Church World Service organizing lobbying event for October

They will be pushing for passage of the Comprehensive Amnesty bill (the Gang of Eight’s bill) that is presently stalled in Congress.  If S. 744 is signed into law, or some form of it, there is expected to be a big cash payout (aka slush fund) to the refugee contractors whose job it will be to get the newly legalized aliens signed up for social services (an extension of what they do now for refugees).

Here is what CWS says on its website about the October lobbying push (day 1: they get everyone on the same talking points, and day 2:  they hit the Hill):

Our goal is to gather more than 200 prominent national and local faith leaders from key states together in Washington, D.C. on October 7 and 8.

These pastors, lay leaders and grassroots organizers will join together for a day of learning and community. Strategic workshops will address immigration legislation and provide an opportunity to commit to advocating with policy makers.

Their agenda for the two days is here.

I wouldn’t be surprised to find that others among the major federal refugee contractors were also holding events in Washington around that time.   For new readers who might be wondering, the contractors and the feds (holding on to a myth I suppose) refer to these groups as Volags (short for Voluntary Agencies). However, they are now largely paid to do their ‘good works’ by you—the US taxpayer.

Just a reminder, it is Church World Service, as a member in good standing of the religious Left, which brought the Muslims to Lancaster, PA (see report yesterday).   That is why this post is also filed in our “community destabilization’ category.

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