Recap of the State Department meeting on refugee admissions for FY2013

I hope no one out there has been holding their breath waiting for my report from the May 1 meeting in Arlington!   Primarily I am delayed in writing this because I was so blown away by the large amount of testimony sent in by some of you and others (I’ve never heard of) that I didn’t know where to start this report!

Much to my surprise, critics of the program sent more comments, by far! than the professional resettlers looking for more business with the government.   We are compiling those comments in Pdf format and hope to have links for you soon (the State Department is not going to make them available, but we will since they were made public for the meeting attendees).   The Refugee Resettlement program has stayed under the radar for so long because of things like this—no reporters present and the statements not distributed to the general public.

Here is what I’m going to do.  First give you a little sense of the meeting now and then in the days and weeks to come I will report on the various testimony received.   This post and all posts on the meeting will be in the category on the side bar entitled, “Testimony for 5/1/2012 State Department meeting.”  At this writing there are four other posts there.

The meeting whose purpose is to begin to determine how many refugees would be “welcomed” to America in FY2013 by President Barack Obama (in a formal letter to Congress in September) was held in a small room on the 11th floor of an Arlington, VA high rise building.  The meeting is obviously geared to those who have salaried staffers working in the DC metropolitan area. So, guess how many average American taxpaying citizens might ‘find their way there?’    LOL!  Next year we should push for regional meetings around the country so certain Mayors of certain beleaguered towns and cities might be able to attend.

I would love to have asked those in attendance (maybe around 100 max) to raise their hands if they were paid to be there.  I would guess only three critics actually gave up a day from work and other duties to attend.  The others had some financial stake in the event.   Although in fairness there were some speakers representing small advocacy groups of certain ethnic peoples they would like admitted to the US and who surely aren’t making 6-figure salaries like the big contractor reps.   Of the contractor behemoths, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Ethiopian Community Development Council, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Kurdish Human Rights Watch and Church World Service gave testimony and had written statements available.

I can only assume the other biggies gave private testimony to the State Department.  The International Rescue Committee, one of the largest recipients of federal grant money, doesn’t need to present testimony when its Vice President has just recently been chosen by Obama and approved by the Senate to head the program, here.   Check out the IRC’s 2009 Form 990They received $200 million from the US taxpayers that year!  And, while you are at it, have a look at the 6-figure salaries of its top-grossing employees.  I wonder how they were able to exclude their President’s nearly $400,000 salary and benefits package of previous years on this tax return?

I’m digressing and that is one of the reasons I didn’t get started on this post earlier—I knew I would have too much to say!

Back to the meeting!

Sitting at the head table were the following:

Lawrence Bartlett

Director, Office of Refugee Admissions

Department of State

Barbara Strack

Chief, Refugee Affairs Division, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Department of Homeland Security

Eskinder Negash

Director, Office of Refugee Resettlement

Department of Health and Human Services

I’ll tell you more about the principals (above) in later posts.

No public record of the meeting will be available, nor was anyone permitted to videotape it.   Efforts had been made to urge certain Members of Congress to request that videotaping be allowed or that C-Span be invited in to film the event so that Congress (which holds the purse strings) might have some idea of the process whereby contractors ask for more immigrants (and more money!).  I doubt any serious effort was made by Members of Congress because it would have happened if someone, or several Members, had pushed hard enough (What is that I hear? click here!).    After all, this isn’t the Supreme Court!  It is a meeting for government officials to hear from contractors!

Each person who had signed up IN ADVANCE was permitted 5 minutes to make a pitch.  Most of us read from our previously submitted statements (mine is here).  There were no questions permitted and those presiding asked no questions (although I am told in the past there was more give and take).  The meeting concluded in about an hour and a half.

More Muslims please!

I can’t wait to tell you about the testimony.  I haven’t read all of it yet.  But, one thing that jumped out at me in what I’ve read so far (or heard at the meeting) is that no one spoke for Christians persecuted by Muslims!  The US Conference of Catholic Bishops never even mentioned them, but they sure asked the State Department to send more Muslims to the US, in particular, they want more Somalis and Rohingya* (Burmese Muslims)!   Several of those testifying also called for the prompt re-opening of the P-3 family reunification program that has been closed for nearly 4 years due to the widespread fraud uncovered involving Africans, mostly Somalis.  The State Department has reported that as many as 36,000 Africans entered the US fraudulently in a 5 year period after 9/11!

Perhaps my favorite testimony came from a citizen of Lancaster, PA who is helping refugees, but critical of Church World Service (the contractor).

Watch for upcoming posts on the testimony!

* Please take a few minutes and begin to familiarize yourselves with Rohingya Muslims.  We have a whole category (Rohingya Reports) with 100 posts in it on this group of “stateless people” that the US State Department initially resisted when the UN told them to start letting them into the US.  They have begun to be resettled here (although at the moment there is some bureaucratic snafu with Bangladesh where many are located).

More single young men on the way to the US from Malta

These men are Africans who arrived illegally in Malta and were transformed into refugees so that they might be resettled in your town in America.   Legitimate refugees are expected to be granted or denied asylum in the first safe country in which they arrive—in this case Malta (a member of the European Union)—but as of 2007, the US (the Bush State Department!) changed the rules apparently under pressure from Jesuits in Malta  and began the unprecedented policy of just taking them off Malta’s and Europe’s hands.

LOL!  It would be like us asking Malta (Europe) to take some of our illegal aliens from Mexico because we have too many.

Here is the latest news from The Malta Independent:

31 persons from Somalia, Eritrea and Sudan including a family of three and 28 single adult men left today to start a new life in the United States, under the US Refugee Resettlement Program (USRRP).  On arrival, they will be assisted by NGOs in the US to proceed to their final destinations in various states.

This latest departure brings the total of beneficiaries of international protection who were resettled to the United States from Malta since 2007 to 958 migrants. Since the start of the USRRP in 2008, the number of beneficiaries of protection resettled to the United States amounts to 930.

To date, 147 migrants have been resettled from Malta to the United States of America during 2012. Such resettlements to the United States will continue in the coming weeks.

In all 1,592 refugees and beneficiaries of international protection have been relocated or resettled to various other developed countries since 2005.

Search RRW for “Malta” for more on this initiative that only encourages more illegal economic migrants to cross the Mediterranean in hopes of winning the “refugee” lottery and being airlifted to America at American taxpayer expense. How much do you want to bet the single men will be dropped off in a meat packing town?

And, I wonder when we will start helping other countries with their illegal immigrant populations of single adult men—will it be Greece next, or Italy?

Now Somalis get Temporary Protected Status extension

Basically what this means is that around 1000 plus Somalis (that they know of!) who got into the US illegally are now eligible to sign up to stay and work.

I’ve written about TPS extensively, just search for “Temporary Protected Status” to learn what a fraud this “legal” program is—there are a couple hundred thousand Central Americans (among others!) staying here permanently under this “temporary” designation, now Somalis continue to get a free pass too.

From Minnesota Public Radio:

St. Paul, Minn. — Somali nationals with no other legal means to stay in the US can now apply for temporary protected status.

The status allows Somalis currently in the US to stay here.

The government first designated Somalis as eligible for the status in 2001. The protection from deportation expires about every 18 months.  [And it is always extended!—ed]

U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano decided to reauthorize the status, citing the poor living conditions, armed conflicts, and lasting effects from severe drought.

John Keller, executive director of the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota says few Somalis in the state have temporary status, but Napolitano’s decision will allow more to apply for the designation.

“The government basically has decided that things continue to be so bad in Somalia that even people who’ve recently arrived or who are transitioning between statuses should get this protection,” Keller said.

The Department of Homeland Security says about 250 Somalis nationwide are eligible to re-register for temporary protected status while fewer than 1,000 people will be eligible for the first time.

The truth is they have no clue how many are here with “no legal means to stay.”

Minnesota US Senator Klobuchar cheers the decision to allow our “friends” to stay, here.

I guess those Somali deportation stories are a bunch of hogwash!

Canada: Tamil Tigers on board the MV Sun Sea; Tigers in Oakland?

So what else did you expect!

I should be writing about yesterday’s State Department meeting where federal contractors made their pitches for more refugees for FY2013 and I will get to that shortly (I hope), but to add a little variety to our stories about bureaucracy in Washington, I’m posting this update of a story I wrote about back in 2010—Sri Lankans loaded on ships and taken to Canada by human smugglers, here.  Canadian immigration officials are sorting through the nearly 500 illegal entrants from this one ship to sort out the terrorist Tigers from legitimate asylum seekers.

By the way, here is a little Tiger trivia:   Tamil Tigers are famous for pioneering the use of the suicide belt.

From the National Post:

Deportation orders have been issued against two more of the 492 Sri Lankan refugee claimants who arrived off the B.C. coast in 2010 aboard the smuggling ship MV Sun Sea.

In separate decisions, the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada ordered the expulsion of both men, ruling one had engaged in people smuggling and the other had been a member of a Tamil rebel group.

The cases bring to 19 the number of Sun Sea migrants who have been issued deportation orders to date. All have been declared inadmissible to Canada due to their involvement in terrorism and crime.

“Canada opens its doors to those who work hard and play by the rules. However, we must crack down on those who seek to take advantage of our generosity, often for financial gain,” Julie Carmichael, spokeswoman for Public Safety Minister Vic Toews, said Tuesday.

Neither of the latest deportees was named in the heavily edited rulings released to the National Post, but one was found to have served in the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam between 2005 and 2006, when he was in his mid-20s.

Read the whole article, there is lots of interesting information about trafficking and what it costs and who is making a fortune from it.  Makes me wonder again who is trafficking Somalis into the US.

Sri Lankans to Oakland!

This reminds me that the US State Department and the International Rescue Committee helped Australia with a little illegal immigration problem of theirs by taking illegal alien Sri Lankans off the Australians hands in 2010 and placing them in Oakland, CA.   Here is the story I wrote nearly two years ago.   And, this is a point I made in my testimony to the State Department—Congress should forbid the use of this program for other foreign policy objectives.

Just a reminder that the International Rescue Committee’s Anne Richard has been confirmed as Obama’s pick to head the State Department refugee program.  Another contractor is now in charge of doling out the federal bucks (your bucks!).  She started her work this week by traveling to Switzerland, Iraq and Jordan.

State Department hearing today on refugee numbers for FY 2013, commenter concerned about Shariah Law

I’ll be reporting back tomorrow morning about the meeting.

In the meantime, I have been posting comments sent to the State Department from people who send their comments to me.   Below is the latest.   To see others go to our new category (Testimony for 5/1/2012 State Dept. Meeting) here.

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am writing to submit written comments on the President’s FY 2013 U.S. Refugee Admissions Program as part of the upcoming May 1st public hearing in Arlingon, VA.  Overall, I am writing to request that Refugee admissions be cut back dramatically to less than 5,000 admittances annually.  There are many reasons for this:

     1)   The USA cannot afford the high welfare cost of refugees.  Welfare use by refugees is staggering and is a huge cost to the USA at a time when it cannot afford this.  According to the 207 Report to Congress by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (p.91), among refugees who arrived during the 5 years previous to the survey 51% are on government medical assistance such as Medicaid, 25% have no health insurance at all, 49% are receiving food stamps, 25% are in public housing (an additional percentage is on a public housing waiting list), and 32 % are getting cash assistance such as TANF or SSI.   Related to this, I understand that 47% of loans made to refugees for transportation to the U.S. are unpaid leaving a balance of 450 million.  If interest is included on some of these unpaid loans, then the unpaid amount is well over a billion.  This is not affordable in a time of massive federal deficits.

   2)  Refugees and recent immigrants are often a source of Islamic terrorists and extremists – Somali refugees have been a source for Islamic terrorist recruits from Lewiston (Maine), Minnesota, and other parts of the USA such as Minnesota.   We should stop accepting refugees from countries with a history of producing Islamic terror as this brings terrorism and Islamic extremism into our country.  This should include Iraq, Syria, Libya, Iran, Somalia, northern Nigeria, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, and northern Sudan at a minimum.

    3)  I am especially concerned that refugees from the Muslim faith will and are advocating for Shariah Law in the USA which is incompatible with our society and governmental system in many ways.  This is happening much more extensively in Europe which has a higher Muslim population.  The incompatibility with our system includes:

a.       Shariah involves a merging of church and state, rather than separation.
b.       It opposes freedom of speech as criticism of Islam is prohibited under Shariah.
c.       Since a Muslim cannot leave Islam without threat of death or serious injury by other radical Muslims, their religion does not support  freedom of religion which is a key part of our society.
d.      Islamic Shariah law opposes equal protection under the law since Muslims and Muslim men are treated much better under Sharia Law than nonbelievers and Muslim women. This is contrary to our notions of equality.

    4)  Muslim refugee immigrants are not integrating – they are staying separate.  They are highly unemployed even after many years here.  Many of the refugees are a source of crime in the USA such as the recent Somali sex trafficking case in Tennessee.  Muslim refugees and recent immigrants are known for sending money home to support extremism back in their home countries.   All of this is even more true in the United Kingdom and Europe which have much larger Muslim populations – showing that the hope that these patterns will change with time is wrong.

Thank you for considering my views  (author wishes to remain anonymous)

Look for more testimony tomorrow.