The Open Borders Left is working overtime this week to make sure the public knows that America is mean and being led by the meanest president in history.
Here is Human Rights Watch spewing forth on something you need to counter every time you hear it.
But, before I get to that: In the first part of this excerpt (below), I learned something that makes sense. Apparently the administration is arguing that we need to clean out the asylum backlog before bringing in more permanent refugees.
It is the second half of the long paragraph that includes a major talking point of the leftwing open borders advocates and refugee contractor groups.
They say that Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan are ‘welcoming’ more refugees than we do.
But, you need to know this:
We give permanent residence and ultimately citizenship (VOTING rights) to those admitted to the US as refugees (or approved asylum seekers), while….
Those migrants housed (“hosted”!) in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan have no legal citizenship rights; many can’t even work. They only live there temporarily.
So the next time someone throws out this half truth, please correct him or her (LOL! It could be your US Senator or Congressman trying to spin you!).
The administration has sought to justify the decrease in refugee resettlement by arguing that the United States has a backlog of asylum cases. While Human Rights First has documented the negative impact the backlog has on asylum seekers, the organization notes that even if one combined the number of asylum seekers held up in the backlog and the number of refugees proposed today by the administration, the United States’ overall refugee acceptance per capita would pale in comparison to the numbers of those being hosted in front line states. Turkey hosts 35 refugees per 1,000 individuals, Jordan hosts 89 refugees per 1,000, and Lebanon hosts 173 per 1,000. If the United States were to admit only 50,000 refugees, the rate in the United States would only be less than 1 per 1,000, even when including the asylum office backlog, a dismally small number given the worldwide need.
Here is the truth:
The United States takes more permanent refugees/future citizens than any country in the world!
(2015 numbers because this particular news, where America is shown in a favorable light, is hard to find)

Trump is bad for Muslims….

Also, Human Rights Watch is reporting this week, that the Trump Administration is bad for Muslim refugee admissions.
They are particularly angry with Trump because they claim he is promoting the idea of a religious test (that might favor persecuted Christians!) for admission to the US (gasp!).
Yet they themselves were more than happy to do that very thing—have a religious test—when it came to admitting thousands of Russian Jews and Russian Muslims to the US for over 2 decades!
Here we have Bill Frelick trying to gloss over that fact by suggesting religion was not how they justified their persecution claim. Give me a break!
Here is Frelick:
Historically, the U.S. admissions program has responded to refugees persecuted because of their religious beliefs — recall Soviet Jews, Iranian Baha’is, and Christian “lost boys” of Sudan — but a refugee’s specific faith was less relevant to a person’s rescue than the seriousness of the threat they were under. [What a crock!—ed]
He can’t intellectually (or legally) justify his criticism of a religious test when he and others have been supporting the Lautenberg Amendment since 1990.