Ottawa: Not enough low income housing for number of Syrians arriving in the capital

Oopsy!  New Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s big promises hit another road block.

Trudeau home
Maybe Justin could make room for a few hundred at his new home!

There are 10,000 poor Canadians on a waiting list to get housing in Ottawa so now 450 Syrians are on hold living in temporary housing as Catholics and others scramble to find homes for families that are much larger than originally anticipated.
From CBC News:

An agency struggling to cope with the surge of government-sponsored Syrian refugees arriving in Ottawa has asked for — and received — a pause to let them find suitable housing for families already here.

The Catholic Centre for Immigrants, the agency overseeing the arrival of government-sponsored Syrian refugees in Ottawa, reported that all 450 temporary housing spots were full, since many of the families have not yet been able to secure permanent housing. [Why aren’t the Catholics concerned with Canadian poor people?—ed]


Ottawa expects to welcome about 1,200 Syrians by the end of February. So far, about 500 have arrived.

So which impoverished and disabled Canadians will they bump from the waiting list?

Also complicating resettlement efforts is the city’s centralized waiting list for affordable housing, which stands at 10,000 requests with an estimated wait of five years.

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The shortage of affordable housing is one of the main impediments for the refugee contractors here in the US, in Canada and around the world. So make sure that the feds don’t arrive in your town passing out the big bucks to local governments to build more housing.

The housing will be immigrants not your own poor people!

***Update*** Yikes! No sooner had I posted this and I see Vancouver doesn’t have enough housing either! See here.
And, more turmoil and confusion in Canada over who pays the airfare for the Syrians. What a mess!

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