Mega-mosques coming our way

I don’t have a lot to say about this, just wanted you to know what is happening.   From Religion News Service:

WASHINGTON — Mosques across the country are beginning to use a model similar to the one used by some suburban and downtown megachurches, operating multiple sites to serve a large and dispersed congregation.

Many of these “mosque chains” brand themselves as progressive, and sometimes feature gymnasiums and mixed-gender prayer areas for men and women. Some groups even host weekly services at churches or synagogues with the expressed goal of fostering interfaith goodwill.

Call me cynical but all this talk about “interfaith goodwill” gives me the creeps.   I think it’s really all about building Muslim political power and keeping us quiet until it’s too late.

Remember Imam Yahya Hendi, Georgetown University’s Muslim Chaplain!  He told an audience in Saudi Arabia that there would be 30 Muslim mayors in the US by 2015.

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