Propaganda alert! Using twitter hashtags to identify 'welcoming' states

This is very interesting, but doubtful if its conclusions are defensible…..
This study is a fascinating example of how propaganda works.  It shows one more way that the Open Borders Left and the refugee industry are using “studies” and social media to try to tell you what Americans are thinking (always pro-open borders of course).
However, as I look at this I’m thinking the side which wants to see immigration controlled is likely not using hashtags on twitter to any great degree (heck! you are probably not on twitter!) that would help balance an avalanche of pro-open borders, pro-more refugee resettlement hashtags tweeted by a small group of savvy social media Leftists.
Here is the story, and then (see below) how about a concerted effort to counter their false meme with some hashtags of our own. Check out the bias in the first line—to “truly understand” they claim “dialogue on twitter” is definitive!

To truly understand American sentiment toward refugees and to see where they are most welcome in the U.S., we decided to explore dialogue on Twitter. We conducted this research with the help of our friends at International Rescue Committee so that we could better understand the response to the refugee crisis across the country. Which states are talking about refugees the most? And where do the most positive tweets come from? Do positive tweets about refugees fluctuate according to world events?

By analyzing tweets with related hashtags (such as #openborders, #refugeeswelcome, and #(in)humane) in the U.S. since January 2015, we are able to tell a story that is not often covered in the news — that many Americans are sympathetic toward refugees and do want to help. Continue reading to see which states and cities are tweeting their support.To truly understand American sentiment toward refugees and to see where they are most welcome in the U.S., we decided to explore dialogue on Twitter. We conducted this research with the help of our friends at International Rescue Committee [No surprise that the richest of US resettlement contractors is involved! LOL!—ed] so that we could better understand the response to the refugee crisis across the country. Which states are talking about refugees the most? And where do the most positive tweets come from? Do positive tweets about refugees fluctuate according to world events?

Now check out their states which they claim are most “welcoming” because of positive words and hashtags!!!
If you are tweeting from the top ten, and want to see the refugee program stopped or defunded, you have work to do!
There is a list of states with the most negative tweets on refugees too!  Check it out! Click here. Wisconsin is in the ten states which tweeted more negative tweets on refugees—sure hope the message got to Speaker Paul Ryan!
If you are in one of the top ten ‘welcoming’ states according to this twitter study, or any state for that matter, it’s time to tweet and use some hashtags of our own.
I’m going to start using hashtags such as: #RefugeeInvasion, #SyrianInvasion, #UnvettedSyrians, #sickrefugees, #DefundRefugees, #refugeepropaganda, #refugeeseeding…  And, surely you can think of more of your own!
By the way, the article lead us to this story from Louise, Mississippi where last year the town fathers said they want Syrian refugees among others to be resettled in Louise.  When I have a minute I’ll look and see if they got any yet and whether I should put Louise on my list of new sites.

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