Based on Recent Polling, Biden’s Planned Hike in Refugee Numbers Will Not Go Over Well!


Remember dear readers that Biden has already said he plans to boost the refugee admissions ceiling for FY2022, which begins in less than three months, to a high not seen in decades—125,000!

Biden said he was aiming for 62,500 this year, but will likely only hit around 10,000.

Remember also that President Trump reduced the ceiling dramatically (to much wailing and moaning by the refugee pushers) and admitted 22,555, 30,000, and 11,814 respectively from FY18-FY20.

Decades ago, following 9/11, we saw low refugee admission numbers, but 11,814 is the lowest in 40 years.

FY02 was 27,000 and FY03 was 28,000 (rounded numbers).  Otherwise, in the last few decades the number ranged from roughly 40,000 to 85,000 annually.

Here is the story I found intriguing.  Sure looks like the Progs are searching desperately to get their messaging right so as to convince the general public that Trump had it wrong and we now must open the gates to the third worlders from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

The poll analyzed below sought to determine if the public was more willing to support large numbers of refugees if they were told they were women and children.

Surprise!  It didn’t make a big difference.  In fact they suggest that the images at the border of women and children given a free pass may have turned people off!

From International Policy Digest:

By the way, the authors seem to get a little mixed up in the opening paragraphs, confusing the border issue with the refugee program, so I skipped their opening….

Does Framing of Refugee Question Change Public Opinion?

According to research by Mariano Sana covering public opinion on refugees from 1938-2019, Americans tend to view the number of refugees in the U.S. as “about right.” Yet, despite the growing global refugee crisis, the annual refugee ceilings under the Trump administration were the lowest in 40 years and have not returned to pre-Trump levels under the Biden administration.

Presidential administrations have chosen to keep relatively low refugee ceilings partly because of the public backlash. When examining the Syrian refugee crisis, it is easy to see a clear change in U.S. public opinion of refugees. Before the San Bernardino and Paris terrorist attacks, only 19% of U.S. survey respondents believed that the U.S. should stop admitting refugees and 44% of respondents felt like the U.S. should be doing more to aid refugees. However, after the terrorist attacks, there was a shift in the perception of Syrian refugees as threats. Another survey showed that after the San Bernardino and Paris attacks, a slight majority of 53% of Americans said that the U.S. should stop receiving refugees altogether. While these events occurred during the Obama years, this anti-immigrant sentiment carried through the 2016 election and allowed the Trump administration to easily lower the refugee ceiling with little public backlash.


Past research has found that Americans tend to prefer non-Muslim refugees and women and children. If women and children are seen by the public as more sympathetic and deserving of refugee status, this should increase support for refugee policies overall. However, considering the increase of unaccompanied minors arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border and broader anti-immigration sentiment, such support for women and children has declined.

As you look at the questions the pollsters asked, be aware that the numbers they used (they rounded the numbers I gave you above) are the LOWEST in the history of the US Refugee Admissions Program.

V1: In fiscal years 2018, 2019, and 2020, the U.S. admitted approximately 23,000, 30,000, and 12,000 refugees respectively. Should the number of refugees entering the U.S. decrease, stay about the same, or increase?

V2: In fiscal years 2018, 2019, and 2020, the U.S. admitted approximately 23,000, 30,000, and 12,000 refugees respectively, including many women and children. Should the number of refugees entering the U.S. decrease, stay about the same, or increase?

Below is one chart of their initial data.

It is stunning to see that only a small percentage of respondents want to see those (Trump!) numbers increased, even as they are the lowest three consecutive years ever!

Less than 20% want to see an INCREASE from the lowest numbers, and when asked about women and children the number went down!


There is more.  Most notably more Republicans (grrrr!) than Democrats wanted to see the numbers increased!

International Policy Digest wraps with this:

The results suggest difficulties in gaining broader sympathy for refugees, which will likely complicate efforts at raising the ceilings on refugees accepted each year.

It is pretty clear what you should do!  Tell everyone, even Dems, that you know at every opportunity that Joe is boosting refugee admissions from approximately 12,000 to 125,000 in one year beginning in October!

Memory Lane: Iraqi Murdered Wife, Blamed Killing on Islamophobes

The other day when I posted on an opinion piece published in a Billings, Montana newspaper where the writer was attempting to tell readers that refugees were all about peace and love and a better life, a reader reminded me of this story which I wrote about several times over the years.

Hate Crime Hoax du jour….

A good actor (for awhile). Jurors ultimately did not believe Kassim Al-Himidi’s grieving husband schtick!

I had included ‘El Cajon Iraqi murders wife and pins it on whitey‘ in my terror and crime round-up, but it bears repeating especially in light of the admission by the State Department that many Iraqis entered the US fraudulently and as someone once said about another group of migrants “they aren’t very good people.”

If there could be anything worse than murdering your wife, it is blaming the murder on Americans and creating a frenzy that brought in CAIR and the Southern Poverty Law Center to scream Islamophobia and racism!


Here is what I said in a 2014 post:

…the “hate crime” hoax had frightened Muslims in the El Cajon area into thinking there was a raving Islamophobe on the loose killing Muslims in their kitchens.  CAIR and the Southern Poverty Law Center were right in the forefront helping fan the flames.

After beating his wife to near death in 2012 (she died of her injuries a few days later), Al-Hamidi set the frenzy in motion by penning a note and claiming he found it near his injured wife. The note read:

“Go back to your own country. You’re a terrorist.”

The whole story sounded fishy from the beginning.

Fishy “hate crime” story in El Cajon

The queen of fake news, the New York Times, got involved and published a story with this headline and photo:

If you were following the case, you likely cannot forget this image of the weeping murderer at the funeral of his 32-year-old wife, Shaima Alawadi.


California: Fishy Iraqi “hate-crime” story was well, fishy!

Ultimately he was exposed, went to trial and found guilty.  I doubt the NYT or any of the charlatans at CAIR and the SPLC ever apologized!

El Cajon: Murder trial begins for Iraqi refugee at center of 2012 fishy hate crime story

El Cajon: Iraqi “hate crime” hoaxer is guilty in murder of wife

Iraqi refugee sentenced to 26 years to life for murdering wife wants to be executed…

So to wrap up, go back to see what the Billings, Montana writer told gullible readers:

It’s a credit to our government that not a single one of more than 3 million refugees resettled since the Refugee Act was signed in 1980 has taken the life of a U.S. citizen in a terrorist attack.

But, I guess killing one’s refugee wife and making it look like it was a domestic terrorist attack perpetrated by a xenophobic Islamophobe doesn’t count in his mind. Welcoming more to places like Montana is what ‘good Christians’ should be doing.

P.S. Consider the fact that you, the American taxpayer paid for these Iraqis to have a “better life” and paid for law enforcement and a criminal trial, and you get to pay for his prison care and feeding for decades. Oh joy!

June Refugee Numbers: 43 States ‘Welcomed’ Refugees, but None Placed in Delaware

As regular readers know, Comrade Joe has promised to aim for 62,500 refugees to be admitted to the US through the US Refugee Admissions Program by the end of this September.

For new readers, these are ‘refugees’ chosen by the UN from largely Africa, Asia and the Middle East and do NOT include the hundreds of thousands of border invaders.

1,530 impoverished third worlders were admitted in June which brings the total for the first nine months of Fiscal year 2021 to 4,780.  At this rate they will have to do some serious ‘welcoming’ to reach even Trump’s lowest admission record of all time—11,814.

You can see the limited data available at the Refugee Processing Center.

At the end of the Trump administration the data was voluminous, but now is limited to only the most cursory information.

The first thing I noticed when looking at the data was that it sure looks like we are still moving the entirety of the Democratic Republic of Congo to America!  More on that in a minute.

And, I noticed that some of the usual top ‘welcoming’ states were not at the top any longer and some others had crept into the top ten.

The regulars Texas, New York, Michigan and California are there, but Kentucky! beats out California for a spot in the top five when it comes to admitting the Congolese.  Big Poultry must need workers!

Kentucky got 92 refugees in June and 81 were from the DR Congo!

Six states and the District of Columbia got zip, zero, nada refugees. West Virginia got one refugee this year.

Joe Biden’s Delaware was one of the six that have none.

In fact, long time readers know that Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy created the refugee program back in 1979, and yet Delaware has only received a handful of refugees over the last 40 years.

Here are the states (and the District of Columbia) which had no resettlements this fiscal year:  Alabama, Delaware, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Wyoming.  New readers are always fascinated to hear that Wyoming has never allowed any refugee resettlement.

Here is the top ten line up.  Although the numbers are small so far, you should consider these as leading contenders for the big flood Biden promises for FY22 (125,000 anticipated) which begins on October 1, 2021—in less than three months.

NY (117)

MI (100)

KY (92)

TX (82)

WI (78)  This is the first time I have seen Wisconsin even in the top ten!

CA (74)

AZ (71)

GA (65)

TN (65)

CO (62)  I don’t recall Colorado ever being in the top ten either.

More than 50% of this month’s ‘new American refugees’ (829) are from the DR Congo.

And, because it is so easy to go down memory lane and bring you older posts (from when the data was still available at the Refugee Processing Center), here is a 2019 post (with screenshots) in which I reminded readers that it was the Obama administration that in 2013 promised the United Nations we would move 50,000 Congolese to a town near you over the following five years.

In 2019 we were already 8,999 over that cap!  I said then that I doubted even the Trump State Department remembered there was a cap of 50,000.

We could easily be pushing 70,000 now, but the data is not available.

Obama Told UN We Would Take 50,000 Congolese Refugees in Five Years! Time is up!

Afghan Refugees Expected to Overrun Europe

From time to time, I try to keep my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive supplied with fresh material.

Here is one for you.  An opinion writer at Modern Diplomacy says Europe must get ready for the next big wave of ‘refugees’ from the Middle East as the US is finally getting out of Afghanistan along with coalition forces that have been there for almost twenty years!

The writer, Hayat Bangash, says the West must rebuild Afghanistan or the terrorists will be back in force.

So what does Bangash think the US has been doing for nearly two decades as American taxpayers are weary of propping up dysfunctional Muslim countries.

By the way, it won’t just be Europe experiencing the next wave of migration, the US will (and already is!) bringing them in by the thousands!  See here. (It is a good thing I captured that data in 2019 because it is not available now.)

Many thousands more have come into the US since….

Special Immigrant Visa Holders Coming in by the Thousands from Afghanistan, but Iraqi Flow has Slowed

A well worn route from Afghanistan to the heart of Europe…..

And, of course northward into Austria, Germany, France and beyond!

From Modern Diplomacy:

Is Europe ready to handle Afghan refugees?

In anticipation of the looming uncertainty, Afghans are lining up at the handful of remaining embassies in Kabul. As American and European troops leave, many Afghans intend to flee their country before things get worse. If they get visas, well and good. If they don’t, most will nonetheless be leaving as refugees.

The refugee trail starts from Afghanistan, passes through Iran, Turkey and Greece to eventually culminate in mainland Europe. The journey takes months to complete and is made possible by a network of smugglers who pay as little regard to international law as they do to human life. By the time the surviving refugees reach Europe, most are sick, malnourished and devoid of worldly belongings.

While the world is still grappling with refugees from Syria, the next challenge will be accommodating those from Afghanistan. European nations will have to come up with ways to either keep Afghan refugees at their homes in Afghanistan or welcome and integrate them into the European society. Although the experience of doing so hasn’t been much successful in the case of Syrian refugees, what is haunting Afghans, too, is uncertainty.

Many of the current refugees from Afghanistan are educated. When starting on their journeys, they think of Europe as a kind of heaven. On reaching, however, they find their educational qualifications invalid and their residential status uncertain. This poses a grave obstacle in their path to integration. Many have to take up menial jobs, saturating the job market in the host countries and fueling a hostile attitude toward them.

The refugee influx was a major reason for Brexit and the rise of populist governments in Europe.

As Europeans saw a potential threat to their society and their way of life, they sought protection in politicians who perennially look inwards. The result is now a range of countries where conservative leaders are gaining a foothold. Anti-immigrant and nationalist sentiments are rising and there have even been organized protests against the refugees.


The solution to the impending crisis for Europe boils down to a single point: don’t forget to rebuild the countries that you bomb. Rebuilding attempts have been going on ever since the Taliban were ousted from Kabul but the successive regimes installed in their place could hardly move their country forward.

Afghan politicians have been trying to cover rampant corruption, ethnic nepotism and appeasement of warlords by placing the blame for the problems of their country on neighbors.


If European and American leaders do not come up with a form of Marshall Plan to raise the economic conditions of Afghanistan, it is only a matter of time that they will be coming back with their bombs to uproot the next wave of extremism.

So what about that definition of insanity—doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.  After nearly two decades, there is no American will to rebuild Afghanistan!  Let the French and Germans have a go at it!

Maine: Former Governor and Immigration Hardliner to Run Again in 2022

He’s baaack!

Governor Paul LePage once quipped: “I was Donald Trump before Donald Trump became popular!”


The Republican Governor who attempted to stem the flow of Maine taxpayer- funded welfare to literally the world says he will run again in 2022.  If he wins it would end 4 years of Democrat control of a state trending blue in recent years.

Here is the news at Breitbart:

‘Working People Vote Republican’: Former Gov. Paul LePage Launches Comeback Bid in Maine

Former Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R) announced Monday that he would run once again in 2022 as he seeks to serve as the state’s governor, a role he previously held for two terms.

LePage said in a campaign announcement:

Today I am officially starting my campaign for Governor of Maine. Maine faces several challenges and we must work toward building a better future based on individual liberty, fiscal responsibility, and an economy which empowers everyone including our rural communities.

“We simply cannot continue to look to Washington, DC for bailouts, subsidies, or leadership,” he added. “We must ensure Maine is a great place to raise a family for generations to come, for all Mainers regardless of background.”

Keep reading.

And, then take a trip down memory lane to see the many posts I’ve written on the irascible Paul LePage.

I have an extensive category on Maine, click here.  Lewiston, the Somali capital of New England, has been a favorite topic.

And here is one of my top posts of all time.  From 2009:

Somali Migration to Maine: it’s the welfare magnet, stupid