More in our ‘invasion of Europe’ series…..

A young man who will surely need some mental health counseling in whatever country eventually gets to keep him, was rescued by the Coast Guard after his bed-sheet raft drifted off course earlier this week.
The story from the UK Daily Mail begins with this (Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’):
Coastguards told him he could have drowned and his friends think he is crazy.
But even though his attempt to cross the Channel on a flimsy raft ended in disaster, Afghan migrant Asif Hussainkhil is determined to try again.
After recovering from hypothermia brought on by his failed bid to reach Britain, he told the Mail: ‘I will keep trying because it is my destiny to get to England.’
The 33-year-old tried to cross the Channel on Monday with a raft made of six nailed-together bits of plank, with a bedsheet as a sail.
Later we learn that he left Afghanistan at age 19 and has lived in many countries since:
Since then he has travelled through nine countries, including Iran, Serbia and Switzerland, before moving to France to try and get to Britain. He is now living in a tent in Calais.
Be sure to go to The Mail and see the amazing photos of the mess these migrants have made of Calais.
Frankly I don’t get it! The European Union has a law that says legitimate asylum seekers must ask for asylum in the first safe country they reach in Europe. If they end up somewhere else, they are to be returned to that first country and have their claim processed there. Our sailor-wannabe surely passed through other EU countries before Switzerland.
So, why is France, the European Union or the UN even tolerating this slum camp at Calais?
Each of the migrants should be interviewed and returned to where they entered Europe or DEPORTED to the Middle East or Africa if they haven’t a legitimate asylum claim.
If you have been putting off a vacation trip to Europe, go now, before it’s gone!
Go here for all of our previous posts on the ‘invasion of Europe.’