OIC to continue pushing Rohingya refugee rights

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) has reiterated support for the unification of Rohingya people (Burmese Muslims).

From Burma News International:

The Secretary General clarified that an agreement was reached during the first meeting on 9 June 2010 which established an organizational and coordination structure known as the Arakan Rohingya Union (ARU) with the aim of uniting Rohingya peoples’ efforts. He stated that today’s meeting seeks the same purpose.

The Secretary General underlined that the meeting stresses the importance of coordinating the work of Rohingya Muslim organizations and uniting their ranks under a united coordination council, and calls on OIC to continue these efforts to reclaim Rohingya Muslims’ rights.


The Secretary General of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) reiterated the OIC’s solidarity with the Rohingya people and reassured them of the continued support of the organisation.

The Secretary General also reaffirmed that the OIC supports the return of the refugees and the restoration of their rights and privileges which were taken from them by the Burmese authorities.

There is nothing particularly newsworthy to Western readers, but I wanted to continue to build our Rohingya Reports category (which I’ve let languish for months) as we learned that US federal refugee contractors like the US Conference of Catholic Bishops are stepping up their call for more Rohingya to be resettled here.

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