A grazing dispute in Africa lands us more refugees

That grazing dispute was 20 years ago, so now we have one more growing population of African “refugees” —-this one in Cincinnati.   The Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati brought the first Fulani to Ohio we are told in this Cincinnati.com article.  Today there are 1200.

Fulani develop strength in unity‘ [but, I thought it was supposed to be ‘strength in diversity,’ which is it?]:

All of the other 68 units in Mulberry Court Apartments are homes to one of the region’s most cohesive and distinctive immigrant groups, the Fulani people – primarily from Mauritania, Senegal and Guinea, Africa. Their community has grown from a few families and individual men in the early 1990s to about 1,200, clumped in other apartment units in Florence, Springdale and the West End.

The Fulani have largely kept to themselves, working and living with each other, otherwise blending into American culture as dark-skinned Africans, often indistinguishable from black Americans.

Proud and protective of their culture* – adhering to an elaborate code of conduct emphasizing modesty, common sense and patience – the Fulani now want to share that culture with Greater Cincinnati.

The first African cultural day, known as Nyaldi Pinal, will be next weekend in the West End.

“The reason is to bridge the gap and share our culture,” said community leader Abda Tall, 52, an asylee from Senegal who works as an interpreter at the Lincoln Heights Health Center, where many Fulani and other African immigrants receive medical care. “We know there is a fence between us and the other guys, especially black Americans.”

The goal is to assimilate into American culture while maintaining Fulani culture, primarily Muslim teachings.

Now here is the part I want Allahsoldier to see because he doesn’t believe it was Arab Muslims who enslaved Africans.

Historically, peace and freedom have been elusive.

A band of nomadic, Black Muslim herdsmen in Africa, the Fulani endured discrimination to the point of slavery in Mauritania, especially where the lighter-skinned, Arab-Berber class has ruled for 800 years.

A dispute over grazing rights on the Mauritania-Senegal border in April 1989 ignited a two-year war and the forced exile into Senegal of 70,000 black Mauritanians. In all, a quarter-million Fulani in both countries fled their homes to escape persecution, many ending up in refugee camps in Mali.

So there is a dispute in West Africa over grazing rights that ignites a two-year civil war and that becomes our business!

Here is what wikipedia says about this border war (check it out for the links):

In April 1989, the dispute over grazing rights led Mauritanian Moorish border guards to fire at and kill two Senegalese peasants.[1] As a result, people on the Senegalese southern bank rioted. In Senegal, where many shopkeepers were Mauritanian, shops were looted and most Mauritanians were expelled to Mauritania. In Mauritania, lynch mobs and police brutality ended in the forced exile of about 70,000 southerners to Senegal, despite most of them having no links to the country. About 250,000 people fled their homes as both sides engaged in cross-border raids.[1] Hundreds of people died in both countries.[2] The Organisation of African Unity tried to negotiate a settlement to reopen the border, but it was ultimately an initiative of Senegalese President Abdou Diouf which led to a treaty being signed on July 18, 1991.

Mauritanian refugees would slowly trickle back into the country during the following years, but some 20,000–30,000 remain in Senegalese refugee camps today, and this is were the armed black nationalist Mauritanian movement FLAM is based.  [So, are we taking FLAM too?–ed]

Again, why on earth do we have the Archdiocese of Cincinnati (with the US State Dept) scooping up people and bringing them to the US just because they have a grazing dispute and have been killing each other for EIGHT centuries?

* And, tell me, why is ‘proud and protective of their culture‘ (or ‘cohesive’ ) a positive thing when it involves African Muslims but white European Christians are condemned for the very same thing?  Newsome? Victor? Where are you?

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