“There is a home for you in the United States….” (but not in Delaware as that state doesn’t take refugees!)
(Joe Biden)
The Biden Administration is getting ready to airlift tens of thousands more out of Afghanistan by the end of July.
Nevermind that in the last eight years or so we admitted about 70,000 Afghan so-called interpreters and their families to the US! How many more could there possibly be?
I don’t know about you but every time I hear (even from conservative mouthpieces in the media) that we owe it to them to pay for their migration to America I want to scream.
Are we going to save citizens of every country on earth that can’t seem to get its s*** together to govern itself?
And, if you are wondering, I am not making it up that we have already brought tens of thousands of Afghans to America. See (below) a post I wrote in 2019 and see that we were up to 56,000 at that point already. With a little digging at the Refugee Processing Center I found another 13,000 brought in since then!
The nine refugee contractors***, which are contracted by the US State Department to place them in towns of the contractor’s choosing, actually financially got by in the lean Trump years by placing their Afghan “clients.” (Trump did not restrict Afghans in the so-called Muslim ban!)
The resettlement agencies are now surely licking their chops at the pending arrival of thousands in one fell swoop!
(Handy summary charts like the one screenshot in the above post are no longer accessible at the Refugee Processing Center.)
Here is the latest news, this from ABC:
By the way there are many stories across the corporate media, ABC just happens to be the first one I saw this a.m.
Biden administration to begin evacuating Afghans who aided US in late July
The Biden administration will begin evacuation flights in late July for Afghans who have aided the U.S. military and diplomatic missions, according to a senior administration official.
President Joe Biden earlier this month said all U.S. combat forces will be out of Afghanistan by Aug. 31 and defended his decision to leave the country in the face of Taliban gains in the area.
The evacuation effort, dubbed Operation Allies Refuge, will relocate Afghans who have applied for a U.S. Special Immigrant Visa and their families to a safe third country, but it is still unclear how many of these translators, guides and other contractors will be moved and to exactly where.
Yes! Muslim countries are a better choice. Keep them in their religious and cultural comfort zones!
Earlier this month, a U.S. official told ABC News that Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan — Afghanistan’s neighbors to the north — have all been under consideration as third-country options, while a second official said the list includes the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, both of which are home to U.S. military facilities where Afghans could be brought.
The military gets to take care of foreign nationals that in another time in history would be called invading forces! And, with all the border jumpers at US military installations, how is there room for Afghans?
Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby confirmed that the administration is also now considering using U.S. military installations in the continental U.S. “for short-term use,” as well as U.S. military installations in other countries that have “appropriate temporary residences and associated support infrastructure,” he said.
The Lutherans, for one, are jumping for joy! More paying clients and more diversity to spread to unsuspecting American towns and cities!

The White House’s announcement Wednesday is “a vital step forward in honoring the promise we made to Afghan allies who faithfully served our mission,” said Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, president and CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, one of the country’s largest refugee resettlement agencies.
But “there are still far too many questions left unanswered, including who exactly and how many people are eligible for evacuation,” she added.
Continue reading here.
*** For new readers, these are the nine federal refugee contractors which will be placing Joe’s 125,000 new refugees (not including border-jumping illegal aliens) beginning October 1, in addition to however many thousands more Afghans are flown into America—all on your dime!