Poughkeepsie: Church World Service has signed lease, refugees coming

The opposition that had begun to grow seems to have waned according to Poughkeepsie mayor Rob Rolison and Church World Service is expecting refugees shortly apparently confident that Donald Trump will not stop the flow anytime soon.
Although, opening the office and then having to close it, if Trump does pause the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program, will serve them well as a public relations hammer to use on the Trump administration meanies. So, it isn’t a crazy gamble on their part.

Refugees to be placed within 50 mile radius of Poughkeepsie.

Remember, refugee resettlement is a business dependent on your tax dollars and the federal contractors are skilled political fighters and will use those abilities to keep their federal money flowing. (See CWS could not exist without your money!)

Here is the latest from Poughkeepsie.  (See our previous posts here)

A refugee resettlement program in the Hudson Valley is on schedule to welcome its first families this month. Church World Service has found office space in Poughkeepsie and volunteers in the region are ready to lend a hand.

Church World Service has signed a lease for office space in the Family Partnership Center in Poughkeepsie and the welcome mat is out, with staff and volunteers at the ready. Church World Service is one of nine resettlement agencies that contracts with the federal government to resettle refugees across the country. Church World Service, as announced in November, expects 80 individuals to relocate within a 50-mile radius of Poughkeepsie through September.

Rev. Chris Antal

Reverend Chris Antal is president of the Greater Newburgh Interfaith Council, which represents about a dozen faith communities in Orange County. The Council is a partner of the Mid-Hudson Refugee Solidarity Alliance and has established a welcome team. And Antal says the Council recently received an anonymous donation. [Someone gave them $10,000 for the effort to bring mostly Muslim third worlders to Poughkeepsie.—ed]


At a Church World Service meeting in Poughkeepsie in November, senior director for the organization’s Immigration and Refugee Program Sarah Krause said a priority is being placed on Congolese and Syrian refugees as well as Iraqis with special immigrant visas for the Poughkeepsie region.


Meanwhile, Democratic Assemblyman Frank Skartados says he hopes to work with the community to help refugees.

As is usual, the plan to resettle refugees was sprung on the community. Secrecy is its watchword (unless of course you are an insider in the interfaith community network!).

His district includes both the cities of Poughkeepsie and Newburgh. Some area residents at the November meeting expressed concern about the resettlement effort. And some say resources should be spent on Hudson Valley residents. Others are concerned the initial number of refugees could skyrocket, plus took issue with being informed of the program late in the process without many answers to their questions.


City of Poughkeepsie Mayor Rob Rolison says any talk of formal opposition seems to have waned.

More details here.

The Africans are coming! Close the border Donald!

Invasion of America news…..

Since when did Obamacare become President-elect Donald Trump’s #1 priority? That is all I hear now from the media.
Tens of thousands of people did not stand for hours in all sorts of weather to hear Trump talk about Obamacare. They came primarily because he said he would build the wall and stop immigration from terror-exporting countries!
We must secure our border with Mexico NOW!
Look at this article from the Saudi Gazette, and see how Mexico is facilitating African illegal aliens’ passage to our border:

As Europe tightens its borders to stem the influx of refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea to Europe, Hassan [the Somali star of this story.—ed] is part of a growing surge of people from African nations seeking new routes to flee poverty, war and persecution.

Tapachula is on the border of Mexico and Guatemala.

Hassan had paid a human smuggler $1,000 to guide him overland through Central America to reach Mexico in the hope of crossing into the United States.


The routes to Europe have become more difficult, said Claudette Walls, head of the field office for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Mexico’s city of Tapachula.

“What’s happening in the Mediterranean is that it’s becoming more and more hazardous and difficult to take that route,” Walls said.

“Through Latin America coming all the way up to Mexico and then on to the U.S. has become another route,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Claudette Walls: It is getting harder to get into Europe so they are headed to the US through Mexico.

Many migrants from Africa fly to Ecuador and Brazil where few visa restrictions allow an easy point of entry into the Americas.


Immigration officials first noticed African migrants arriving in Mexico in 2013, when around six trickled in a day, mainly through Tapachula along Mexico’s southern border with Guatemala.

Hundreds now turn up every day. Last year between 150 to 700 African migrants arrived per day at Tapachula – with a total of 19,000 migrants arriving from Africa and Haiti in 2016 – according to Mexican government figures.

Mexico gives the invader a 20-day pass in order to cross Mexico and reach the US border!

With few diplomatic ties with African nations, it is difficult for the Mexican authorities to deport illegal migrants from Africa home.

As a result, many African migrants are given a temporary transit permit, giving them 20 days to leave Mexico. In practice this allows them to continue their journey towards the United States border without being detained by immigration officials.

The article is written in such a way as to make us feel sympathy for the aliens just because their trip was so difficult. A difficult trip does not transform an illegal alien into a ‘refugee.’

But, who is paying these supposedly impoverished Africans to make the trip! Hassan spent $10,000 to get to our border!

Hassan reached Mexico in December, after a four month journey that included a flight from Somalia to Brazil, and then across seven countries on bus, boat and foot. He has spent $10,000 so far, hiding dollar bills in his underwear and socks.

Continue reading here for more details.
We admit thousands of Somalis each year through the legal refugee process (which of course should be stopped). Why aren’t they in the legal flow to your towns? We can only assume there is something very undesirable about them!
Five years ago, in 2011, we urged Congress to investigate who is paying for and helping Africans and others from places like the Middle East reach our US border where they then meet up with immigration lawyers and begin the asylum process.
Europe made a huge mistake by not stopping the invasion years ago, see here.
 Where are you Congress?