than a dozen “pockets of resistance” across the U.S. where residents are protesting the arrival of refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan and other Muslim nations.
For details on what the witness reported to police continue reading here at WND.
I’m mentioned in the story because I told Hohmann that if the US State Department and its contractors acted with transparency wherever they placed refugees in towns across the country, then maybe misunderstandings wouldn’t develop and maybe there might be some trust. But, the whole refugee industry has operated in secrecy for over 35 years, so what do they expect when things like this incident happen.
Also, because the industry is so deeply invested in a phony narrative—that everything involving refugees is so good and wonderful— they find themselves boxed-in and have to be extra secretive when one of their ‘angels’ gets in trouble with the law.
Just as I was preparing to post this, I read the Idaho Statesman story and sure enough there is no doubt that the boys are from refugee families placed in Idaho. And, there is no doubt that if local residents (criticized by their elected officials) hadn’t pushed this story out to the public (heck the attack happened nearly 3 week ago!), with a few small errors like the nationalities of the perps, the whole case would have been swept under the rug!
Here is what the Idaho Statesman reported late yesterday:
The criminal cases against those juveniles have been sealed, as is customary when children are charged. Although prosecutors and police are barred from discussing certain details in sealed juvenile cases, Loebs laid out the basics in an interview Monday with the Times-News. And Twin Falls Police Chief Craig Kingsbury briefed the public on the incident at a City Council meeting later in the evening, saying he wanted to clear up falsehoods circulating on social media.
According to those officials, three boys were involved, ages 7, 10 and 14, and the alleged victim was a 5-year-old girl. The boys are from Sudan and Iraq; none are Syrian. They are being held at a juvenile detention facility. Officials suspect the boys have been in the Unites States fewer than two years, but their refugee status wasn’t immediately clear to the police chief.
So, as Hohmann reported in his story a large number of the refugees placed in Twin Falls are from the Sudan and Iraq. Makes it clear to me!
Twin Falls has not received any Syrian refugees but it has received 308 refugees from mostly Muslim Iraq and another 161 mostly Muslim Sudanese refugees since 2009 [when Obama took office—ed], according to the U.S. State Department’s Refugee Processing Center.
Now it’s time for the US State Department, Jan Reeves, and the resettlement contractor in Twin Falls to fess-up and admit these are their refugees.
See our extensive Twin Falls archive here.
Photo provided by a local resident: We have corrected our original photo caption. The photo was not taken at the apartment complex as we originally thought, but we learn from reporter Hohmann that it was here: This photo was taken outside the juvenile detention center in Idaho showing family of two of the Sudanese boys who allegedly stripped and sexually assaulted a 5-year-old girl while an older boy filmed them.
Fargo, ND mayor touted in story about Center for American Progress report on refugees
First, if you don’t know, the Center for American Progress is John Podesta’s creation. Podesta has been a long time friend of George Soros and a svengali of sorts for both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Clearly the Center for American Progress is now deeply involved in the refugee controversy (and in helping businesses find immigrant labor to compete with Americans!) and has produced a report (propaganda!) about how refugees help economies boom!
(I’m guessing they didn’t include San Diego in their study!)
We previously wrote about Podesta and his Washington lobbying operation (CAP) here on several occasions.
Here is the Voice of America story that includes comments from Mayor Tim Mahoney who makes it sound like everything is sweetness and light with the refugees placed in Fargo, ND.
So who is really driving the resettlement of refugees in places like North Dakota? Big business? And, who are the 33 businesses looking for cheap, captive (because they can’t go home!) refugee labor in Fargo? Does anyone have a list?
During a panel discussion last week in Washington about refugee resettlement, advocates reviewed the importance of local government being part of helping newcomers become familiar with a new reality.

“While refugee resettlement is a matter of global importance, there’s need to find durable permanent solutions. This is not the time to pull back, but rather an opportunity to lead by example,” said Winnie Stachelberg, executive vice president of external affairs at the Center for American Progress.
Cities like Fargo, in North Dakota, are not “pulling back.” According to Mayor Tim Mahoney, the community has come together to help refugees recover and build new lives.
“We have a great growing city. Good economy and things are happening,” Mahoney said, adding that every year about 500 refugees move to Fargo.
“We have found them an important part of our work force …
Mahoney said the city has a network of 33 businesses “healthily” competing to have newcomers work for them.
Any BIG MEAT in N. Dakota? Poultry processors? That is what I would like to know!
Continue reading here.
See our North Dakota archive here. They have had some very interesting crime stories involving refugees in that state! Don’t miss the one about a Somali refugee murdering a Native American family.
Also, since Lewiston, Maine was invoked by the Center for American Progress, see our huge archive on Lewiston by clicking here.
Assimilation vs. integration! CAPs and the Leftist Open Borders gang do not like the word “assimilation” so you can see in the title of CAPs report that they use the word “integration.” See our discussion of the Left controlling the language, here.
Celebrate diversity at World Refugee Day today (diversity of diseases returning to US)
In addition to Islamic terrorism fears we have, everyone needs to remember that as the Open Borders movement encourages the migration of millions around the world, fears that diseases, long believed eradicated in the civilized world, are returning.
So if you aren’t worried about being an unlucky soul in a terrorist attack, consider that you could meet these diseases wherever you live (and so could your kids in public schools in hundreds of US cities and towns).
From Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart who has been reporting on the established medical community’s silence on the growing threat, and refugee program administrators in many states keeping this information from the general public:
“Six diseases that were recently near eradication are making a comeback in the United States, as the taxpayer funded refugee resettlement industry launches a propaganda blitz about the so-called World Refugee Day this Monday.
The returning diseases are;
1. Tuberculosis
2. Measles
3. Whooping Cough
4. Mumps
5. Scarlet Fever
6. Bubonic Plague”
For details on each, continue reading here.
See Leahy’s complete series on the threat from communicable diseases entering the US with the refugee population and 300 other stories on refugee/immigrant health issues at RRW’s ‘Health Issues’ category.
Also, you have a state refugee health coordinator (contact information here), why not give them a call and get some information from them about the diseases (and PARASITES!) being resettled in your towns and what is being done to protect the public.
P.S. You pay for all of this medical care!