This is essentially a companion piece to our previous post on Spain.
The “spring migration offensive” is apparently in full swing.

Again, from the UK Daily Mail (Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’):
More than 4,000 migrants have arrived on Europe’s shores by boat in the past two days, with the Italian government calling the crisis ‘increasingly glaring’.
The emergency comes days after Italy’s Home Secretary Angelino Alfano warned that more than half a million migrants were ready to set sail from Northern Africa for Europe.
Italy’s southernmost island, Lampedusa, is the gateway for illegal immigrants to enter Europe. [And the Pope went there last summer to welcome them!—ed]
More than 40,000 people made the journey to Italy last year, often on unseaworthy boats.
So far this year 15,000 migrants have landed on the Italian coastline, a ten-fold increase on the first three months of 2013.
British experts believe one in five of them continue on to the UK.
The economic migrants (NOT refugees) will move on throughout Europe if not detained.
Illegal migrants landing in the EU have to remain in the country where they first seek asylum.
But many hope to pass through Italy undetected to northern Europe, which has better job prospects and generous benefits.
Europe is in deep trouble if leaders there keep dithering about getting tough—tow the boats back to Libya and send a message! Take a lesson from Australia!
Of course, European leaders and Obama are to blame for the lawlessness that now is out of control in Libya. And, Gaddafi was right when he predicted that the invasion of Europe could be done without swords—the Muslim population of Europe would eventually bring Europe’s (western civilizations!) downfall.
Recent ‘Invasion of Europe’ posts are here.