So what do you know, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, at one time the largest (of nine) refugee resettlement agencies in America,*** will have to walk a fine line as Chairman Joe and his minions are opposed to recognizing the life of the unborn, a major tenet of the Roman Catholic faith.
Where is Hunter? Here he was lurking in the background when the Bidens greeted the Socialist Pope a few years ago.
Under Biden/Harris, money for abortions will flow freely throughout the world !
Rock and a hard place….
On the other hand, the Bishops are extremely happy that Biden wants open borders and a flow of refugees into the country that would be larger than St. Obama every proposed—125,000—and the Bishops know that their financial bottom line depends on continuing to put the lives of migrants, both legal and illegal, above America’s vulnerable people especially as the Chinese virus continues its scourge.
So, will the Bishops shut up about the lives of the unborn?
Can Catholic bishops work with the Biden administration?
The news last week was that the U.S. Catholic bishops are getting ready to wage war on the new administration — and possibly each other— over the Catholic president’s positions on abortion, gay rights and religious freedom.
That may be true, but there are plenty of areas where the bishops and the Biden administration are on the same page and could work together. It would be a tragedy for the church, the administration and the United States if disagreement on some issues makes it impossible for them to work together on others.
If the bishops need a model, they can recall the Trump administration, whose agenda they were not totally on board with: They liked the administration when it came to abortion and religious freedom but opposed it on most other issues.
What controversial issues could the bishops and the Biden administration work on together?
They can agree on flooding America with more poverty while Americans are suffering!
The Bishops want more refugees; they agree with the moratorium on deportations; and they are so happy to invite more Muslims to your American towns and cities.
The U.S. Catholic bishops frequently condemned the Trump administration for its cutbacks on refugee admissions and funding.
Bishop Mario Eduardo Dorsonville-Rodríguez was born in Columbia
“We continue to be disappointed by the Trump Administration’s diminishment of the U.S. refugee resettlement program, as these decisions have a tangible impact on those fleeing religious persecution and other vulnerable families in need of refuge,” said the bishops in October. “The low number of admissions, given the global need and the capacity and wealth of the United States, is heartbreaking.”
The bishops, who have been involved in refugee resettlement for many decades, welcomed the new administration’s plans to return refugee admissions to their previous levels.
They are happy to see a change in attitude and programs from the new administration.
On Inauguration Day, the chair of the bishops’ Committee on Migration, Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville, responded positively to the administration’s 100-day moratorium on certain deportations, allowing for a comprehensive review of current immigration enforcement policies.
The bishops also applaudedthe administration’s ending of the ban prohibiting immigrants and refugees from certain Muslim countries from entering the United States.
So how much fundingdid the Bishops lose under President Trump, the most supportive and vocal PRO Life President ever?
Because the Bishops don’t file a federal IRS Form 990 (they claim they are a church and thus are exempt from filing) it can get a little challenging to see how much federal moola they are receiving from you, the American taxpayer.
However, here we have screenshots from their annual reports to demonstrate they did take a major financial hit during the Trump years as Trump dramatically slowed the flow of the third world to America.
From the Bishop’s Annual report for the last two years of the Obama/Biden Administration. Disgustingly, they have been milking the US taxpayers since 1975 for their migration work!
And, I bet you thought their work was all out of the goodness of their charitable Christian hearts.
Look at that hit they took! That must have been painful for the church that has had to pay out huge sums in recent years for their child sex abuse scandals.
Just for fun, I went back to 2009 (first full Obama year) and note that their federal ‘take’ that year for their migration program was a mere $18 million. So, Obama/Biden sure managed to fill their coffers.
Let’s keep an eye on the Bishops and whether they shut up about babies lives as the refugees (paying clients) Biden has promised start flowing in….
America Lasters!
***For New Readers these are the nine federal refugee contractors who worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House and are lobbying for millions of illegal aliens to be transformed into legal voting citizens, as well as raising the refugee admissions ceiling from 15,000 this year to 125,000.
They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people, and in so doing, are putting Americans last!