I happened to catch his talking points memo last night.
However, he didn’t have the story exactly accurate on Australia. He praised that country for its tough stance on illegal migrants as if it’s always been that way. But for those interested in digging in to the facts there, see our category on Australia (184 posts going back 8 years) and see that their hardline stance is relatively recent and that the country foolishly admitted, for years, large numbers of Muslim migrants that are now pretty aggressive.
O’Reilly also mentioned the strange deal that the Obama Administration is advancing where we would take off Australia’s hands hundreds (at least) of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers (our coverage here) presently housed in off-shore detention facilities.
However, here is the part we liked best in O’Reilly’s statement. Thanks to Media Matters for tracking this type of story more closely than some on our side do.
You can see 3 + minutes of the statement by O’Reilly by clicking here. (I see they left out the Australia portion.) You may not like some of O’Reilly’s prescriptions for dealing with our illegal aliens living in the US.