Even after the (told you so!) attack at St. Cloud’s Crossroads mall last Saturday night, the first instincts of elected officials in Minnesota is to rally around the Somali Muslim population to protect their sensitive feelings.
In an interview with World Net Daily, Bachmann does not hold back! (St. Cloud was part of her district during the years she was in Congress and trying to get her fellow members to wake up to Islamic supremacism and the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood throughout the Administration in Washington, DC.)
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:
Minnesota’s St. Cloud community is still reeling from Saturday’s knife attacks that injured 10 people and caused panic at the Crossroads Center Mall on Saturday, a day that police chief William Anderson said changed the city forever.

But did it?
The city of 67,000 people sits 65 miles northwest of Minneapolis. It has been pummeled with Muslim refugees, mostly from Somalia, for more than a decade, and its citizens have been brow beaten into a form of politically correct submission to Islam, says former Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.
“I would say that this attack did wake people up in the sense that this was real and it happened in our backyard and people are aware of it. But Minnesota is a state where we have been marinated in political correctness for quite some time, and the pushback against any type of conservatism is extremely intense. So people have no fight left in them,” Bachmann told WND.
To say anything negative about Islam immediately gets you branded a bigot, a xenophobe, a racist or an “Islamophobe,” she said. It doesn’t matter that Islam is not a race or that the term “Islamophobe” was invented by the extremist Muslim Brotherhood as a tool to cast Western Muslims as victims of oppression.
Continue reading here. Could Minnesota be America’s first Muslim state?
By the way, if Hillary and her chief aide Huma Abedin make it to the Oval Office we are finished, but I don’t need to tell you that!
You might want to visit our top post over the last few days—it is from 2015—about how Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota is responsible for seeding St. Cloud with Somalis.