Update: Maybe not so soon! Breaking News! Record cold temperatures increase thickness of polar ice caps, here.
Taking a break this morning from refugee crime stories, or stories on the Syrian refugee “crisis,” here is a report about how the tiny Pacific island nation of Kiribati is hoping to deal with a sea level rise that they say will gobble up their country. If you are wondering who might pay for this expensive project, you can bet they will have their hands out to evil Capitalist nations.
From Stuff.co.nz:
Plans for a $2 billion floating island off Kiribati that would house 30,000 climate refugees and look “like a spaceship” are gaining traction, the island nation’s president, Anote Tong, says.
Kiribati is one of the countries worst affected by rising sea levels as more land is reclaimed, freshwater supplies spoiled and crops killed.
The country could reportedly be uninhabitable by 2030.

The Kiribati Government is focused on reinforcing its shores and on resettling its people as it pleads with the world for action on climate change and funds to help combat it.
It has bought land in Fiji to settle and is training its young people so they can find jobs and homes elsewhere and relieve the population burden on the island.
The country cannot sustain its population of about 100,000 with only 800 square kilometres made up of coral atolls.
Land is in short supply and Tong said Kiribati has to try to come up with options, including something as far out as constructing a floating island.
“It’s like a spaceship. When I saw it it was like science fiction.”
No-one had offered to fund it yet and there was no time frame.
Those seeking help from the world needed to come up with their own solutions then find funds for them, he said.
We have an entire category on ‘climate refugees.’ Click here for more. If we run out of refugees from Africa and the Middle East due to Islamist agitation, this is the next big wave of so-called “refugees” we will be expected to resettle in America (because it’s all our fault anyway, don’t ya know!).