Australia: The ‘asylum-seeker’ showdown we all need to be watching!

As readers here know, Australia has a new government, a conservative one, which promises to get the ‘boat people’ crisis under control.  But, the human rights industrial complex is punching back hard with a gambit to take the Abbott government before the UN Human Rights Council before it even gets off the ground.

Tony Abbott sworn in September 18th as the new Australian Prime Minister. Immigration policy was on the voters’ minds.

Here is the news from The Guardian (Australia’s refugee stance sets ‘alarming global precedent’).  Precedent is right, alarming is wrong.  Every Western country must get its borders under its control and we will all be watching to see if Australia can stem the tide of mostly economic migrants (most from Muslim countries) arriving by the thousands on their shores.

[Here is another story (Global Post) on the same subject, hat tip:  Joanne]

The Guardian gasping in indignation:

Australia is engaging in “unlawful and increasingly punitive” treatment of asylum seekers, an Australian legal group will tell the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

In a scathing statement to be read out to the UN’s premier human rights body on Tuesday night, the Melbourne-based Human Rights Law Centre will call on the council to condemn the “alarming global precedent” set by Australia’s stance towards refugees who arrive by boat.

The HRLC will highlight how asylum seekers are being “subjected to arbitrary, indefinite detention” in inadequate conditions on Nauru and Manus Island based on their mode of arrival, contrary to the Refugee Convention, of which Australia is a signatory.

The statement also criticises the new Coalition government’s policies of towing back boats to their origin, abolishing the right to appeal negative refugee assessments to an independent tribunal and the withdrawal of publicly-funded legal assistance for asylum seekers.

From the Global Post story here is another list of the new measures Abbott proposes in order to discourage those who are invading Australia:

Abbott says he will use the navy to tow rickety people-smuggling boats back to their place of origin — typically Indonesia — and will force those who do arrive or are already here onto a tough new regime.

They will be placed on three-year temporary visas with no chance of permanent residency, denied family reunion, appeal or legal assistance and made to work for government benefits.

The general supposition is that most who are arriving illegally are economic migrants and not truly in need of protection, as is the case for the majority of illegal migrants to the US.  They have all just figured out how to use that magic word—asylum.

Swearing in story and photo are here.

This is our 112th post in our Australia category.

Immigrant “advocate” pleads guilty in health care scam

As far as I know this doesn’t involve refugees (it might though), but since we have been talking about immigrants ripping off US taxpayers with the food stamp program, I wanted to be sure you saw this story from San Diego.  Nawal Talia, apparently a lawyer or acting like one, helped rip-off the US taxpayer for more than a million bucks.

Nawal Talia is listed at the Middle Eastern Community Resource Directory as “Specializing in disability& immigration law services.”

From San Diego 6:

SAN DIEGO (CNS) – A Spring Valley woman pleaded guilty Friday to taking part in a multi-year scheme to falsify medical certifications while working as an advocate for immigrants seeking help in obtaining U.S. citizenship or government benefits.

Nawal Talia, 57, admitted during a hearing in federal court in San Diego that she recruited patients for National City psychologist Roberto Velasquez, who was sentenced earlier this year to 21 months in prison and ordered to repay more than $1.5 million to the Social Security Administration in the largest single restitution order in the agency’s history.

As part of her job, Talia for several years submitted documents to federal agencies on behalf of her clients, certifying that they were mentally disabled. Rather than obtain benefits legitimately, she and Velasquez worked together to falsify medical certifications and fabricate patient histories, according to prosecutors.

Talia admitted that she helped Velasquez falsify disability-exception certification forms used by the Department of Homeland Security during the naturalization process and medical letters used by the Social Security Administration to award Supplemental Security Income and disability payments.

Go to the US Attorney’s office press release which describes in more detail the egregious “massive” crime she committed.

As is often the case in these scam reports, I could not find a photo of Ms. Talia.  The graphic and her listing is here.

Someone really needs to write a whole blog on the full array of fraud schemes being perpetrated by immigrant-fraudsters on the US government (on us!).

Related maybe:  Yesterday I got a notice about a teleconference on immigrant scams (the notice went to refugee “stakeholders”) that the USCIS is putting on.  At first I thought it was about immigrant-perpetrated scams, but it’s about protecting immigrants from shyster lawyers (like Talia?).  I figured it wasn’t worth posting on in a separate post, but maybe it will interest you.

Syrian crisis due to global warming, huh?

Regular readers here know that the latest trend in refugee crisis mongering involves the so-called “climate refugees.”  See our entire category on the topic here.

Never mind over a thousand years of Muslims squabbling among themselves and the rise in Islamist aggression throughout the Middle East and the world, here is an author linking the Syrian civil war to global warming and sea levels rising (in Syria?).

But, didn’t we just learn last week that in fact the polar ice caps are growing (not melting)?

Here is the convoluted article that even draws Alex Jones into the kerfuffle.

Policymic:  more conflicts, violence, rapes due to “climate change” (they had to avoid saying “global warming” when they began to realize the world wasn’t warming at the moment).

Take climate change, for example. Science Magazine published a research study in August 2013 linking increased rates of human conflict — wars, murders, rapes, and other violence — to increased global temperatures and climate instability. We have empirical evidence predicting that there will be increased numbers of people victimized by violence, particularly in the areas with the fewest resources to deal with climate change. These are some of the areas you already hear about in the news: Syria, Libya, rural India. We need to plan for these humanitarian interventions now.

The climate has been changing since the beginning of time, but to hear these people talk about it, the only solution is for Western countries to invite the world’s impoverished people to come to the West and thus drag us into poverty as well.