Who is Going to Pay the Rent for Hundreds of Thousands of Refugee Tenants?

Who do you think?

As the Chinese virus tanks our economy, it will be those of you still able to pay taxes!  Either local tax dollars will go directly to the refugees, or local landlords will get bailouts (your tax dollars too).

Over the years I’ve watched landlord sharks seek out refugee tenants often working closely with federal refugee contractors and subcontractors in Democrat-run cities, but that whole system of cronyism could be crashing as we speak thanks to the Trump administration turning off the refugee spigot and the Chinese virus creating mass unemployment for the mostly low-skilled workers that have poured into the US as cheap refugee labor in the last few decades.

Will we soon see large numbers of refugees among the homeless, maybe.

This story in the Wall Street Journal today brought all of this to mind because I have been seeing stories here and there about how refugees are getting local financial assistance (with your money through local government agencies) when we have been promised for decades that the federal government bears the entire financial burden of refugee resettlement (NOT!).

I don’t have a subscription to the WSJ, but how great is this, the WSJ has a video with their story headlined:

Eviction Looms for Millions of Americans Who Can’t Afford Rent

This is Fadhila Hussein. She is a landlord in Schenectady, NY and owns over a dozen rental properties. She is now losing big bucks. I suspect her tenants are refugees and other immigrants. Watch the video at the WSJ link.


WASHINGTON—Millions of Americans who have missed rent payments due to the coronavirus pandemic could be at risk of being evicted in the coming months unless government measures to protect them are extended, economists and housing experts say.

Nearly 12 million adults live in households that missed their last rent payment, and 23 million have little or no confidence in their ability to make the next one, according to weekly Census Bureau data.

Who are the people who mostly can’t pay rent, I bet a large percentage are immigrants of all stripes who are losing work in the service industry and in food processing.  Can you say meatpackers!

Look around where you live and I will bet you find bailouts for immigrants coming from local tax dollars.  In just a couple minutes of searching I found this one for Illinois.

IDHS COVID-19 Resources for Immigrants and Refugees

See who gets to distribute the money in Illinois—radical Leftist groups like the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR)—so that the needy immigrants then see who they are beholden to! And, it is not you, the taxpayer!

Just a reminder that back in the heyday of the Obama administration Democrat mayors were squawking to Obama and telling him they wanted MORE refugees (100,000 at least) especially the Syrians saying their cities needed many more poor, uneducated citizens who would eventually vote for more Dems.

NO, they weren’t that truthful, they said they needed more refugees to help their cities grow into economic boom towns (to benefit landlords and the Chamber of Commerce). Well, no they didn’t say that exactly either, they just tried to make it look like they are humanitarians seeking to help the world’s less fortunate.

So let’s take a trip down memory lane and see which mayors were begging for more refugees—refugees who are now down and out.

Story from 2015:

18 US Mayors tell Obama: We want MORE Syrian (Muslim) refugees!

Here are the mayors (some may still be in office), but even if they aren’t whoever took over the mayoral job since 2015 is, you can be sure, of the same ilk…

We want over 100,000 refugees a year!

Ed Pawlowski, Mayor of Allentown, PA
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Mayor of Baltimore, MD
Martin J. Walsh, Mayor of Boston, MA
James Diossa, Mayor of Central Falls, RI
Mark Kleinschmidt, Mayor of Chapel Hill, NC
Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, IL
Edward Terry, Mayor of Clarkston, GA
Nan Whaley, Mayor of Dayton, OH
Domenick Stampone, Mayor of Haledon, NJ
Pedro E. Segarra, Mayor of Hartford, CT
Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles, CA
Betsy Hodges, Mayor of Minneapolis, MN
Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City, NY
Jose Torres, Mayor of Paterson, NJ
William Peduto, Mayor of Pittsburgh, PA
Javier Gonzales, Mayor of Santa Fe, NM
Francis G. Slay, Mayor of St. Louis, MO
Stephanie A. Miner, Mayor of Syracuse, NY

Obama gave them almost as many as they wanted in fiscal year 2016 as he was walking out the door—almost 85,000 from 79 countries.

If you live in a Democrat-run city, you need to think about the possibility that your city could see more homelessness, strife and crime in the coming months, so please take time now and prepare for your family’s safety and well-being.  Consider moving!

See here and here.

Poetic Justice! Big Meat Sued for Discrimination Against Black and Brown Employees

I’ve been telling you for a dozen years that the meatpacking industry is changing America one meatpacking town at a time.

Because they work for lower wages, Hispanics, Asians and African Refugees make up a large swath of the workforce at big plants owned by the likes of JBS and Tyson Foods.

But, all that may change as the global companies find the joys of automation in light of the Chinese virus crisis as I reported here recently.  See also Neil Munro writing at Breitbart.

As long as they were getting a steady supply of new cheap immigrant labor the meat giants were not moving quickly to a robotic workforce.

And, long time readers know that federal resettlement contractors and the US State Department have been in cahoots for decades to supply them with refugee laborers.

Now comes another good reason for BIG MEAT to dump all this cheap ‘diverse’ labor.


From the Times-Republican:

Racial discrimination lawsuit filed against JBS


An organization named Forward Latino and other groups from across the country filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against JBS and Tyson alleging racial discrimination during the COVID-19 response.

The organizations filed an administrative civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture alleging that the Tyson and JBS adopted policies that rejected critical Centers for Disease Control guidance, including social distancing on meat processing lines, to stop the spread of COVID-19 at their processing facilities, according to a news release from Forward Latino.

The lawsuit was filed by the Food Chain Workers Alliance, the Rural Community Workers Alliance, the HEAL Food Alliance, Forward Latino, American Friends Service Committee — Iowa, and the Idaho Organization of Resource Councils. They are represented by Public Justice, Nichols Kaster PLLP, and Towards Justice.

The lawsuit is seeking the termination of financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to Tyson and JBS and for the U.S. Department of Justice to enforce compliance.

If you are wondering exactly how the Black and Brown workers are not treated the same, here is an explanation:

Joe Henry, Forward Latino National Vice President, has been involved with workers rights at meat packing plants during the pandemic.

“Tyson and JBS aren’t even trying to follow CDC guidance by distancing workers on the line or slowing line speed. They’re just trying to make as much profit as quickly as they can with their predominantly black and brown workforce in the factory,” Henry said.

“That’s not the case for their white collar divisions which are made up of more white or Caucasian people — they are allowed to work from home for their health and safety during this pandemic. Because these companies have received over $150 million just this year in taxpayer money, the USDA must investigate this injustice and act immediately to prevent any further worker illnesses and deaths.”

I have literally dozens of posts on the meatpacking industry and how it has been changing America by changing the people. See my tag for meatpackers.

Just as I was writing this post, I see news that another Tyson worker, this time in TN, has died from the Chinese virus.

Endnote:  A reminder (again!) that you should be finding a local source of meat and poultry as a part of your family’s preparations for whatever might be headed our way this fall (and into the future).


African Refugee Sides with Black Lives Matters, Badmouths Trump, and Lectures Us

So, let me ask, why should we admit any more Africans to America if they are going to lecture us about our racism?

How would Come Nzibarega and others of his ilk—like Rep. Ilhan Omar—react if we said okay there need to be more white people in Africa and we made a joint effort with European countries to colonize Africa (again! now!).

Can you imagine the uproar!

And, do you think for a minute there wouldn’t be racism against the white immigrants by the black native population, heck, there wouldn’t just be some hurtful words directed at the newcomers.  The migrating whites would be killed.

But, when its black Africans colonizing the US we are supposed to keep our mouths shut.

Come Nzibarega works for World Relief, one of the nine federal refugee contractors working to change America by changing the people and being paid by US taxpayers to do it! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2020/05/07/taxpayer-funded-refugee-resettlement-contractors-doing-well-even-with-trump-in-the-white-house/


Well, yes, that is exactly what Burundi refugee Nzibarega is saying.

He is also saying we haven’t welcomed enough and that means Trump is racist and you are too!

See my post last month about how insane it is to invite more potential Black Lives Matter activists to America, and pay for their upkeep on top of it!

By the way, the early US Refugee Admissions Program mostly admitted refugees escaping Communism in the old USSR and in Southeast Asia (Vietnam etc), it wasn’t until much later that the refugee program began admitting large numbers of Africans (bringing their socialist/communist desires with them?).

According to Heidi Boas in her lengthy 2007 paper entitled, “The New Face of America’s Refugees: African Refugee Resettlement to the United States:”

….several of the individuals interviewed for this paper identified the Congressional Black Caucus as one of the most influential groups advocating over the past decade for increased African refugee resettlement to the United States.

Now why would the Congressional Black Caucus want the number of angry Africans increased?

Come Nzibarega at USA Today:

Does Black Lives Matter apply to immigrants as well?

The declaration that “Black Lives Matter” has been written on countless protest signs, hashtagged across social media and even painted on a street, with the words now visible from space.

As a Black man in America, I’m encouraged that more Americans seem eager to affirm my dignity. But a series of recent immigration policy changes belie the statement that Black Lives Matter, as African individuals have been systematically excluded from entry to the U.S.

I’m one of more than 150,000 Africans in the past decade to have come lawfully to the U.S. through the refugee resettlement program. [Maybe 150,000 is enough!—ed]

In my home country of Burundi, my work as a translator for UN peacekeepers made me a target for rebels. One night, as I returned from a run, they kidnapped me at gunpoint, tortured me and held me for two weeks before United Nations peacemakers rescued me.

But I was still not safe, and my presence put my family at risk, so I made the difficult decision to flee my homeland. I made it to a refugee camp in Ethiopia, where I spent six wasted years before the U.S. refugee resettlement program gave me a new lease on life. I arrived in Spokane, Washington in 2012.

As recently as fiscal year 2016, more than 31,000 African refugees were resettled. But the refugee resettlement program has been decimated in recent years. Halfway through fiscal year 2020, only about 3,000 African refugees have been resettled. If resettlement continues at that pace, 90% fewer African refugees will find safety and freedom in the U.S. this year than in 2016.

Now get this, he is complaining that in comparison there are too many white people being admitted from Europe (Ukrainians mostly).

Meanwhile, the share of resettled refugees who come from Europe has risen from about 5% in fiscal year 2016 to about 25% this fiscal year.

Nzibarega (well, not him really, his handlers at World Relief) go through a litany of changes that have reduced the migrant flow from Africa since Trump was elected. You can read those yourself. Then this…

These and other policy changes have already resulted in a sharp reduction to the number of Black people allowed to immigrate to the U.S. It’s hard not to wonder if the disparate racial impact is intentional. The president himself has reportedly referred to African nations and Haiti as “shithole countries,” expressed his preference for Norwegian immigrants, and imagines that Nigerians live in “huts.” It’s implausible that these views don’t have an impact on how he crafts our nation’s exclusionary immigration policies.

Like most Black Americans, I have experienced racism in the United States.

That is enough….

More here.

We have absolutely no obligation to admit one more African to the US through the US Refugee Admissions Program, so don’t let these guilt-tripping political agitators get to you!

And Trump is right—they are “shithole countries” or they wouldn’t be exporting millions of refugees looking for a better life.  I say, let them fix their own countries before they try to ‘fix’ America.

Senator Lankford of Oklahoma Backs Down After Constituents Rage

“Where is your courage and bravery to stand against the Marxist mobs!?!?”

(An Oklahoman)

Cancel culture only works because every coward goes along with it.

(Mark Steyn)


You surely heard that Senators James Lankford of Oklahoma and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin have suggested dumping Columbus Day and replacing it with ‘Juneteenth’ on the federal holiday calendar.

Alan Wall writing at US Inc tells us what happened back home in Oklahoma as that news spread.

Before I get to Wall’s post, know that everything I write in the coming days, weeks, months at both of my blogs will have an underlying theme—you must be prepared, you must fight the mob where you live, and you must slam these pandering Republicans at every level of government.

From US Inc:

OK Senator Angers Constituents with Columbus Day Proposal


“So when did you become a liberal? Quit pandering to the mob. Do what you were elected [to do].”

Thus wrote an angry Okie on the Facebook comments section of Oklahoma U.S. Senator James Lankford page. (Message slightly edited for punctuation and capitalization.)


Senator Lankford had joined fellow Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin with a proposal to dump Columbus Day as a federal holiday and replace it with “Juneteenth.”

This proposal was quickly publicized, and many Oklahomans contacted the Senator to protest.


Lankford and Johnson, advancing the argument of saving money by not increasing the amount of federal holidays from ten to eleven, had proposed dropping Columbus Day and replacing it with Juneteenth, thus keeping the amount of federal holidays to ten.

But the timing of their proposal made it look like Lankford and Johnson were surrendering to the mobs who are defacing monuments and tearing down statues.


On July 3rd, Senators Johnson and Lankford withdrew their proposal to drop Columbus Day, though Senator Johnson plans to submit a proposal “to reduce the number of paid leave days federal employees receive” without dropping Columbus Day.


It’s relevant to point out that Senator Lankford is extremely unreliable on the immigration issue. Numbers USA evaluates Lankford with a B+ Career grade (2011-2020), a B Recent grade (2017-2020) and a C- grade for the current Congress (2019-2020).

Obviously, Lankford’s voting on immigration measures is getting progressively worse.

Lankford’s votes on immigration issues do not tell the whole story.

Regular readers of RRW know that Senator Lankford, consistently siding with the most radical Leftists in the Senate, has opposed all efforts by the President to reduce the flow of refugees entering the country and opposes Trump’s efforts to reform how the resettlement process works.

See several posts here:

Six Republican Senators question Trump refugee admissions, appear to want MORE refugees admitted to the US

World Relief (Evangelicals) defends its reliance on millions of dollars in federal grants/contracts

Oklahoma Republican Senator Lankford to headline Leftwing World Relief press event today in DC

Republican Senator Lankford Opposes President’s Low Refugee Ceiling for FY2020

Demonstrating that it is not impossible, the good folks of Oklahoma forced Lankford to back down this time!

Mark Steyn has a fantastic piece posted at his subscription-only site addressing the cowardice of Republican elected officials, that would include Senator Lankford, and the so-called smart thinkers on the Right.  He wraps with telling you to fight (in your communities) those destroying the America we love.

November is too late!

So wanker*** Right’s theory that all we gotta do is sit back and let these clowns run amok and their defects will be so obvious, people will come running to us and November will be a landslide. They’ve assured us of that bollocks for decades as they lost the schools and they lost the pop culture, and they lost everything else even now, unto the statue on the village green. Speak up, speak out, to the school board, to your coworkers, to your neighbors, because you can’t have a culture war if one side doesn’t even show up.

***Wanker: Someone excessively and annoyingly pretentious and/or false.



Tyson Foods Turns to Robots; So We Can Now Stop the Importation of Refugee Labor, Right?

Here is the headline at the Wall Street Journal yesterday:

Tyson Turns to Robot Butchers, Spurred by Coronavirus Outbreaks

One of the huge changes coming to America thanks to the Chinese virus is, I predict, a much more rapid pace of automating many factory jobs.

In 2013 then Senator Jeff Sessions named the players and the industries pushing for amnesty for illegal aliens. I was delighted to see him name the MEATPACKERS. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2013/06/27/senator-jeff-sessions-the-man-of-the-hour-as-senate-votes-68-32-for-amnesty/

If you are a longtime reader of RRW you know that the meatpacking industry is one of the major forces driving the US Refugee Admissions Program.  The low skill refugee workers are legal and desperate for work, but all that could come to a screeching halt as I said here last month and in May here  as the meat industry and food processing companies generally are forced to use machines that don’t get sick or quit!

Here are the first two paragraphs of the WSJ article (I don’t subscribe, so I can’t see it all), but you get the drift.

SPRINGDALE, Ark.––Deboning livestock and slicing up chickens has long been hands-on labor. Low-paid workers using knives and saws work on carcasses moving steadily down production lines. It is labor-intensive and dangerous work.

Those factory floors have been especially conducive to spreading coronavirus. In April and May, more than 17,300 meat and poultry processing workers in 29 states were infected and 91 died, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Plant shutdowns reduced U.S. beef and pork production…

Since I said in my post at Frauds and Crooks yesterday that it is time to prepare for the worst, stop buying meat from any of the big globalist companies that are behind the importation of more impoverished people (like the Congolese from Africa) who will be voting for Democrats, or worse marching with BLM!

And, think about it, what are we going to do with hundreds of thousands of low-skilled and largely uneducated needy people that BIG MEAT is going to drop on the labor market?

See my extensive archive on Tyson Foods and how it has been changing America one meatpacking town at a time (and working hand in glove with refugee contractors to do it!).

Be prepared!

If you like to eat beef, pork and poultry, find a local source NOW and get stocked up!