Yale professor defends lying asylum-seeking maid in DSK case

…..you gotta give her a break for lying because rich people and the evil US mining companies exploit her country.  Oh brother!   This is what we are promoting at Yale these days?  Typical Leftwing defense….

Oh, and no mention here that DSK is a rich Far Left politician who has been all for bringing diversity to France (for cheap labor).

In defense of the lawbreaking hooker maid who only wants a better life in America, read ‘Before you judge, stand in her shoes’ in the NYT (hat tip: a friend from TN):

People fleeing state-sponsored violence and extreme poverty will do anything to leave. I receive requests every few weeks to write expert-witness affidavits for West African asylum claimants. As a personal matter of conscience, I will not write in support of an applicant whose testimony I believe contains inconsistencies. [that’s big of you!]

Yet asylum claimants are often asked to perform an impossible task. They must prove they have been subject to the most crushing forms of oppression and violence — for this, bodies bearing the scars of past torture are a boon — while demonstrating their potential to become hard-working and well-adjusted citizens.

This is where the lies and embellishments creep into some asylum seekers’ narratives. Immigrants share tips and hunches about ways to outwit the system, even as immigration judges try to discover the claimants’ latest ruses. But I can say from experience that for every undeserving claimant who receives asylum, several deserving ones are turned down. So few Africans gain access to green cards through legal channels that the United States government grants about 25,000 spots annually to Africans selected at random through the diversity visa lottery.

And, he even has the audacity to bring in that thoroughly insane and corrupt “diversity visa lottery” as if was a good thing!

Read it all!   And, thank the good professor for confirming that the immigrants share tips on how to scam the system.

Come to think of it, readers, did any of you know that Yale professors were writing letters in support of asylum seekers? Maybe Mr. Yale professor wrote an expert-witness affidavit for this hooker/maid?  By all accounts she was a fabulous liar and maybe she conned him too!

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