Flight glitch causes some delay as Australia's rejected 'refugees' head to US

More information about yesterday’s news.
Secrecy continues….

Which of these men is coming to your town?


‘Refugees’ who attempted to break in to Australia were detained on Manus Island. Some are on flights to American towns and cities. Photo: https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/national/2017/11/13/manus-island-refugees-asylum-seekers/

Perhaps the most telling bit of this whole story at SBS News is the last line:

The transfers have been challenging for journalists to cover, with American, Australian and United Nations’ authorities refusing to confirm or deny the flights.

If this is such a good and humanitarian thing, why is it being kept from you?
We do, however, learn a few more nuggets from this latest report on the illegitimate ‘refugees.’
Besides one headed to Elizabeth, NJ, another young Muslim man (that Australia did not permit to come to its mainland) is headed to Knoxville, TN where he wants to study about human rights (will we see him out protesting Trump at the next election?).
Just what America needs more human rights agitators! Jobs Americans won’t do?

A transfer of about 40 refugees from Manus Island to the United States hit a road-bump in Manila on Tuesday afternoon when a number of men were unable to transfer to their flight to New York, SBS News has learned.

Organisers of the refugee transfer had given men tickets for a flight through Vancouver, but SBS News understands they were denied boarding because they did not have the required travel documents to transfer through Canada. Several of the men are stateless.

The men, who had been due to separate from the other refugees in Manila boarded the same flight to Los Angeles five hours later. The flight landed in LA at roughly 12:40pm Australian time.

The men, who have spent upwards of four years stranded in Papua New Guinea, will be settled in locations including Knoxville in Tennessee, Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, Elizabeth in New Jersey, Atlanta in Georgia and in North Carolina. Those transferring through New York will now arrive a day late.


Mushtaq Hussain, whose 22-year-old brother is part of the latest transfer, told SBS News his brother Sajid was ready to start a new life in Tennessee.

“He wants to study and work also, and he wants to see our parents because he was very young when he was locked in Manus Island,” the 29-year-old older brother said.

[Very young? He makes it sound like he was there as a tiny child. These latest illegal migrants detained on Manus have been there for a maximum of 5 years, so Mushtaq would have been 17. And, where are the parents, in Knoxville?—ed]

“He like human rights and maybe he will study about human rights.”  [Tell me why the younger brother couldn’t have joined his older brother in Indonesia instead of getting a ticket to America after trying to illegally break in to Australia?—ed]

Airfare ‘loans’

It is not clear if this special group of special people will have to reimburse US taxpayers for the cost of their airfare!
Readers need to know that ‘refugees’ are required to pay back the airfare, but they do it through the resettlement agency that then keeps a cut of what they extract from the refugees.
The US State Department refuses to reveal how many loans are repaid (see here).
So what is the penalty for not repaying the loan? They are told they will have a bad credit rating! No kidding, so some refugee from the third world who may not have seen toilets even is expected to be frightened in to paying because of threats of a bad credit score—-arghhhh!
SBS continues….

The US government usually requires refugees to repay the cost of their transfer once they are established in the United States, a request to confirm that this would also be the case for refugees under the Australian deal was not met with a response before publication.

After five years in the United States, refugees are eligible to apply for US citizenship.

Four federal resettlement contractors are named:

Upon landing at their final destinations, the men will be met by various American resettlement agencies, such as the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the International Rescue Committee and the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.

The settlement agencies are contracted to provide 90 days of support for new arrivals, including registering for identification and employment services and assisting with access to healthcare and education. [Mental healthcare and WELFARE!—ed]

More here.

Readers you need to get this information out as far and wide as you can.

Taxpaying citizens would be furious if they even knew!
Maybe Trump had a legitimate reason to go along with this “dumb” and costly deal that Obama arranged as he was walking out the door. I don’t know, but I can’t imagine one because Australia needs us more than we need Australia.
This we know….
The Australia deal is so outrageous and so unheard-of even in the refugee world, that it adds another black spot to the whole secretive UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
If I was working for a refugee contractor*** I would be shaking in my boots.  If just one of these guys (who will be in need of mental health treatment) goes off the rails and commits a violent crime or terrorist act it will be another (maybe final!) nail in the coffin for the program.
We will be watching!
Australia “dumb deal” archive is here.
*** Nine US refugee contractors that monopolize all resettlement in the US (Number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income they receive from you—the taxpayer—in a recent financial analysis.)

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