This is insane! Illegal aliens (mostly Somalis) arrive on the island nation of Malta and we transform them into legitimate refugees and fly them to America!
We have been following this perversion of the refugee program for years (longer than the 5 years mentioned in this short article—the Bush Administration started this!). These illegal migrants are the European Union’s problem, not ours!
Will Europe reciprocate and take some of our illegal Mexicans—NO!
And, by doing this we actually encourage more illegals to try to get to Malta.
Opposition leader Simon Busuttil with US Department of State officials. WHO ARE THESE WOMEN REPRESENTING THE US STATE DEPT? Photo: Malta Today
The United States will continue resettling irregular immigrants who arrive in Malta within their nation. The news follows a meeting between Opposition leader Simon Busuttil and American Department of State officials.
“Every year, the US accepts around 70,000 refugees from around the world and for the past five years it has also started taking in 500 refugees a year from Malta.”
“With its gesture, the United States is acting as an example to other countries,” Busuttil said. “As Opposition, we hope that it’s a gesture that will encourage European countries to help lift the weight of immigration off Malta through a system that observes the dignity and rights of all the concerned people and countries.”
We have written more than 50 posts (extending back to 2007) on the US State Department’s outrageous departure from the norm of international refugee resettlement. Can we now expect the US to take some of the illegal Muslim migrants from the UK, Italy, France etc?
Click here for our extensive Malta archive. Want to write a book—your research is done!
Syrians wanting in to Turkey. Who is going to sort out which are legitimate refugees and which are ISIS sympathizers? Photo:
Turkey is now host to more than 144,000 new Syrian refugees who have fled Islamic State battles in the past week. Some have relatives now fighting for IS. CCTV America’s Michal Bardavid reports from a Syrian border in Turkey.
Thousands of Syrians have joined the Islamic State or IS, abandoning their family. Those who are left behind are faced with the reality and challenges that their relatives are now part of a brutal and extremist organization.
Watch the news clip where the “refugees” distance themselves from their IS fighter relatives. They aren’t dumb, they know their chances of moving on to the good life in a Western country will be diminished by their Caliphate-creating family members.
Good luck Homeland Security sorting through these people!
The Obama Administration should be announcing shortly how many Syrians we will be taking in FY2015 which begins on Wednesday (Oct. 1).
*** Just FYI, China doesn’t take refugees so they can keep China for Chinese people!
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has released his ‘mid-year’ report and it’s no surprise asylum claims are up world-wide.
For clarification, asylum seekers are people who get into another country on their ownand then apply for asylum in hopes of being declared legitimate refugees a designation which brings with it access to social services and usually puts them on track for citizenship in their new country. The Tsarnaev familyhad been granted asylum and thus were called political refugees. The no-borders agitators are trying to make the case that the ‘Unaccompanied alien children’ fit this category as well.
A few countries have temporary asylum. In the US if you are granted asylum you are in!
UNHCR Antonio Guterres, former President of the Socialist International, said that the US has pledged “open-ended” numbers for Syrian refugee resettlement!
The other track for potential refugees is to be selected by the UN abroad and then to be assigned to a resettlement country—most are assigned to the US!
A UNHCR report released today shows that the number of people seeking refugee status in industrialized countries continued to climb in the first half of 2014, driven by the wars in Syria and Iraq as well as conflict and instability in Afghanistan, Eritrea and elsewhere.
We are clearly into an era of growing conflict,” said UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres. “The global humanitarian system is already in great difficulty. The international community needs to prepare their populations for the reality that in the absence of solutions to conflict more and more people are going to need refuge and care in the coming months and years. Unfortunately, it is not clear that the resources and the access to asylum will be available to help them.”
Despite the net overall increase in new claims shown in the report, more than two thirds of these were in just six countries – Germany, the United States, France, Sweden, Turkey and Italy.
Central Europe, in particular Hungary and Poland, as well as Australia saw declines in the numbers of people asking to be accepted as refugees. [The Abbott government is clearly having success in pushing back the illegal alien boats!—ed]
They must be spreading the refugees and ‘Unaccompanied alien children’ out from Harrisburg and are getting a little blow-back or they wouldn’t have needed a get-their-minds-right luncheon for the community in Mechanicsburg (8 miles west of Harrisburg, PA an overloaded resettlement city).
By the way, this is standard operating procedure. Just like Minneapolis and the bedroom community of Eden Prairie we wrote about yesterday. The US State Department and its refugee contractors overload a city, tensions build and then have to spread new refugees out to the surrounding towns and cities because they want to keep families and ethnic groups linked up in a 100 mile radius of the original “seed community.” Mechanicsburg! See your future in Eden Prairie!
The word refugee became a hot potato topic in recent months as the United Nations and other organizations called on the United States to grant the refugee status to thousands of unaccompanied immigrant children who have crossed the southern border while fleeing violence and crime in Central America. The United Methodist Home for Children in Lower Allen Township announced in July it was planning to provide shelter for some of these children.
Reverend Robert Visscher Director of the Methodist Mission Central: “They aren’t just plopped here randomly.” Really! Photo:
Given the flurry of discussion, Catholic Charities and Mechanicsburg-based Mission Central provided a community educational luncheon Thursday to discuss the similarities and differences between the unaccompanied children and other refugees, clear up misconceptions about immigrants, and give suggestions for how the public can help care for refugees in the area.
Catholic Charities again stretching that definition of the word “refugee.” In my view that is what this whole UAC push is about. They want the “children” to seek asylum and be recognized as full-blown asylees (which means refugee) so they can be hooked up with their social services (normal legal immigrants have to wait five years for welfare) and be on the fast track to US citizenship.
Catholic Charities does not currently provide shelter for unaccompanied Central American children — although they have requested grant funds to do so in the future — but the organization currently helps immigrants from countries like Bhutan, Nepal, Somalia and Burma, said Sara Beck, ESL services manager.
To be a refugee, a person has to be fleeing from a well-founded fear of persecution or violence in their home countries — and the situation many of the Central American children are facing “sounds a lot like a refugee,” Beck said. [Beck is quoted as an authority, but if its the same Sara Beck I found, she is a recent college student, probably on loan from AmeriCorps—ed]
Beck and Visscher said fears of immigrants bringing disease or security concerns to the United States should be relieved by a proper understanding of the screening process both the unaccompanied children and refugees undergo.
“These people aren’t just plopped here randomly — there’s a whole process to this,” Visscher said.
We have dozens of cases where in fact they were just “plopped” down and were later found to have some serious crime, terrorism, or health issues and they were “plopped” down without the community having been fully informed of what was being done to their community in the name of Christian (government-funded) “charity.”
All of our posts on the ‘Unaccompanied minors’ can be found byclicking here.
And remember, Pennsylvania is in the top ten resettlement states in the US, here. Click here for our Pennsylvania archive.
Update: Reader Joanne just sent this detailed report from the Pennsylvania Health Department about refugees and their medical issues in PA. You can even see how many positive TB cases went to your counties.