Further confirmation that the latest legal gambit by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and its fellow federal refugee contractors Church World Service and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service*** is about making money!
Over the last few days I told you here, here and here about the lawsuit filed this week by the three federal refugee contractors and now I see there is a follow-up appeal by HIAS for guess what—money.
There is one important point you need to know about refugee resettlement, and one that was addressed here by David James, that the contractors don’t explain to their groupies….
Refugees can move!

They are not required to remain even for a day in the place they are resettled.
Of course if they stay for a few months they get a lot of help from the local sub-contractor to get signed-up for their services (aka welfare, etc), but they are not required to stay where placed.
The contractor’s duties generally end in just a few months after arrival anyway, and the refugees become the responsibility of your local/state services for the poor.
Additionally, the US State Department permits contractors to place refugees anywhere within a hundred mile radius of their nearest office.
In HIAS CEO Mark Hetfield’s e-mail appeal for money on Friday he makes it sound like refugees will not be reunited with their family members who came before them if Trump succeeds in his dastardly plan. That just isn’t so.
***Update*** I have been informed that the EO specifically says it does not apply to family reunification placements.
Also, The US does not block anyone from moving!
It has happened time and again that refugees simply pack up and move to another city or state at will. (Which is why, although well-intended, the Trump EO really won’t accomplish what I think the designers hoped it would.)
And, as Mr. James reported, the feds can override the wishes of a state or local government.
But, if scaring donations out of people is the goal, then telling their supporters that Trump will block refugees from joining family members is a pretty good talking point.
Here is a bit of Hetfield’s plea for donations:
Here’s why our lawsuit is so important: The administration’s unprecedented action could prevent refugees from joining their U.S.-based families – even though many have waited for years to reunite. It could block communities from welcoming refugees, even if they have long-standing and successful resettlement programs. And it could prevent resettlement agencies from maintaining local affiliate offices that provide essential services to refugees during their first critical years in our country.
So, send us money!
Click here to make a gift of $18 or more right now to stand with HIAS and fight the Trump administration’s unprecedented attempt to close America’s door to thousands of refugees.
For more than a hundred years, our shared Jewish and American values have guided our work helping refugees build new lives of safety and freedom in the United States. It is these values that compel us not to look away from this intolerance – and to take a stand on behalf of those in need of our assistance.
President Trump’s executive action is an insult to the values upon which this nation was founded, and we’re calling on you to stand with us as we fight in court for refugees seeking safe havens in American communities. Please, we’re counting on you to step up at this crucial moment:
Did we mention? Send money!
Make a gift of $18 or more now – the need has never been more urgent – to support refugees and asylum seekers in their quest for safety and freedom.
HIAS has figured out that Trump is good for their bottom line!
*** In case you think I’m picking on HIAS, I wrote about Church World Service yesterday and I’ll shortly have a post on LIRS! Those two ‘Christian charities’ are even more heavily dependent on you (taxpayers of America) to keep their refugee businesses flush with cash than is HIAS!
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