Comment worth noting: Reverse African out-migration through colonization of Africa by first-world countries

Isn’t that a novel and sensible idea!

Editors note:  We have a category (comments worth noting) here at RRW where we post comments from readers that you might have missed at individual posts or which came to me directly.  In response to our post From Catalonia to Calais…. reader ‘momodoom’ suggests “historically proven” colonization by advanced countries would make Africa a more appealing place to live.   Yes indeed!


Africa in the late 19th Century. Is it better-off today? Obviously not!

All these Africans (and Middle Easterners) fleeing their homes for the green grass of Europe! But really – who wouldn’t want to leave Africa? What does it have to make people want to stay there?


Well, what could Africa do to become more appealing to people? What could the world do to make Africa more appealing…?

Colonization! Historically proven to make Africa a more civilized place.

The U.N. should sponsor a program to allow any Western country in to various failed Third World states. They would “conquer” the country insofar as its legal system and enforcement, and the ensuing lack of corruption and greater stability would allow for investment – both from within the country, and from interested parties throughout the world, creating improved economic circumstances which might persuade their youth to stay in-country.

There would be a plethora of details to be worked out, but it would be a far better system than the one currently in place: Western countries propping up failed and corrupted states with aid money, who then produce excess population which then proceeds to leave said failed state to come and invade the Western countries.

I see this as a win-win!!

Can you hear the hissing now from the politically-correct one-worlders?

All of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ are here.

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