Editorial at Immigration Daily is woefully uninformed

The ILW.com, an organization for Immigration Lawyers, publishes an online news service entitled Immigration Daily.  Its publication for March 9th, contains a commentary entitled, “Ice endangers America” in which they complain that while ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is chasing busboys, terrorists get away with murder.  Huh?

ICE is sending terrorists a clear message – its open season on America. ICE’s raids focus on gardeners and busboys, letting terrorists off the hook.

Then after a litany of complaints about ICE raids:

All this while there are clear dangers on American soil that ICE is turning a blind eye to.

So, what “terrorists” are getting away?  In the middle of one long run-on paragraph there is this:

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune recently quoted FBI director Mueller saying “Shirwa Ahmed, the first known suicide bomber with U.S. citizenship, apparently was indoctrinated in Minnesota.” US taxpayers’ hard earned money is given to ICE to protect our homeland, not to chase dishwashers and carpenters.

Now, although I might agree with ILW that we didn’t do such a hot job (that is an understatement) of heading off the missing Somali men,  one case has nothing to do with the other.  The FBI, doing the terrorism investigation, is in the Department of Justice and ICE is in Homeland Security.  Shirwa Ahmed was in the US legally (originally as a refugee through the US State Department) and was according to media reports a US citizen.

I’m going to bet that ICE has enough people on staff to handle the illegal busboys and shouldn’t have to be involved in issues under the jurisdiction of the State Department and the Justice Department (FBI).

Come to think of it,  maybe I’ll take that above title back, was it ICE that let Omar Jamal off the deportation hook?   Ahmed’s case does not make ILW’s point, but Jamal’s might.  You can imagine though if ICE was snooping around (I hope they are!) and did investigate whether some of the Minneapolis Somalis are here illegally, ILW would be the first to complain!

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