ORR — a helping hand to legals and illegals

 Your tax dollars:

ORR, short for Office of Refugee Resettlement, is located in the federal Health and Human Services Department and is the primary agency that hands out money for refugees through contracts and grants to the 10  major volags (voluntary non-governmental agencies) that run the resettlement programs for legal immigrants in your cities and town. 

Apparently ORR is also contracting to non-profit groups to run special schools for the children of illegal immigrants, as reported in this AP story yesterday:

Immigration reform advocates say foster programs encourage fraud


They [children in Brownsville Texas] are enrolled at International Educational Services — which is 1 of more than 30 nonprofit agencies under contract with the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement.

This ORR program is described here:   


It would be helpful to get a list of the 30 non-profit agencies running this federal program.

More on Iraqi Refugees to Detroit area

The Detroit News has an update today on the Iraqi Refugees coming to Warren, MI and the Detroit area soon,  “Area preps for Iraqi refugees”    

Go here to read the entire article:    http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070721/METRO/707210374

But, this caught my eye: 

The refugees’ arrival has been delayed this summer because of extensive security screenings.

The latest National Intelligence Estimate said that al-Qaida terrorists would likely try to use Iraqi refugees to infiltrate the United States to carry out acts of terrorism.

Anyone seen the whole report?   Can you help us find this reference in the National Intelligence Estimate released during the last week?

Federal officials have “interviewed more than 1,500 Iraqis in the region since March and have plans to interview 4,000 more by the end of September,” said Janelle Hironimus, a spokeswoman for the state department. “The United States government expects the pace of Iraqi refugee arrivals to increase significantly.”

New Milestone: 500 views!

I know, it isn’t much, but its pretty exciting for me. 
I’m sitting here, on a gorgeous Saturday morning, struggling with my computer tech impairment.  I’m trying very hard not to throw something at the computer screen while I attempt (with the help of a friend) to figure out how to write posts and not mess up the format, when I just couldn’t resist checking the blog stats (again).
And, wahoo!  Thanks to all of you spreading the word,  RRW has now had 500 views and we are  only 21 days old!