Mark Steyn makes my point—brilliantly, again!

I got into a little discussion on a comment thread recently about Islamic terrorism where I said all terrorism in the world these days was Islamic terrorism.   A slight overstatement maybe, but not by much!   Although these horrible attacks like the Thanksgiving massacre in Mumbai might be perpetrated by the radicals in the Islamic so-called faith, the moderates remain silent so they are in fact at minimum, useless, or at worst—quietly supportive.   And, since I am not very articulate in my arguments, here is a column by the astute, brilliant, brave Mark Steyn posted at Atlas Shrugs, that says it better than I ever could.   To wet your appetite:

I wrote in my book, “America Alone,” that “reforming” Islam is something only Muslims can do. But they show very little sign of being interested in doing it, and the rest of us are inclined to accept that. Spread a rumor that a Quran got flushed down the can at Gitmo, and there’ll be rioting throughout the Muslim world. Publish some dull cartoons in a minor Danish newspaper, and there’ll be protests around the planet. But slaughter the young pregnant wife of a rabbi in Mumbai in the name of Allah, and that’s just business as usual. And, if it is somehow “understandable” that for the first time in history it’s no longer safe for a Jew to live in India, then we are greasing the skids for a very slippery slope.

Since the supposed moderate Muslims aren’t standing up,  it is time to stop all Muslim immigration to America!

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