That is what some members of the Twin Falls community wanted to know when they attended a public comment period at their local city council meeting.
Update June 23: CAIR weighs in here. NY Daily News calls RRW a “conspiracy site” here.
Update June 21: Because thankfully local citizens wouldn’t let it go, officials now admit there was a sexual assault and that the perps are Sudanese and Iraqi, see here.
There are stories swirling on the internet that a gang of refugee juveniles raped a 4-year old girl and that the police are mum because everyone knows this would be a bombshell in a community already on edge about refugees being poured into the area.
Update: Here is a detailed account of what allegedly happened. This report says the girl is 5 years old. By the way, all the big media rushed out to Idaho to report on the Islamophobes in Twin Falls a few months back, so where is the New York Times on this story?
(Since the citizens attended the council meeting detailed below, a local TV station is reporting that the case has been sealed.)
See our extensive coverage of past tensions in Twin Falls by clicking here.
It appears from comments at that there is something to the story that the mayor and council are trying to hide. Emphasis below is mine.
TWIN FALLS • New concerns about Islam and refugees are being raised in Twin Falls in the wake of the deadliest mass shooting in the nation’s history.

Less than two days after an American-born son of Afghan immigrants murdered 49 people in a gay nightclub in Orlando, four of the five people who spoke at a City Council meeting this week characterized refugees as a problem or called for more information to be released about a sexual assault that is alleged to have been committed by underage refugees.
On Monday, a small group of residents opposed to refugee resettlement and Islam turned its attention to the City Council, which allows an open-comment period where anyone can speak.
Much of their time was spent disparaging Muslims and asking for more information about an alleged sexual assault, the details of which haven’t confirmed by authorities.
There must be something to the story or we wouldn’t be hearing this. If it were a complete fabrication, they would be saying so.
Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs said Wednesday that the rape case in question is under investigation and may involve juveniles. No one has been charged. Police Chief Craig Kingsbury wouldn’t provide any information about the case.
Julie Ruf is with the local chapter of Act for America, a conservative national security-focused organization involved in promoting anti-Shariah law bills in some states. The group has been accused by critics of being anti-Muslim. She read the Council a list of refugee-related questions and called for some sort of public forum or dialogue where people could express their views and get their questions answered.
Now, please go read the rest of the article at
The concerned citizens in Twin Falls are doing what they should—continuing to get information out to the public. By speaking up at this council meeting they have created more news and thus helped educate more citizens about the problem. I would also be working really hard to replace Councilman Talkington! Some one of your group should run against him and make the election about this issue because even if you aren’t elected, the media would be forced to report on the campaign.
Endnote: In 2009, in Phoenix, a gang of refugee juveniles raped a little girl in the neighborhood, here. See also Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch yesterday on Islam and rape, here.