Are Somalis racist?

Before all of my fans (like Allahsoldier) pounce on me, that is not me asking the question.  It is a Somali woman asking it on a comment thread I just happened to come across. 

The thread (here) begins:

Hey guys, I enjoyed talking to your guys the last week or so, but I have noticed many things that are unsettling. I have noticed how racist we somalis are. I must have been blind my whole life but when i took a step back I’ve notice we are a VERY racist people.

For example the below words are what we use to describe other people:

Blacks/other africans: meadow, jareer, adoon, gorilla, monkey, apes, animals, former slave, Abeed.


Thats all i got, but why are we soo racist? As muslim aren’t we suppose to be not racist.

No comment!  The discussion continues and was an interesting read.

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