So what does this have to do with refugees—a lot it appears.
CEO is not exactly a fan of forcing ‘diversity’ (refugees) on his native Austria, so apparently he was going to be sure his company in North America understands exactly where he is coming from.
Red Bull Just Purged High-Level Execs Who Pushed for ‘Diversity and Inclusion’
Red Bull just reminded their ‘wokest’ employees who calls the shots in a total massacre of “social justice warrior” employees.
Red Bull CEO Dietrich Mateschitz and fired executive Amy Taylor.
Not only were the top two North American executives fired, but so were entire marketing teams and “culture” teams that were dedicated to pushing the lie of systemic racism.
Red Bull has just shown the way forward for all who want to prevent a total Marxist-style takeover of business and government in America. There is no appeasing these people, the only way forward is to fire them as quickly as possible, and with no mercy. Err on the side of firing everyone, if need be.
What this country needs, at every level of society, academia, and government, is a total and complete purge of ‘woke’ revolutionaries, before the blood starts running in the streets.
It turns out that the CEO of Red Bull is a pretty cool guy. From Daily Mail:
Red Bull’s billionaire CEO Dietrich Mateschitz is a Donald Trump admirer who has spoken out against ‘political correctness’.
The 76-year-old tycoon also owns a media firm which has been criticized for giving a platform to far-right activists in his native Austria.
The company’s global CEO is Austrian billionaire Dietrich Mateschitz, who has an estimated fortune of $26billion and owns a private island in Fiji.
In a 2017 interview, Mateschitz expressed sympathy with Donald Trump and said the new president ‘simply needs time’.
‘I don’t think he’s as much of an idiot as he’s made out to be,’ he told the newspaper Kleine Zeitung at the time.
‘When you speak to Americans you often hear that they’re essentially happy to have a new administration. There was plenty to question about the previous one,’ he said, referring to the Obama administration.
Raging at ‘political correctness’ and the ‘intellectual elite’, Mateschitz was also highly critical of Germany and Austria for opening their doors at the height of the 2015 refugee crisis.
Taking aim at those who encouraged refugees or used Angela Merkel’s slogan of ‘we’ll manage it’, he said that none of those people ‘made their guest rooms available for five migrants to live in’. [Daily Mail]