Feds won't say exactly what the invasion by Unaccompanied Alien Children cost US last year

Julia Hahn at Breitbart has another excellent story with details about the impact on America of refugees, asylees, and this time those Unaccompanied Alien Children who are given over to the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement.

border boys
The majority of the ‘children’ spread throughout the US were teenage boys.

Here is her story from this week (trying to post a few things from afar when I catch a few free minutes):

Illegal aliens who show up at the border have been resettled all across United States of America instead of being detained and deported, as Donald Trump recently called for in his new immigration plan.

According to data from the Justice Department obtained by Breitbart News, 96 percent of Central Americans caught illegally crossing into the country last summer are still in the United States. Now Breitbart News has learned exclusively that a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from a pro-security group about the cost of this operation is being stonewalled.

In January of 2015, the Immigration Reform Law Institute, on behalf of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), filed a FOIA request to discover the cost of accommodating the tens of thousands of illegal unaccompanied minors who came across the border encouraged by President Obama’s 2012 executive amnesty for illegal youths.

The FOIA letter made five requests of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency: that the federal agency detail (1) the costs of building of family detention centers; (2) the costs of apprehending, processing and detaining unaccompanied minors; (3) the costs transporting, transferring, removing and repatriating unaccompanied minors; (4) the costs related to ICE’s representation of government in removal procedures involving unaccompanied minors; and (5) the number of instances where objections to the return of unaccompanied minors were raised by the governments of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

The federal agency, however, refused to answer many of these questions– instead only partially answering two of the five requests.

There is more, continue reading here.
All of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ catastrophe is here.   ‘Unaccompanied minor’ was the earlier terminology used for the ‘children’ and we have followed the issue for years so everything we’ve written is archived using that term.  The US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service are two of the nine major refugee resettlement contractors who are paid to help care for the ‘children.’

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