Mark Steyn had a very important column on Friday entitled, “Mumbai could happen just about anywhere.” Hat tip: The Unbeliever. There is no sense in my trying to analyze it for you, because I can’t write like Mark Steyn anyway. Please read it. Here are a few lines from near the end.
This isn’t law enforcement but an ideological assault – and we’re fighting the symptoms not the cause. Islamic imperialists want an Islamic society, not just in Palestine and Kashmir but in the Netherlands and Britain, too. Their chances of getting it will be determined by the ideology’s advance among the general Muslim population, and the general Muslim population’s demographic advance among everybody else.
And now, go read, Atlas Shrugs. It will break your heart. The Islamic terrorists tortured their hostages before executing them.
I don’t need to be politically correct, and I am angry! We must stop all Muslim immigration to the West. That’s it plain and simple.
And now, I’ll leave you with this one thought, do you know where those missing Minneapolis Somali men are tonight?