Ho hum! What else is new! From Australia to Europe they are burning down detention facilities and demanding to be let in to Western countries.

The latest from Greece, from AFP at The Raw Story (in the European press, “Asian” is code for “Muslim”):
Riot police were dispatched on Saturday to put down a riot at Greece’s main migrant detention camp where detainees hurled stones at officers and set fire to their living quarters, authorities said.
Television footage showed fires blazing at the Amygdaleza detention camp outside Athens, where some 1,200 mainly Asian migrants are kept under police guard.
“We have 10 police officers injured by stones and other objects thrown at them,” a police spokesman told AFP.
Fleeing their Islamic hell-holes!
Greece is a major entry point into the European Union for migrants and refugees fleeing war-torn or impoverished countries in Africa, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.
The photo is from this 2012 story about another detention center uprising. But, check out the shirtless guy—does he look more like a starving “refugee” or an Islamic soldier fit for war? Compare him to the photos at Bare Naked Islam of the “refugees” arriving in Australia, here. They must all be working out in Allah’s Afghan gym.