I wonder how long it takes some people (including Obama!) to get it—they don’t want us in the Middle East (once we have helped destabilize things) and the Middle East isn’t going to change as long as Islam is the dominant organizing force. Yet, the new incoming President of the IRC says we must embrace political Islamism. Are they just naive?
2002: Hamid Karzai receiving the IRC’s “FREEDOM” award from CEO George Rupp at New York gala
Insurgents shot and killed 12 civilians in two separate incidents over the weekend, including six aid workers employed on government projects, officials said Tuesday.
The bodies of six victims were found in the Gulran district of western Herat province, said Jamel Danish, media adviser for the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation.
Five were Afghan employees of the International Rescue Committee who had been kidnapped on Sunday, and the U.S-based group said it was temporarily suspending operations. It has worked in Afghanistan since 1988. The sixth victim worked for the ministry.
“The IRC is devastated and grief-stricken by the deaths of our colleagues who were all working to make a better Afghanistan,” IRC president George Rupp said in a statement.
President Hamid Karzai and the United Nations office in Afghanistan also condemned the killings, which the U.N. said could be classified as a war crime. The Taliban regularly target government employees.
Danish said the six were kidnapped by the Taliban and killed after negotiations to free them failed. His ministry with help from international groups seeks to improve the lives of Afghans in remote parts of the country.
We wrote critically about the IRC’s embrace of Karzai here, and questioned what the IRC is doing in Afghanistan anyway.
For new readers the International Rescue Committeeis one of nine major federal contractors working to bring refugees to your towns. The chief executive of this ‘non-profit’ pulls down more than $450,000 a year in salary and benefits thanks to the US taxpayer.
This is basically an update of the story we posted here earlier this month about the new waves of illegal aliens coming across our border who have their asylum jargon down pat thanks to some good coaching.
Aliens to America: We have a “credible fear” of persecution by the Mexican drug cartels, so therefore we are entitled to be let into the US.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz asked soon-to-be gone Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano for further documentation on this latest immigration fraud.
House Republicans are demanding information from the Department of Homeland Security about immigrants who win access to the U.S. by falsely claiming they are asylum seekers afraid to return to their home countries.
In a letter sent Monday to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, a copy of which was obtained by the Washington Examiner, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, a top Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, questioned whether illegal immigrants were being instructed on how to beat the immigration system by falsely claim they are in the U.S. to seek political asylum.
Immigrants are allegedly learning to claim they face a “credible fear” of persecution at home so that U.S. officials can not immediately expel them. Thousands of such cases have been reported along the U.S.-Mexico border, New York City and other parts of the U.S.
Homeland Security is expected to receive nearly 29,000 asylum requests this year from immigrants arriving from Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and elsewhere, a House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee revealed in July. That’s a 434 percent increase in such requests over the past five years, said Chaffetz, R-Utah, who chairs that subcommittee.
This is my favorite line in the whole report:
Chaffetz asked Napolitano to provide the number of asylum cases being investigated for fraud as well as the number of lawyers successfully prosecuted for aiding asylum fraud.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., also asked for information on asylum from last week, saying he was concerned that “credible fear” is being “exploited” by illegal immigrants to gain entry into the U.S.
According to reports, many of the asylum seekers are not detained and do not show up at later court hearings regarding their asylum requests.
Note to the Congressman: If you or someone on your staff is reading this, you should contact ‘The Asylumist’ where blogger and immigration lawyer, Jason Dzubow, who, although a supporter of asylum, also has written critically of the legal crooks (the shady lawyers) plying their trade and helping would-be asylum-seekers make up their tall tales. Here he is writing about the subject of this post. His contact information is on his blog.
They are ethnic supremacist groups using your tax dollars to get government goodies to THEIR people and getting those same people politically involved.
Note below that the feds only talk now about “integration.” “Assimilation” is banned from the lingo.
This morning I wrote about Mayor Sarno and Springfield Massachusetts’ refugee overload and the local Ethnic Community Based Organization (ECBO) was mentioned. It’s my view that taxpayer-funded ECBOs represent the very worst in unfair and wasteful government spending. (I did not find government funding going to the Springfield group/one-man project—yet).
One of the many Ethnic groups your tax dollars support! Among other things they do job-training so refugees can compete better against poor unemployed Americans. I’m citing the Nile Sisters because I liked their logo, not because they are any worse than the others!
ECBOs are like ACORN except they are organized around certain ethnic groups. Before the critics jump in here, people in America can form, and associate with, any private group they wish (unless it’s a criminal activity of course). But, when groups are funded by the taxpayer and then engage in really what amounts to ethnic-supremacist practices and political organizing they become an abomination.
Simply put groups with such names as Somali Community Center, Iraqi Mutual Aid Society and Burmese Advocacy Center Corporationare doing a couple of things—finding all the social services they can find for THEIR people and then using those people for their political advocacy. That is the ACORN model! And, it’s ‘community organizing 101!’ How this helps them “assimilate” (oops! integrate) is beyond me, except that they learn how to take advantage of the people who pay taxes.
Most importantly these politically-active groups could not survive without your tax dollars!
Hereis the Office of Refugee Resettlement (Health and Human Services) description of their (your!) ETHNIC COMMUNITY SELF HELP program (they stopped using the ECBO label at some point a few years ago).
This program provides assistance to refugee community based organizations and other groups that address community building, facilitate cultural adjustment andintegration of refugees, and deliver mutually supportive functions such as information exchange, civic participation, resource enhancement, orientation and support to newly arriving refugees (and other refugees that maybe in need of such assistance regardless of their resettlement date) and public education to the larger community on the background, needs and potential of refugees. In short, the purpose is to promote community organizing that builds bridges between newcomer refugee communities and community resources.
LOL! Not bridges between the newcomers and Americans but bridges between newcomer refugee and resources (code for public assistance)!
Do you have federally-funded ECBOs in your city?
Check out the 2011 Ethnic community organizing grantees here. 2012 is here. If you find some in your home town, you need to begin to follow their activities and take every chance you get to spread the word that they are taxpayer-funded mini-ACORNS.
The galling thing is that when one of these ECBOs blasts critics by calling them “racists” they are doing it with the financial funding of the critics (aka racists)!
This is a complaint that is at the root of how RRW got started in the first place. Friends and I noticed that refugees brought to Hagerstown in Western Maryland were being placed in sub-standard housing in crime-ridden neighborhoods and one local teacher said that other teachers felt compelled to find them coats for cold weather and sufficient bedding.
Calls to the resettlement agency went unanswered and consequently one sick refugee woman sent a child (who did not speak English) out to knock on doors to find help (that really blew up the situation). Word spreads fast in a small community prompting the inevitable questions: Why are they here? Who brought them? And, why isn’t that group taking proper care of them?
Coincidentally, just the other day I came across this report from Thomas Allen writing at the Social Contract about some of what happened in Hagerstown that led up to the closure of the resettlement program in my county seat in 2007 (in the wake of a public meeting!).
Ibrahim, translator Bedel Omar and Mayor Domenic Sarno at press conference Monday. Photo: David Roback / The Republican
Here is the latest from Springfield, MA where Mayor Domenic Sarno has called for a moratoriumon further resettlement and plans a community meeting for tomorrow night. From WGGB/ABC40 (hat tip: Joanne):
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WGGB) — Springfield mayor Domenic Sarno finds an ally in his fight to reform the refugee program.
The ally is a refugee himself.
Abdulahi Ibrahim came to Springfield from Somalia.
He says Lutheran Services helped him settle here.
But speaking through an interpreter from the East Africa Cultural Center,*** Ibrahim says there was a number of areas where he felt isolated after he got here.
One in coming to a climate he’s never seen,”We have seen a new climate, cold, snow, which we have not seen in our lives,” says Ibrahim.
Ibrahim says he even felt alone when it was time to daily chores like shopping,”We don’t know where to shop, what to shop, we don’t know the language, what we are going to buy,” says Ibrahim.
Mayor Sarno says Ibrahim came to him, thanking the mayor for bringing up many of these same issues when the mayor said he was calling for a moratorium on refugees coming into the city,”We asked them about cold weather months, whether coats are provided , they’re saying no education, transportation, social followup, health followup, they’re not there,” says Sarno.
The mayor says there needs to be accountability from the social service agencies who are bringing refugees to Springfield,”It really highlights what my people have brought to me of their non-followup,” says Sarno.
The refugee problems that have come up will be brought forward on Wednesday when Mayor Sarno meets with social service agencies.
The mayor reiterates his decision to call for a moratorium on refugees coming into the city in Springfield.
Be sure to watch the news clip.
The Somali man is an older man. He surely gets SSI and other welfare help, and probably has no prospect of working. Indeed remember that Massachusetts is one of the top states in the Nation where welfare pays better than working for a minimum wage. The Wall Street Journal, reporting on a study from CATO last week, says that in Massachusetts’ welfare for a family is worth $42,515 per family (a figure which does not include the cost of educating the kids).
Editor’s note: Just as I’m writing this post I see there is a much more detailed report at The Republican about Sarno’s surprise press conference here. Ibrahim does have a wife and FIVE children, so he would be getting a boatload of goodies from the taxpayer.
The answer is NOT more taxpayer money for refugees and their resettlement contractors.
The logical answer to the resettlement agencies—mostly the Lutherans and Jews in Springfield—is to not bring more refugees to a town than they can do a quality job caring for. But, here is the catch, they are paid by the head (through the US State Departmentand then with more grants from the Dept. of Health and Human Services) to resettle refugees. So if they bring fewer numbers, their income drops. The original refugee law from 1980 envisioned that the non-profits would put in substantial funding themselves, but that isn’t happening.
Photo of Bedel Omar at the website of the East Africa Cultural Center. Same man?
***Good luck finding out much about the East Africa Cultural Center in Springfield. This is about all I see (click here). This 2011 article says Bedel Omar was running something called the Somali Development Center which must have been transformed into the East Africa Cultural Center.
We’ve seen a lot of these ECBOs (Ethnic Community Based Organizations) which started as Somali-community organizing outfits broaden their mission and I’m guessing someone told them if they want to get federal $$$ to run their organization it needs to be broader than just for Somalis.
Here are the federal grantsfrom ORR to ECBOs for 2012 (if you don’t believe me that our tax dollars are going to essentially encourage, not assimilation, but further ethnic division in resettlement cities.)
I haven’t written much about ECBOs lately, new readers can visit our entire category on the topic by clicking here. Basically they are mini-ACORNS helping theirpeople get the “services” they are entitled to and then the organization serves as a conduit for political activity, voter registration etc.
This is a good article at Breitbart, but like most other news outlets they assume that the Catholic Church’s campaign for amnesty is being driven by its desire to add Hispanics to its dwindling flocks (and to show that they are good Christians), but few ever look at the fact that the Bishops are being funded by massive amounts of taxpayer dollars and the so-called Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill that passed the Senate will give them gobs of more money!
Right now the Bishops are over 98% funded by tax dollars* and they are being paid to get refugees and asylees hooked up with social services. S. 744 contains aslush fund for the Bishops and others of the religious Left to do that same work for the newly legalized—help them do their paperwork, find jobs, find welfare, sign them up for Obamacare, and supposedly get them English lessons.
I’m a fallen-away Catholic and the main reason is this: I want no politics mixed with my religious worship, and the Church will have to really make sure they get the Hispanics because hearing a Leftwing political message (as is planned for September 8th) from the pulpit will only serve to drive more conservative-minded people from the Church.
Kevin Appleby, USCCB lobbyist pushing amnesty for money!
If you attend Mass on September 8th, it is likely the priest’s homily will be less about spiritual matters and more about the political imperative of passing an amnesty law for the nation’s 11 million illegal immigrants. Last week, the Catholic Church announced a massive, coordinated effort to press Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, including a pathway to citizenship. Catholics make up the largest single religious group in Congress.
“We want to try to pull out all the stops,” Kevin Appleby, the director of migration policy at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, told the New York Times. Appleby said the immigration issue was at a now-or-never moment.“They have to hear the message that we want this done, and if you’re not successful during the summer, you’re not going to win by the end of the year.”
The Church is planning advertising, phone calls and marches targeting 60 Catholic House Republicans. Over 130 members of the House are Catholic, including Speaker John Boehner.
The Bishops are working harder on amnesty then on Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate and abortion!
The Church’s effort in support of amnesty seems broader and more coordinated than its actions against an ObamaCare mandate requiring coverage of contraception. In recent years, the Church has been more vocal in its criticism of abortion, but even that seems muted in comparison with current plans on immigration reform.
The Bishop’s lobbyist Appleby (Director of Migration Policy) will be pimping for amnesty and giving out marching orders in Minneapolis on September 4th. If you live in the area you might want to drop in on this meeting. After all, you help pay Appleby’s salary.
*The USCCB and YOUR money
Now check out the USCCB’s migration fund 2012 annual report (pdf here) and note on page 11 their income and expenses (I’ve rounded the numbers for easier reading).
Out of a revenue stream of $71 million, federal grants and contracts (that is you the taxpayer!) gave them $66 million. They also received $3.6 million from refugee travel loans. Your tax dollars pay for refugees to fly to America and then they are supposed to reimburse the government, but in fact a big chunk of whatever the refugee contractor extracts from the poor refugees, the contractor gets to keep—in the Bishops case, in 2012, that is $3.6 million that does not go back to the US Treasury.
Taking Caesar’s money! 98% of their budget is paid by the US taxpayer!
So, the USCCB only received $1.4 million from private sources of money (parishioners), but they paid salaries of $8 million!
The USCCB would wither on the vine and not be able to lobby if you, the taxpayer, weren’t funding them!
So, come on Breitbart! Let’s go a little deeper with your reporting!
Update: Here is an old story, but related. Catholic Charities in Memphis, TN dropped its refugee program in favor of spending more time and money on Hispanics. They will be well-placed for the newly amnestied!