Did they use any of your tax dollars?
Donald Trump should be told that more than half of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society’s funding comes from taxpayer dollars ostensibly to resettle refugees.
In a recent financial statement they reported that they received approximately $20 million of your money! (See their big salaries!)
Maybe Congress should pass a law that if your NON-PROFIT organization receives federal grants and contracts it should not then be permitted to protest the government (the hand that feeds them!).
Here is HIAS’s community organizer, Sarah Beller, giving instructions about where HIAS would be protesting the new President:
As inauguration weekend is fast-approaching, we wanted to send you some final updates, including a revised meet-up location for joining HIAS at the Women’s March on Washington. It’s more important than ever to lift up our voices on behalf of refugees and other vulnerable communities, and we look forward to gathering this weekend to do just that!
Certainly all citizens have free speech rights, but this sort of ‘event’ should never have been a sanctioned project of a refugee resettlement contractor.
If they want to be free to protest and bring in refugees, let them raise private money to do it!
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is one of the nine major contractors resettling third worlders in your towns and cities. We wrote about them here recently in Philadelphia.
Our complete archive on the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (they prefer to call themselves HIAS, Inc) can be found by clicking here.