Don’t read about Angelina Jolie in Malta today (unless you are in the mood to barf)

Malta, poor little Malta, being overrun by African economic migrants (thanks partly to Obama’s war on Libya and that wonderful Obama-supported Arab Spring) and now we have to stomach Jolie there pontificating about refugees.  Let them loose she says!

I was planning to do a few excerpts from this fawning story at the Times of Malta about Jolie—the UN’s traveling mouthpiece—but I simply can’t.  Go read it yourself.

She says the UN is careful to separate the economic (illegal alien) migrants from the truly persecuted (of course taking the migrants word for it!), but as far as I know I’ve never heard of the UN deporting anyone back to Africa after determining they are only looking for a job.

Use our search function for ‘Malta’ where we have dozens of posts about how the US State Department (and the Jesuits) magically turn Malta’s (Europe’s!) illegal aliens into refugees and then fly them off to your town.

Comment worth noting: Stay in your home country and clean it up!

Don’t bring your failed methods of governance to America!

This is a comment from reader Tess in response to our post yesterday announcing that the US Senate will hold hearings on refugee terror screening in July, here.


I applaud Rand Paul but want to know why all these Middle Eastern Islamists were ever allowed to enter and settle here when their beliefs are to overtake and install their version of law? We are at war with them but cannot seem to grasp who and what we’re fighting. Bush called it a “religion of peace” – a BAD misnomer if there ever was one. Until we get realistic about this ideology, like we once were about communism, it will slip and slide through our gates and we will have chaos like that presently in England. In fact, all of Europe has been disrupted. If these people had stayed in their countries of origin and worked as hard as the Israelis, they too would have better standards of living. That should have been obvious; they have a country, why not stay there and clean it up? Instead they want to come to America and once here install their failed methods of living and impose it on us.

You got that right!  And, to think we spent billions of dollars and precious American lives to give them a free country and we are rewarded by the US State Department hauling Iraqi MUSLIMS into the US by the thousands each year.

Write to them!  Here are the members of the US Senate Homeland Security Committee.  You should all take a few minutes and write to them in advance of the July 13th hearing and let them know what you think!