IBD Opinion: Trump would crack down on Muslim immigration

Presidential candidate Donald Trump hasn’t said much on the subject, but from personal experience I know the subject interests him.

Trump in Alabama
I’ve been told to watch Trump’s Alabama speech, but have not had time yet while traveling. See it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPWERFt-gf8

Here is a hopeful-sounding opinion piece from Investors Business Daily from a few days ago.
Muslim immigration is a national security issue (where have I heard that before!):

Border Security: There are two ways Islamofascists plan to conquer America — one by violent jihad, the other by mass immigration, or “al-hijrah.” Our president has aided the latter. Donald Trump wants to stop it.

Lost in all the coverage of the GOP presidential hopeful’s plan to seal the Mexican border is his proposal to curb Muslim immigration, which Obama is dangerously abetting through liberalized refugee programs. In fact, this administration has been ushering in immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries at the rate of more than 100,000 a year.

Citing national security, Trump would stop the flood of immigrants from Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Syria and other Muslim countries posing a terrorist risk.

“Additionally,” he said in his five-page immigration reform proposal, “we need to stop giving legal immigrant visas to people bent on causing us harm.”

“From the 9/11 hijackers to the Boston bombers and many others, our immigration system is being used to attack us,” he added.

Trump is right. This is a national security issue. Importing more hard-core Somali families and male Saudi students raises our risks of being attacked.

There is more, go here.
At least he is willing to talk about it which is more than can be said of any other Presidential candidate!  Oops!  Except Rand Paul who a couple of years ago thrilled me by speaking out on the refugee program (after those Iraqi refugee terrorists were found living in his home town of Bowling Green, KY).  Senator Paul wanted to know why we were bringing all these refugees in from countries like Iraq and signing them up for welfare.  To follow Paul on the subject, type Rand Paul into our search function and see his ups and downs on the subject over the last few years.  (No time to find the links for you while still traveling.)

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