Should Norquist and Napolitano decide our immigration policy?

Editors note:  This is cross-posted from Potomac Tea Party Report and mostly involves illegal immigration which we mention here from time to time.  Also there are ramifications for asylum because if a path to citizenship is available for all those who entered the US illegally, then surely the thousands of pending asylum cases would become moot literally overnight should “comprehensive immigration reform” come to pass.

Of course the answer is a resounding NO (to Norquist and Napolitano)!

But, having these two—Grover Norquist and Janet Napolitano—as the poster children for so-called “comprehensive immigration reform” is good for us (the side whose adherents see the rush, to legalize 11 million workers and dependents on the social safety net, as America committing suicide.)

Two stories over the weekend are worth mentioning.

First The Hill reports that the “gang of eight” would let the Secretary of Homeland Security determine if the border is sufficiently secure to grant what amounts to amnesty for the 11 million illegal aliens presently in the country.

Under a bipartisan Senate framework, Democrats say, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano would have final say over whether the border is secure enough to put 11 million illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship.

If Napolitano does not provide the green light for putting illegal immigrants on a pathway to citizenship, the responsibility for judging whether the metrics for border security have been met will be given to her successor. [And just for a minute imagine the stampede to the border this legislation would unleash if signed into law!—ed]

The early debate over immigration reform has yielded two thorny questions: What metrics will be used to determine whether the goals for border security and other safeguards against illegal immigration have been met? Who will decide whether the metrics have been achieved?

Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), the lead Democratic sponsor of the bipartisan immigration reform framework unveiled this past week, said Napolitano should decide.

“What we’ve proposed is that the DHS secretary, whomever it is, will have final say on [whether] whatever metrics we proposes are met,” Schumer said. “We think those metrics will be quite objective.”

Grover Norquist

(LOL! gotta keep my Norquist files up-to-date)

This story from the Daily Caller highlights Grover Norquist as one of the chief proponents of open borders and a corporate gun for hire.

Americans for Tax Reform head Grover Norquist’s insistence that large-scale immigration is good for America and the Republican Party is attracting intense criticism from policy advocates who see him as a pawn of corporate interests.

“There are a whole bunch of people who are listening to loud voices, some of whom claim to be Republican … talking about [employers] who didn’t fill out the paperwork, about going after [an immigrant’s] aunt,” said Norquist, whose opposition to tax increases has made him popular among Republicans and a hate-figure among progressives.

Once advocates for tighter immigration are sidelined, the GOP will be able to win votes from Hispanics and other recent immigrants, he said.

“Removing that threat [of deportation] from millions of Americans will make it possible to have a conversation with [immigrants] about tax policy and spending, and all the other issues we have with legal Americans.”  [Oh sure Grover, as soon as they are legalized they will want to sit down to talk about tax policy—hell, most won’t make enough money to be among the taxpaying members of the public. And, as for spending, they will be voting for candidates who promise a larger “safety net”—ed]

His critics are equally vehement.

“Grover is an extremely effective lobbyist … [and] the thing about Grover is that he has clients who make big money off of immigration,” said Roy Beck, founder of advocacy group NumbersUSA, which helped derail previous efforts to expand immigration.

“Grover is going to do everything in his power to prevent America having a middle class … it appears he thinks oligarchy is a better way to go. … You can’t have a Republican Party when you have a voting base that is impoverished and needs government assistance.”

Norquist has been pushing to rewrite immigration policy for years, and he’s got his arguments down cold.

The Daily Caller goes on to say Norquist wouldn’t care if the immigrants were Egyptians or Uzbeks (of course not, remember Norquist is an Islamist sympathizer).  And, as we have pointed out on other occasions, the illegal aliens who would be allowed to stay are not just the friendly ones from Mexico and south, but they include Somalis, Iranians, Iraqis and the list goes on of OTMs (Other than Mexicans) coming across our southern and northern borders.  Also, don’t forget, Norquist famously said Shariah Law is compatible with the US Constitution here.

More Burmese going to Ft. Wayne, Indiana

Chain migration to Ft Wayne has resumed after a hiatus for Burmese refugees living in camps in Southeast Asia.  More Tuberculosis coming too?

Why was the program called “family reunification” suspended for years?  Fraud! Lying! Cheating!

From the Journal Gazette (hat tip: Robin):

FORT WAYNE – Fort Wayne might see a larger influx of Burmese refugees this year than in any year since 2009.

The U.S. State Department says that Catholic Charities of the Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocese has been approved to resettle as many as 170 refugees here during the fiscal year that began in October. That would be the highest number since 297 arrived in calendar year 2009. Only 54 came to town in calendar year 2012.

The figure is on the rise because family-reunification refugees have been reinstated for fiscal 2013. U.S. authorities suspended those Burmese resettlements in 2008 after a rash of fraudulent applications, but authorities have begun requiring DNA tests for applicants who claim to have immediate family in America.

“Most of the Burmese who are coming to this community are coming because of family,” said Holly Chaille, director of Catherine Kasper Place, a local ministry that assists immigrants and refugees.

Other refugee categories include ethnic minorities and individuals needing protection. Allen County was home to about 3,900 Burmese in the 2010 census. Only four U.S. metropolitan areas counted more Burmese at the time.

But things are improving in Burma!  Didn’t Obama just visit there.  This is what is so confounding about Refugee Resettlement.  We bring hordes of “refugees” here at enormous cost to the taxpayer, not to mention the social upheaval for American towns and cities (cultural upheaval for the immigrants too), and then the situation improves in the country from which the refugees left, but then most don’t go home.

About 140,000 Burmese reportedly live in refugee camps in Thailand, thanks to decades of repressive military rule in neighboring Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. Gradual democratic reforms in Myanmar are expected to lure many expatriates back home eventually.

For new readers:  We have many many posts here at RRW about problems in Ft Wayne/Allen County.  The difficult situation there first came to our attention in 2007 when the county health department was trying to cope with all the TB cases* coming in (“…50 percent of refugees arrive with TB infection and must be tested, treated and tracked.”).  Eventually the Health Dept. got a little extra funding from Washington to help them cope.

Then who can forget the laundromat spitting/urinating episode, here.

Go here for our entire archive (dozens of posts) on Ft. Wayne.   All of the problems in Ft. Wayne pushed former US Senator Richard Lugar to ask for a GAO study which was very critical of the program here.  No sign that that study changed a damn thing!

* Speaking of TB cases, there has been a run on this old post in the last few days about a refugee dying from TB in a Tyson Foods meatpacking plant.  Readers, this is no joke!  We are bringing in refugees with active multi-drug-resistant TB!

One more thing!  Citizens of Ft. Wayne should be watching for the arrival of Rohingya (Burmese Muslims) in the mix with the Christians.  They hated each other in Burma and in the camps but somehow the resettlement contractors think that since they are going into the magical American melting pot they will come out liking each other.  Remember what happened in Utah.

Where are the annual reports to Congress? ORR needs to be sued!

It is maddening!  Now, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is four years behind in producing its ANNUAL Report to Congress.

They have NOT submitted a report for Obama’s years in office.  When January 31st came and went last week they added the report for FY 2012 to the list of missing reports—there is no report for FY 2009, 2010, 2011 and now 2012!

Does no one care that the ORR is breaking the law?  Here is the law:

Sec. 413. [8 U.S.C. 1523] (a) The Secretary, shall submit a report on activities under this chapter to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and of the Senate not later than the January 31 following the end of each fiscal year, beginning with fiscal year 1980.

(b) Each such report shall contain-

(1) an updated profile of the employment and labor force statistics for refugees who have entered the United States within the five-fiscal-year period immediately preceding the fiscal year within which the report is to be made and for refugees who entered earlier and who have shown themselves to be significantly and disproportionately dependent on welfare as well as a description of the extent to which refugees received the forms of assistance or services under this chapter during that period;

(2) a description of the geographic location of refugees;

(3) a summary of the results of the monitoring and evaluation conducted under section 412(a)(7) during the period for which the report is submitted;

The list of ‘shalls’ goes on.

So what good are all the ‘shalls’ when no one ever calls them on it, no one ever sues them (we need a lawyer!), Congress never demands.

Where the hell is Congress?  Doesn’t one single member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security give a damn?  Or does no one on the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security give a damn about the lawbreaking going on at ORR.

Is ORR incompetent or hiding something (refugee unemployment/welfare use perhaps)?  It is one or the other!

Mohamed Mohamud found guilty in Christmas tree bombing plot

Boy was that a fast trial.

No magical melting pot for this Mohamed.

The former refugee who thumbed his nose at the good life that federal refugee contractors (and your tax dollars) gave him and his family, could possibly spend a life behind bars when he is sentenced in May.  And, remember the young Jihadist was raised here, he is not a recent arrival who was radicalized in the Horn of Africa.  He became radicalized in Portland, Oregon!

From the BBC (hat tip: Jim):

A Somali-American man has been found guilty of trying to bomb a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in the state of Oregon.

Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 21, was given a fake bomb by undercover agents posing as Islamist militants, lawyers said.

Mohamud was arrested after he tried to use his phone to detonate the fake car bomb near a crowded square in Portland.

He will be sentenced on 14 May and may face a life sentence for attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction.


He is reported to have told a friend on the day of the attempted bombing that it was “the greatest morning of my life”.

The FBI said Mohamud made a “series of choices over a period of several years – choices that were leading him down a path that would have ended in violence.

“His actions showed little regard for the rights and responsibilities that come with being an American or respect for the lives that he was prepared to take.”

We have made extensive reference to the ‘Christmas Tree bomber’ over the last few years here.

Somalis are busy, busy, busy.  Just yesterday we reported on the terror-funding trial involving Somali refugees in San Diego, here.

Muslim immigration not a threat says author

They are just like earlier waves of Catholics and Jews, says Doug Saunders a columnist who wrote a book to make his case.

From The Canadian Jewish News:

OTTAWA — Muslim immigrants are no more a threat to western countries than earlier waves of Catholic and Jewish newcomers were in their day, Globe and Mail columnist Doug Saunders told an audience here earlier this month.

Saunders, an author and award-winning journalist, explored the perceived threat of Muslim immigration to the western world in his recently published book The Myth of the Muslim Tide:  Do Immigrants Threaten the West?

Not to worry says Saunders, they won’t out-number us.  Just like previous immigrants their population growth will slow.

“I started to research this subject on my own and looked at this latest wave of religious minority immigrants in the west,” said Saunders. “Sixty years ago, there was fear of immigration by Catholics from Europe. Since Catholics had many children, there was a fear that they would become a majority and would try to impose their religion on the country.”   

Saunders compared similar fears in the past about Jewish immigrants and said his book details statistics showing that family sizes among ethnic immigrants haven’t changed much at all and that the fear of being overtaken by a majority of “others” is groundless.

Here is the kicker (and the funny part, sort of!).  Saunders continued with what we SHOULD fear if not demographics:

“This book tries to separate what we should worry about from what we should not. Antisemitism, Islamic terrorism and failed integration are serious worries. I am investigating the idea of what is causing the problems on the ground,” Saunders said.

Hint to Saunders—it is all from Islamic teaching that comes from the mosques that come with the Muslim immigrants!

Saunders got pounded by the anti-jihad writers for this book and here is just one critical post from Blazing Cat Fur from last summer.