Bosnians with AK-47’s: We aren’t in gangs! Just doing a little target practice!

The city that “welcomes” refugees has a few problems it seems.   The Police in Ft. Wayne, IN say they believe Bosnian refugees are forming gangs and selling guns.  Bosnians deny it.  Hat tip to an observant friend.

“You can’t categorize us.”

Haris Latic was mad.

The image of a Bosnian man holding an AK-47 for an April 22 News-Sentinel story about police allegations of a gun-running gang of Bosnian refugees was blurred, but Latic recognized it. It was Adis Latic, his brother.

Adis Latic said the AK-47 was a friend’s and the picture was from a day of recreational target practice at a Huntington gun range. The Latics say they’re law-abiding U.S. citizens, not gang-bangers. “In every race there are bad kids and good kids, but you can’t categorize us as a community,” Adis Latic said.

The Latics acknowledge they can’t vouch for every Bosnian refugee brought to Fort Wayne by Catholic Charities, 669 officially. The now-defunct Balkan Stylz group, which police labeled a gang, was a club for Bosnians who liked to drive muscle cars, said Adis Latic, 23. 

Read on!

To soften the story and appear to make excuses, the reporter for the Ft. Wayne News-Sentinel launches into a lengthy defense of the Bosnians by basically saying they have seen war, so guns and violence are their heritage.  Guess we need to just respect their culture and show our understanding, huh?

By the way, we (primarily under the Clinton Administration) have brought over 100,000 Bosnians to the US.  It is the largest group of refugees from any Muslim country we have resettled so far.

You can learn all about the many problems the city of Fort Wayne is having with its huge refugee population here.

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