Lutheran Social Services getting blasted by Iraqi refugees in NH

A month ago today, I told you about the unhappy Iraqi refugees who have been resettled in Concord, NH.  Well, things are getting worse.

Note to reporter Chelsea Conaboy:  Keep up the good work!  Your fellow reporters in Shelbyville, TN and Waterbury, CT are winning awards for their investigative work into how refugees are settling (or not settling) into communities or how the volags have been neglecting refugees.  In Waterbury, CT the volag was actually shut down by the State Department.   I am sure reporters at the Salt Lake City Tribune will also win awards for their extensive work.   In the meantime, national reporters, like AP’s Matthew Lee, continue to advocate for more refugees entering the US, but never look into the reality of what is happening in city after city in America.

So now to the latest at the Concord Monitor where Iraqi refugees are saying they have been humiliated by Lutheran Social Services (a federal contractor):

Aleaa, a 31-year-old doctor from Iraq, urged her family to leave their home country after she was nearly killed last year. But months into her new life as a refugee resettled in Concord, Aleaa considered going back to Iraq. She even began packing her bags.

She had come to the United State full of hope and gratitude. But as the weeks went by, those feelings were replaced with anger.

Aleaa, who asked that her last name not be used because she fears for the safety of friends still in Iraq, says she and her family were mistreated and, at times, neglected since arriving here. She points the finger at Lutheran Social Services, the agency charged with helping them start their lives in Concord. She’s not alone.

Part of the problem revolves around something we have written about on so many occasions I’ve lost track.  Many Iraqi refugees are highly educated and expect to walk into middle or upper class lives in America.

In Iraq, the refugees lived middle-class lives. They owned homes and cars and had professions. The life they are offered in Concord includes sparsely furnished apartments, minimum-wage jobs and food stamps.

How they were not properly prepared for the reality of life in America is a fault of the US State Department, but I gather from this article the State Department is now trying to rectify the problem and prepare them better.

Iraqis actually protested on the street which I assume prompted this meeting.

Lutheran called a meeting with the Iraqis on Thursday to discuss their concerns. The meeting was not open to news media.

The last thing these volags want is negative publicity.  Of course it isn’t open to the media, the less the US State Department hears in the news about a volag (supposedly voluntary agency) screwing up the better the chances the volag will keep its government contract.

Then there is this curious comment.  I say curious, because although I have heard of this before, volags shutting out other volunteer help (it happened in Waterbury, CT), frankly, it makes no sense.  You would think these “church group” contractors would be looking for all the help they could get.

Each refugee interviewed for this story said he or she was told by Lutheran staff members not to take help from people outside the agency, a claim that some African refugees in Concord have echoed.

Lutheran Social Services say they just need more money and imply that the Iraqis are irrational due to war trauma.

She [Lutheran rep] said it is caused in part by a lack of funding by the federal government. And, she said, the Iraqis have experienced such trauma that adjusting to their lives here is particularly difficult.

Aleaa hits the nail on the head with this line:

“It’s like we’ve asked for millions of dollars or something,” she said. “They humiliate us. To treat a human with respect, does it require funds?”

Reforms needed!   As I have said dozens of times since we started writing Refugee Resettlement Watch, we can disagree about how many refugees come to the US and from where, but when we do take refugees and their resettlement is paid by the taxpayers, then we darn well better do it right.

I have lots of ideas on what needs to be done!

Welcoming Ft. Morgan, CO doesn’t have enough jobs for refugees

Refugees who don’t speak English or have at least a GED are not going to find much work in Ft. Morgan.  Only Cargill or Swift (meatpackers) have jobs for unskilled, non-English speaking Somalis.  (Hat tip Bluelitespecial).   From the Ft. Morgan Times:

East Africans who do not work for Cargill Meat Solutions or Swift Co. have a hard time finding jobs.

Employers need workers who can speak English and often also require employees to have completed high school or have a GED equivalent. A driver’s license is also very helpful, said John Torrez, an employment counselor and bilingual specialist for the Fort Morgan Workforce Center.

In light of the fact that the Somalis who walked off the job in Grand Island, NE are suing Swift for discrimination, I wouldn’t think Swift management would be in a hurry to hire more Somalis.

So who is going to help them find work?   Maybe a taxpayer funded workforce training center.

One Somali man noted that many of his fellow refugees do not speak English and did not have formal education during their time in refugee camps. That makes it hard to find a job. He wanted to know how the workforce center, or any other agency, can help them, perhaps with training.

Remember “Refugees take root” and bring the wonders of diversity.   Ft. Morgan has signalled that it is ‘come one-come all’ so I guess they will figure it out.

We could be witnessing the greatest fraud in American history!

If things go the way the mainstream media is predicting and we elect Obama as President of the United States we will be witnessing one of the greatest frauds in American history, and the shameful media will be to blame.

Today Andrew McCarthy has a story at National Review On-line about how the Los Angeles Times is sitting on a tape which would show how close Obama is to his Marxist neighbor Bill Ayers and Rashid Khalidi (now a professor at Columbia University) an avowed enemy of Israel.  

The party featured encomiums by many of Khalidi’s allies, colleagues, and friends, including Barack Obama, then an Illinois state senator, and Bill Ayers, the terrorist turned education professor. It was sponsored by the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), which had been founded by Khalidi and his wife, Mona, formerly a top English translator for Arafat’s press agency.

The party was thrown by AAAN:

Nor did the Times report the party was thrown by AAAN. Wallsten does tell us that the AAAN received grants from the Leftist Woods Fund when Obama was on its board — but, besides understating the amount (it was $75,000, not $40,000), the Times mentions neither that Ayers was also on the Woods board at the time nor that AAAN is rabidly anti-Israel. (Though the organization regards Israel as illegitimate and has sought to justify Palestinian terrorism, Wallsten describes the AAAN as “a social service group.”)

Go read McCarthy’s article and then come back.

One of the many aspects of this story, and one that really infuriates me, is that the Arab American Action Network (created by Khalidi) wraps itself in mushy do-gooder talk about helping immigrants and refugees, but is really just a cover for organizing against the government.  And, get this!   You pay for this!   They get government grants!

You helped pay for the party!

Seven months ago tomorrow I wrote this in a post about Obama’s taxpayer money trail:

Maybe you are saying so what, it’s a private foundation. But, get this! The Arab American Action Network (AAAN) is getting direct government (taxpayer funded!) grants to work against you! In the most recent Form 990 I could get for them (2004), they received $122,327 in government grants as part of their $394,687 income for the year. That is about 31% of their budget to “organize” Chicago Arabs. Lest you think they are running bake sales or pig roast fundraisers, much of the other “direct public support” they receive comes from grants from the likes of the Woods Fund.

If regular people sitting around computers in their pajamas can find this information, shame on the mainstream media ‘professionals’ who I believe are complicit in perpetrating the greatest fraud in American history.

Rohingya appeal to Amnesty International to intercede with UNHCR

The Rohingya are Burmese Muslims who are spreading out throughout Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand and even Pakistan.  They want to be resettled in the West.  Canada has taken some already and maybe we have too, but no one is saying.

Although this plea from Rohingya in Malaysia is confusing, I’m posting it here just to help build our archive on the subject.  I think we are going to need it at some future time.

Apparently this recent complaint and appeal to Amnesty International is aimed at what the Rohingya leaders say is unfair treatment from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.   It seems that UNHCR is telling the Rohingya to assimilate into mostly Muslim Malaysia or return to Burma.  If that is the policy of the UNHCR I commend it!

Somalis will sue Swift and the Mayor is next, or so they threaten!

This is an update of our now extensive coverage (54 posts in this category) of the Somali meatpacking conflicts in Greeley, CO and Grand Island, NE.   (Hat tip:  Janet)   CAIR agitators are in Grand Island collecting stories from fired workers in preparation for their upcoming discrimination suit against the meatpacker.  From KHAS-TV:

Members of a Muslim advocacy group [CAIR] said they will be filing discrimination claims against the JBS Swift Meat Packing Plant in Grand Island. It all stems from a prayer dispute between Somali Muslim workers and the company last month.

Chicago based [Chicago seems to be the epicenter of all things bad] representatives from the Muslim Advocacy Group were in Grand Island Tuesday and earlier Wednesday morning.

The group met with Somali residents to address the prayer dispute that left many Muslim workers jobless after they walked off the job repeatedly in protest.

Representatives from the American–Islamic Relations said they plan to file more than 20 discrimination claims against the company.

One of those discrimination claimants had this to say:

“Every person who came from Africa, we came here to find a better life. We could not find that better life and it is very stressful life,” said Ismail.

Really Ismail, more stressful than life in that hell-hole Somalia?   You know what we say! 

These malcontents are trained well aren’t they?  Watch the film that comes along with this article because this charming Ismail goes on to call the Mayor of Grand Island a terrorist when all she implied is that after 9/11 all the Somali refugees in town made her a little nervous.

Abraham [the agitator] said they are also disappointed in Mayor Margret Hornady’s remarks in the New York Times. Hornady said that after the 9–11 attacks the headdress many Somali women wear quote “gives some of us a Turn.”

“To condone bigotry the way that she did through her comments we think is just so ignorant we think she should rescind her comments, issue an apology and reach out to the Somali community to try to create understanding,” Abraham said.

But even an apology will not cut it for Guled and the Somali community.
Ismail said they plan to take action against the mayor as well.

Really Ismail (the bully), on what grounds will you sue?  Or, what other “action” do you have in mind?

When I first told you about this story, about the attacks on the Mayor, I gave you her e-mail address to send a note of support.  If you haven’t done that, here it is again:

You know what we all should do, get some of that community organizing literature so we can better identify the tactics used to destabilize communities!