Lucky New Hampshire! Lutheran Refugee Agency Wants Single Afghan Men Sent to the State

In an article, one of MANY I am seeing, refugee contractors are complaining that they can’t find enough housing for the Afghan evacuees most states, including New Hampshire, are welcoming.

Ten days ago, I reported on the lack of affordable housing for Biden’s newest wave of ‘new Americans,’ see here:

Oh Joy! Just What America Needs—More Homeless People! Afghans this Time?

I found this particular story at the Concord Monitor interesting, and useful for readers, because it demonstrates the web of resettlement agencies and sub-agencies that may have you confused.

Agency struggles to find housing for Afghan evacuees coming to New Hampshire

The agency responsible for coordinating the arrival of Afghan evacuees to New Hampshire is struggling to find places for them to live just as they are set to arrive in the Concord area.

Memory lane! Ascentria (formerly Lutheran Social Services of New England) made news here at RRW when its then new President and CEO, Angela Bovill stated publicly that refugee resettlement was a “business”—a business that needed federal cash to survive. We knew that, but it was a big deal when Bovill admitted it. Just checked their recent IRS Form 990*** and wow! Bovill pulls down an annual salary package of $300,000!  Doing well by doing good!

Crissie Ferrara, the program manager for services for New Americans at Ascentria Care Alliance, said a mother with five daughters will be moving soon, and likely staying with another family. Two individual men will also likely be arriving in Concord soon. Ferrara’s organization is responsible for finding housing for refugees and humanitarian evacuees, like the ones coming from Afghanistan.

Ferrara said that Ascentria has received an outpouring of support from people willing to share rooms in their homes with those coming from Afghanistan. Ideally, new families and individuals would be able to have the autonomy and independence of renting their own private housing, located near services in Concord.

The organization’s online form for landlords or property owners who want to provide housing to Afghan arrivals in New Hampshire and Massachusetts explains that independent affordable apartment housing options will be prioritized over people offering to host people in their homes.  [What the heck!  Let people take them to their homes!  After all, what could go wrong!—ed]

Ferrara said Ascentria has suggested that single men without family in the United States be sent to [white rural!–ed] New Hampshire first, including men who may have made friends with another individual during the eviction [evacuation?] process.  

There is more here.

See that there are additional ‘non-profits’ in on the action.

Use my search window for over two dozen post on New Hampshire—the ‘Live Free or Die’ state.

*** Most recent IRS Form 990 is here. Take a look at those salaries beginning on page 7!  As I have said before, tell your kids to grow up to be executives at non-profit do-gooder religious charities!

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