Hey here is an idea, maybe rather than shoving the minority Muslim population down the throats of the Burmese, the rich United Arab Emirates could welcome the Rohingya to the UAE—but, oops! the UAE doesn’t take refugees!

There would definitely be less tension in the whole world if we followed the Daniel Pipe’s plan of keeping Muslim refugees in their own “culture zones!”
From WAM.org:
WAM NEW YORK, 28th September 2013 (WAM)– The UAE has expressed concern over the acts of violence which target the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar, and demanded the international community encourage the government of Myanmar to carry out its duty to put an end to these acts which contradict the basic principles of human rights, as well as to help the Rohingya restore their rights as a Muslim Minority in Myanmar.
The UAE also re-affirmed that it will continue to provide humanitarian aid to the victims of violence in Myanmar and to defend the legitimate rights of the Muslim minority in the country.
This came in the UAE’s statement at the meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Contact Group on Rohingya, held in New York, USA, under the chairmanship of Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Secretary General of OIC, on the margins of the 68th United Nations General Assembly.
I think the OIC is still smarting from being banned by Burma. They wanted to get into Burma (aka Myanmar) to supposedly inspect living conditions for Rohingya. I expect they wanted-in to help agitate and stir up more tension.
Let’s all encourage those rich Muslim countries to do THEIR share by welcoming their fellow Muslims to their cities!
See our entire Rohingya Reports category (155 previous posts!). US Resettlement contractors want more Rohingya to resettle in America.