Excellent analysis of the mainstream media’s abysmal coverage (or no coverage!) of the Tea Parties

Update just a few moments later:   See Mark Steyn’s column (linked there) and other excellent commentary on this same subject by our good friends over at the Blue Ridge Forum, here.


Kyle-Anne Shiver, the author of this excellent piece at American Thinker on how the mainstream media apparently purposefully and maliciously missed the real message of the Tea Party story, is an expert on the Alinsky School (Obama!) of community organizing.*   I suspect she gets some particular amusement at seeing the results of genuine and spontaneous outrage by citizens at the Tea Parties as opposed to the orchestrated demonstrations put on by the Radical Left (using the Alinsky method of manipulation) in recent years.

So without further ado, here is how she begins.  Please read the whole excellent column!

In all my years of watching news coverage in America, I don’t believe I have ever witnessed more condescending, amateurish, purely politicized reporting than what just transpired among the liberal MSM covering America’s Tax Day Tea Parties. The Tea Parties represented a very significant news event.

Whenever close to 300,000 middle-class Americans put their productive lives on hold on a midweek workday, make original signs with their own hands, and travel miles and miles to stand with other private citizens just to demonstrate their anger with government, in more than 300 cities from coast to coast and everywhere in between, that’s NEWS. Yet, many local newspapers – even the Boston Globe for crying out loud! – pettily refused to even cover their local protests. When every news channel – except the only one thriving on the block, Fox – finally decided to cover the events, it was with derision, mockery and elitist condescension. 

Note to MSM: This is why you’re going broke.

Dirty jokes!   I laughed when I read this next paragraph, because I too polled my friends to see if they knew what the disgusting reference was to “tea-bagging” and none did (I still don’t know and don’t want to know).  But, it tells you what kind of people Obama has on his side, doesn’t it!

The puerile, vulgar humor of MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and CNN’s Anderson Cooper, targeting the most clean-cut, rancor-less groups of protesters possibly ever assembled in the U.S.A., was the kind of thing one would expect on an adolescent playground when the teacher isn’t listening. I personally polled 16 friends and relatives, aged 23 to 66, and not a single one of them had ever even heard the sexually perverse phrase regarding tea bags, which peppered Maddow’s and Cooper’s primetime rants.

Regular readers know that Judy and I demonstrated proudly and with gusto last Wednesday at our local Tea Party.

* We have discussed the Alinsky School of community organizing that inspired Obama’s career in that field at length in our Community Destabilization category.  And, here, is a link to a post in which I mention Kyle-Anne Shiver.

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