We are still waiting to hear what the Trump Administration is going to do with the Presidential Determination on how many refugees (and from where they will come) starting in 6 days.
Puerto Rico is a US territory and you know we will need to help them! So, on top of that financial burden, is Trump getting ready to invite 40,000-50,000 third worlders to the US beginning next week when so many people in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico are homeless?
In six daysyou could see a new wave of 40,000-50,000 third worlders begin arriving in your towns and cities as American refugees suffer in the wake of three major hurricanes
Although Trump lumped the two issues together in his first Executive Order….
Don’t get the refugee ‘determination’ confused with this latest so-called ‘travel ban’ issue especially because while adding Venezuela and North Korea (few come to the US anyway!), Trump won’t do extra scrutiny of the refugees arriving in potentially large numbers from Iraq, Afghanistan and Burma (Rohingya!). He even took Sudan off the list!
(See Leo Hohmann at World Net Dailyon the Rohingya, here. And, see Politico on the latest list of countries with new restrictions on travel.)
We are six days away from the new fiscal year!
Where is the State Department report to Congress, where is the consultation with Congress, where is the publication in the Congressional Record of the consultation, and where are the House and Senate Judiciary Committee hearings that are supposed to proceed the final determination (See the steps set out in the Refugee Act of 1980, here.)?
America First!
The politically smart move for Trump now is to suspend the Refugee Admissions Program for FY18, for at least 6 months until American people are back on their feet!
And, he could tell Congress to hold oversight hearings on the USRAP with an eye to trashing the system altogether or reforming it!
The dramatic change in demographic makeup and the escalation of tensions in St. Cloud came to my attention in the earliest days of writing this blog when my then blog partner, Judy, wrote in 2008 about how Somali students were harassing a service dog to such a degree that it caused the disabled student to leave the school.
It is a good thing that we captured some of that story because it seems to no longer be available at the St. Cloud Times, which surprise, surprise, seems to be the case for many of the articles we have reported on from St. Cloud in the ensuing 9 years.
Recommendation! I can’t do it here, but when I look at RRW’s archives on St. Cloud (that began with the dog abuse story) what immediately comes to mind is that what has happened to the city, now the third highest for the direct resettlement of Somalis in the state (Minneapolis and St. Paul, are numbers one and two), is that someone should do a documentary film or write a book about the transformation of a small American city that began with a meatpacking plant’s desire for cheap labor.
And what got me thinking about it this morning is this snarky editorial in the St. Cloud Times blaming the Christian haters for the tension there.
Before I get to that, take a look at my St. Cloud archive by clicking here.
A sampling of stories that you should look at include:
On this last post, I checked data atWrapsnet and St. Cloud was getting Somalis directly, immediately after 9/11, but I believe Lutheran Social Services MN (the resettlement contractor there) didn’t open an office in the city until 2010.
But, direct resettlement doesn’t tell the whole story because Minnesota leads the nation in secondary migration (Somali refugees placed in other states move to MN to be with their own kind of people.)
Here is some of the editorial from the St. Cloud Times showing its disdain for its Christian readers:
If Central Minnesota is going to look back on one year since the Crossroads Center attacks and ask about community relations and people getting along, we at least need to be honest.
Photo used by the St. Cloud Times to illustrate its editorial. What! no photo of the Somali who stabbed ten at the local mall last year (a bit more hateful than words!).
When it comes to publicly exuding religious extremism in Central Minnesota and a lack of tolerance for others, it’s not from new immigrants nor Muslims. It’s from long-time residents. And Christians.
But there also is no denying a small, fervently vocal group of residents is working very hard to degrade new immigrants and Muslims — to the point this group wants to ignore the First Amendmentand move from an American democracy to a Christian theocracy. [WTH! These citizens with concerns are using the First Amendment as you chronicle below. It is the SC Times attempting to silence speech with this editorial!—-ed]
Witness the continued march of anti-Islam guest speakers making stops across Central Minnesota, typically as invited guests of certain Christian pastors.
The latest came Sept. 12-14 when Christian pastor and former Muslim Shahram Hadian spoke in St. Cloud, Browerville and Freeport. His topics: “Trojan Horse of Interfaith Dialogue,” “Islam’s Assault on the Constitution” and “Islam’s March Toward Supremacy.”
Witness the handful of local folks who have shown up regularly at recent St. Cloud City Council meetings to use the public input period to demand City Council members stop the influx of immigrants.
Never mind that this is a free country, and people can live where they choose. These speakers also want city leaders to go into public schools and other places, programs and organizations over which the city has no control.
So how many Christians in St. Cloud have attempted to murder Muslims?
(Don’t miss Leo Hohmann here on the feckless FBI on Somali refugee Adan who attempted to murder Americans one year ago in St. Cloud.)
But, somehow, to the editors at the St. Cloud Times, it’s the Christians (exercising their First Amendment rights!) who are the haters?
The editors continue…
To be clear, Dahir Adan stabbing 10 people at Crossroads a year ago was among the most horrific crimes experienced in Central Minnesota. And, yes, it certainly met the definition of terrorism.
It is unsettling that even a year later the FBI is not providing more details, especially clarity as to whether Adan was acting alone.
I’m frustrated! The story of St. Cloud needs to reach all Americans, so someone in the larger media needs to do a full investigation, or better still write a whole book or produce a documentary film so that all of America can be warned!
I saw the virtue-signaling by Vice President Pence on Fox News yesterday and wanted to throw something at the TV. The Fox reporter had swallowed the Leftwing media meme (built over the last decade) hook, line and sinker that the Rohingya are victims (just peaceful Muslims minding their own business).
Pence finds Muslims to love (those bad ol’ violent Buddhists, not so much).
Here is my recommendation to him and to Trump on the decades-old conflict in Burma between the Buddhists who run the country and the increasing numbers of devout Rohingya Muslims who the Buddhists say are really illegal migrants from Bangladesh….
Shut up!
I didn’t see the Burmese government chastising you, Mr. President, when you (fearing for the safety of Americans) initiated your ‘travel ban’ aimed at migrants from Muslim countries. Aren’t the Buddhists allowed to protect their people?
Until you have put someone to work studying the complex problem, someone who can fully brief you, simply don’t say a word!
***Update*** Journalists who know the facts call for balanced reporting (instead of constant pro-Muslim biased stories from AP, Reuters, BBC, etc), see here(hat tip:Joanne).
Here is Aljazeera thrilled to report what Pence (and Trump) said out of ignorance this week:
US President Donald Trump wants the UN Security Council to take “strong and swift action” to end violence against Myanmar’s Rohingya.
Speaking at a Security Council meeting on peacekeeping reform, Vice President Mike Pence accused the Myanmar military of responding to attacks on government outposts “with terrible savagery, burning villages, driving the Rohingya from their homes”. [Those attacks came from armed Rohingya militants!—ed]
Pence repeated a US call for the Myanmar military to end the violenceand support diplomatic efforts for a long-term solution for the majority-Muslim Rohingya, who are denied citizenship in a country where many Buddhists regard them as illegal immigrants. [Did he call for the Rohingya to stop their violence?—ed]
It was the strongest US government response yet to the violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine state that has forced more than 420,000 Rohingya into Bangladesh, fleeing a military offensive the United Nations has branded ethnic cleansing.
I bet Trump and Pence don’t even know that we have admitted almost 20,000 Rohingya to live in your towns and cities in the last ten years, including this upstanding future American citizen in New Hampshire.
Or how about this one agitating in Arizona (once their population gets high enough, the political agitation begins).
Just checked Wrapsnet and found that Donald Trump admitted 715 Rohingya (likely picked up in Malaysia or Thailand) since inauguration day. They couldn’t have been screened any more easily than the Syrians!
See my Rohingya Reports categoryhere—-it includes over 200 posts going back ten years—if anyone seriously wants to try to understand some of the facts buried by the mainstream media!
As you know, we expected President Donald Trump to announce his refugee admissions ceiling for FY18 at least a week ago. But, if CBS has it right from the State Department blabbers, we learn his decision will come after this weekend.
In fact, by law, this whole process should have been started at least a month ago, as I told you here. Unfortunately, like all Presidents before him (and Congress which is supposed to be consulted in advance), following the law is the least of their concerns!
So Donald, as you think about this over yet another weekend, consider the optics!
America First!
There are Americans hurting—in Texas, in Florida and now Puerto Rico. They need housing, medical care, and food.
Are you going to tell the nation, tell taxpayers, they will, in addition to our refugees, be shelling out for another 40,000-50,000 third world impoverished people to begin arriving on October 1?
Suspend the program for at least 6 months—it is the politically sensible thing to do!
(George Bush already set a precedent in 2001 by delaying the determination due that September!)
And besides, the Open borders Left and the contractors are going to scream bloody murder over 40,000-50,000 anyway (they want 75,000)!
Here is CBSreporting on the blabbers at the US State Department:
Simon Henshaw is the acting assistant secretary for refugees because (shamefully) Tillerson/Trump have not replaced him.
The Department of Homeland Security has been pushing for a reduction beyond the 50,000 maximum-entry mark set by Trump earlier this year as part of his travel ban executive orders – a number that is already the lowest in modern American history. In a proposal submitted late last week, the department called for a reduction to 40,000 refugees in the next budget year starting Oct. 1, citing concerns about its workload and ability to adequately vet those seeking entry.
The State Department, which oversees the program, has formally recommended that the number be kept at 50,000, according to Trump administration officials who spoke on condition of anonymity in order to discuss internal deliberations.
Agencies had been given until the close of business Wednesday to submit formal recommendations for consideration.
State Department “officials” virtue-signalling!
State Department officials would have been inclined to set their recommendation higher, several of the people said, but were taking their cues from the president’s executive order and felt that 50,000 was the highest number that would be palatable to him.
Trump has until Oct. 1, the start of the new fiscal year, to determine how many refugees to admit under the Refugee Act of 1980. He is expected to consider the issue over the weekend, after he finishes up at the U.N. General Assembly in New York, one White House official said.
Simon Henshaw, the top State Department official for refugees, said the decision was ultimately Trump’s.
CBS must have been talking to Henshaw.
It looks like we have a few more days—tell Donald Trumpwhat you think!
The Muslim refugee, Mohammod Rafique , is described as a man who arrived from Myanmar two years ago.
That would make him one of the 19,000 plus Rohingya refugees we have admitted from Burma (aka Myanmar) in the last ten years. See here just yesterday.
We love diversity! Nashua Mayor Jim Donchess proposed a resolution last year to make Nashua a “welcoming city” here: http://www.newhampshire.com/Social-issues/Refugee-concerns-voiced-in-Nashua-09222016
Prosecutors wanted a $50,000 bond but the judge set bail at $15,000. If he gets out, will he return to court or disappear into the woodwork of America like so many other Muslim refugees charged in a variety of assault cases in recent years?
A Nashua man is facing accusations that he had inappropriate contact with several young girls.
Mohammod Rafique is facing six charges, including two counts of felonious sexual assault. Nashua police said the incident happened in late August and involves four girls, including a 7-year-old.
“We’re alleging these offenses have had a great and substantial effect on both them and their parents,” prosecutor Don Topham said.
Rafique was described in court as a refugee from Myanmar who has lived in Nashua for two years. An interpreter was provided by phone. [Interpreters will run up his legal costs to taxpayers big time!—ed]
Authorities said the charges involve inappropriate touching and happened at some sort of gathering.
“Through the investigation, we learned that he was acquainted with one girl’s family,” Lt. Kerry Baxter said. “He had attempted to offer them money and gifts and things like that to get one or more of the girls back to his house.”
Learn more about refugees going to New Hampshire, here. See my archive on the state by clicking here. And, for your reading pleasure, I have over 2,000 posts with refugee/immigrant crime stories from all over the globe.
The way things are going on the federal level, if you are concerned about what is happening where you live, you are going to have to get busy booting mayors like Donchess from office.