Don’t believe them, there is no meaningful reform coming

I can’t write about it one more time—this (bleep) coming out of the White House that they are reforming the “broken” Refugee Resettlement program.  The reform is being run by a bunch of insiders who care only about three things—bringing in more refugees from the third world to shove diversity down your throats and about taking (redistributing) more of your tax dollars to the program (to themselves!).  And thirdly, it’s about more voters for the Democratic party.

The volags (federal contractors who bring refugees to your cities and frankly lead the State Department around by the nose) have built up little fiefdoms all sheltered under the story line that this is about being humanitarians.  It isn’t!  Maybe for the volunteers and the lower level staffers this is about caring for the downtrodden, but there is a large political and financial agenda at work.

I know its hard to wrap one’s mind around, but this is a strategy (remember Cloward and Piven).  Bring the largest number of refugees into the US since 9/11 in a recession, create a crisis (suffering refugees) and then demand “reform” of the system.  Reform will be taking more of your money and ultimately transforming our government.  The refugees are simply pawns.

See the Los Angeles Times story yourself and also read Friends of Refugees comments on the latest P.R.B.S. out of the White House.  I simply cannot write about it one more time.

Christians arrested at Muslim festival in Dearborn

I never thought I would see this happen in America said one witness.   Another example of the stealth jihad as the Muslim population grows in Michigan (thanks in part to the Refugee Resettlement program).   Hat tip:  Robert

From World Net Daily:

Four Christians were arrested and thrown out of a public Arab festival in Michigan – and at least two people claim a crowd cheered “Allahu akbar!” while the Christians were led away in handcuffs for doing nothing more than engaging in peaceful dialogue and videotaping the event.

Nabeel Qureshi, David Wood, Paul Rezkalla and 18-year-old Negeen Mayel attended the 15th annual Dearborn Arab International Festival on June 18 in Dearborn, Mich., where an estimated 30,000 of the city’s 98,000 residents are Muslim.

The American Arab Chamber of Commerce announced the event was expected to draw “over 300,000 people from across the country, Canada and the Middle East.” The festival covers 14 blocks and is free and open to the public.

Qureshi and Mayel are former Muslims who are now Christians.
Mayel’s parents emigrated from Afghanistan. Wood is a former atheist. All are from a Christian group called Acts 17 Apologetics.

Read it all.

Rhode Island and the Arizona bill

When a friend sent me a pair of opinion pieces about Rhode Island legislators contemplating an Arizona-like bill for that state, I was amazed that it would even be considered in what most of us assume is a Far Left state.   I’ll let you read the pieces.   The first was written in May by Bill Shuey who is the director of the International Institute of Rhode Island, an immigrant and refugee-service organization funded mostly by the taxpayer.*   And, then the editor of the paper, The Providence Journal, responds.

Readers please recall that we have written on many occasions about how the refugee resettlement contractors (the International Institutes are sub-contractors to the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, one of the top ten federal contractors) are spending time and money lobbying for amnesty for illegal aliens while many have been criticized, indeed some have been closed, because they aren’t taking adequate care of the legal refugees assigned to them.  Search RRW for Waterbury, CT and follow the saga there of refugees being neglected by an International Institute.

Here is my theory.  These resettlement contractors’ business will expand exponentially when (if!) amnesty for illegal aliens should come to pass.  I bet at this very minute the Obama Administration is making plans to pour enormous amounts of federal money into these agencies, including Mr. Shuey’s agency, to help the new immigrants learn English, find the welfare office, get on the  list of subsidized housing and find jobs.  Oh, and last but not least they will help the newly legal immigrants get their citizenship in order so that they vote DEMOCRATIC!    Lest I forget, these agencies, like the International Institute, are also the head hunters for big businesses looking for cheap, legal, labor.

I’m digressing.  Read the opinion pieces linked above.  Shuey plays the tired old race card.  And, then in the editor’s response, some interesting points are raised.

He/she raises a point I’ve wondered about too, illegal immigrants compete with legal immigrants and other lower level blue collar workers (often of color) for jobs.  My question to Shuey is, isn’t your first obligation to the legal refugees you are paid by the tax payer to care for?

The editorial then points out how it is these same lower level workers who end up paying the most for illegal immigrants while rich people benefit from cheap maids and lawn care, etc.

The poor pay for the poor!

The residents of these struggling neighborhoods pay most dearly for the public services provided illegal immigrants — not only in property taxes but in crowded schools and hospital emergency rooms.

Illegal immigration amounts to the poor paying for the poor. And it helps stall the upward mobility of blue-collar and even some white-collar workers of all races, many of whom are themselves immigrants.

* Here is a recent Form 990 for the International Institute.  Note that it is 81% funded by you.  Mr. Shuey is busy promoting Open Borders and calling people racists while being paid by the taxpayer.

Author links terrorism to past personal trauma

Just now Judy sent me this intriguing op-ed from the Washington Post yesterday.  Author and terrorism expert, Jessica Stern, links her personal experience as a young teen who was violently raped with the development of the ability to feel not much—either joy, fear or sadness—later.  After visiting terror camps for her research she is beginning to suspect that young boys, raped by older men in Madrassas, become unfeeling and thus more able to terrorize others—-a plausible theory.

Then near the end she says this (emphasis mine):

Today, my work is moving in a new direction. A group of psychologists at Children’s Hospital Boston has been studying the health issues of Somali American youth, with a focus on trauma. I am working with the group to study a question of recent national concern: why some Somali youth in this country run away from home to join al-Shabab, a Somali terrorist group that claims to be aligned with al-Qaeda. Is there a link between possible abuse and alienation and vulnerability to terrorist recruitment? Could terrorism sometimes reflect a kind of perverse post-traumatic evolution?

There is only one problem with this theory.  The majority of the Somali youths who went off to join Al-Shabaab were raised in the US with every opportunity for a good education and a better life.  Many seemed to have caring parents and other caring family members.  They did not, for the most part, experience terror in Africa.  So, unless we are now suggesting they were sexually abused in Minneapolis and elsewhere, the theory lets Islamic indoctrination as a possible driving force for joining a terrorist group completely off the hook—something many are trying very hard to do.

This is a continuation of the notion that poverty breeds Islamic terrorism when we know that the leading terrorists are most often well-educated and have an above average financial status.  I don’t disagree with the notion that those carrying out the suicide bombings may have been terrorized themselves.  Those Somali boys from Minneapolis went to fight for Allah (it wasn’t terror or sexual abuse that got them on the plane), but then I suspect they were sufficiently terrorized when they arrived in Africa.

Why can’t most people wrap their heads around the idea of the Islamic imperative to Jihad?  Because, I believe, most in the West don’t care deeply about religion and thus can’t imagine that others do.

Refugees International in search of new head honcho after Dan Glickman quits after 2 months!

Boy I sure would like to know what’s behind all this—the e-mail explanation from the Board at Refugees International sounded like a stretch.   Longtime readers know that Refugees International is a Washington, DC lobbying shop for the refugee industry and when former head honcho, Ken Bacon,*died, retired Congressman Dan Glickman (an insider’s insider) came on with much fanfare.  He was hired in January, started work in April and quit in June?

Below is what the new Board Chair, Eileen Shields-West, said in an e-mail.  By the way, what happened to Kashmiri Separatist, Farooq Kathwari’s** chairmanship.   I see he is still on the Board.  Note emeritus board member George Soros.

As you know, we announced with excitement the hiring of Dan Glickman as President of Refugees International in April. Last night, Dan let us know that he is resigning, effective June 18. Dan remains strongly committed to the plight of refugees and the lifesaving work of Refugees International. However, he has decided that he cannot devote the necessary time and attention to leading this critically important and robust organization while also pursuing multiple lifelong interests he developed during his 35 years in public service, especially food and agriculture.

Effective immediately, RI Board member L. Craig Johnstone will become the Interim President of RI. Craig is a former U.S. Ambassador, former Director for Resources, Plans and Policy in the Department of State, and former Deputy UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

* Political junkies will recall that Ken Bacon was the Pentagon spokesman during the Clinton/Monica Lewinsky scandal who released Linda Tripp’s personel file to the media causing the media to focus their ire on Tripp (to destroy her) which played an important role in saving Clinton’s bacon.

** Farooq Kathwari is involved with the Kashmiri separatist movement.  His son died a jihadist in Afghanistan.  Here is just one of several posts on Kathwari.

Note to readers! Anyone with the inside skinny on this can reach me at