The “Rainbow Nation” is being crushed by refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants, and assorted illegal aliens

Michelle meets Mandela in the “Rainbow Nation” in June 2011. AP Photo/ Debbie Yazbek

I haven’t mentioned the troubles in South Africa for a while.  Yeh, believe it or not, they have more problems in Michelle Obama’s favorite country than an Olympic “bladerunner” star murdering his gorgeous girlfriend.

Their borders are flooded with “asylum seekers” who have heard about their Commie Constitution and Bill of Rights (and believe the promises to be true).

I reported in a post last spring that:  The African National Congress (the party of Mandela) says everyone gets:  a job, food, housing, fairness, peace and security.

Michelle brought her mom, Mrs. Robinson, and the girls to South Africa in 2011 to admire what Nelson Mandela had brought to the formerly apartheid nation (now the supposed model to the world)—fairness and socialism for all, here.

So, guess what!  The ANC is, a year later, looking for a way to stop the flow of migrants who want what has been promised and is considering refugee camps as a possible way to control the border-crossers.    This is the story I came across today, but there is this story I missed from December that comes before today’s news about camps.

Sound familiar?

From Business Day Live (Johannesburg) (emphasis mine):

THE African National Congress (ANC) has once again signalled that it wants to see the country’s immigration policy comprehensively reviewed, citing concerns over the abuse of the asylum-seeking system and competition for jobs between foreigners and local unemployed.

Since 1994 South Africa has adopted one of the most liberal immigration policies in the world. This, together with corruption, and poor border and immigration management, has meant that South Africa has the highest number of asylum seekers in the world and an unknown number of illegal immigrants.

But immigration policy has become ambiguous in recent years, with mixed signals coming from the department and ministry of home affairs over its future direction.

Government officials said this week that, in its national conference resolution on peace and stability adopted last week, the ANC stated that undocumented immigrants posed an economic and security threat. The party further believed that the inward flow of low-skilled labour needed to be balanced with the negative effect on employment.


The harder line on immigration was reinforced in the organisational report to the ANC conference last week.


“During the last five years there were developments that pointed to the need for a more comprehensive approach to the question of management of foreign nationals entering South Africa,” Mr Mantashe’s report reads.

These included the high number of cases of crime involving foreign nationals and the number of undocumented foreign nationals who have jobs in the leisure, hospitality and agricultural sectors in the face of high unemployment among locals.

Now, here is the story this week about fears that the ANC will establish refugee camps:

REFUGEES and asylum seekers receive substantially less protection from the government than they used to when the asylum system was first established in the 1990s. This is claimed by Lawyers for Human Rights and the African Centre for Migration and Society, in a new report published last week.

The report, which monitors trends over the past two years, says South Africa has experienced a de facto policy shift in its approach to asylum seekers and refugees, although immigration policy has not been officially reviewed.

However, a policy review is imminent, raising fears among human rights groups that the country will tighten immigration at the expense of rights.

Would someone tell Obama (both Obamas) and Grover Norquist (the bullfrog slayer) that a country cannot survive OPEN BORDERS and full rights to stuff—welfare, jobs, housing, food and fairness—as is plainly demonstrated by the RAINBOW NATION!

Sheesh!  The next thing you know they will be wanting a border fence!

For our whole archive on South Africa, go here.

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