Florida charities raking in the payola for ‘unaccompanied alien children’ care

I’m delighted to report that there is yet one more group digging into the financial documents of groups (like Catholic Charities) claiming to be not-for-profit charitable organizations but instead are living off the taxpayer’s dime.

Here is FloridaWatchdog.org (hat tip: Brad):

Rochelle Tatrai-Ray is CEO of Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services, a $35 million dollar a year charity caring for the “children” in Florida. http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/blog/morning-edition/2014/05/gulf-coast-jewish-family-community-services-names.html

MIAMI — Florida nonprofits have taken in more than 3,000 unaccompanied minors from Central America who illegally crossed the southern border, but those organizations are being paid handsomely by taxpayers for their charity.

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Tracking Accountability in Government Grants System, or TAGGS, reports Florida nonprofits have received $21 million thus far in 2014 to care for the children who came with a wave of illegals earlier this year.

His House Children’s Home in Miami, a nonprofit providing residential care for abused, abandoned and neglected children, received the lion’s share of that cash, about $10 million, nearly double what they got last year.

Catholics Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami received more than $4.3 million to care for 300 border children. Millions more went to The Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services Inc. in Pinellas County, Neighbor to Family in Volusia County, Sandy Pines Hospital in Palm Beach County and The Children`s Home Inc. in Hillsborough. For many of those groups, it was the first time they received federal grant money.

Read it all.

Florida Watchdog wanted to know how the money was being spent and if anyone was monitoring it. (We have been told over the years that there are no financial audits done of federal ‘refugee’ contractors.)  Florida Watchdog didn’t have much luck, but pointed readers to one group in Florida—The Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services—which breached a contract with the county when it turned a disabled senior center into a home for Central American boys.

See Gulf Coast Jewish and Family Services recent Form 990 here. (Their annual income that year was $28 million not the $35 cited in the bizjournal.)  The CEO makes over $200,000 annually and the organization received over $10 million in government grants.

Gulf Coast Jewish and Family Services is a subcontractor of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, one of the federal government’s top nine refugee resettlement contractors which monopolize migrant resettlement in the US.

The federal migrant resettlement contractors which we have followed for years:

All of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ boondoggle can be found here.

Report from Malta: Most of the hundreds who drowned trying to reach Europe last week were Palestinians

They were pretending to be Syrians. 

And, of course their deaths will be blamed on Israel.  We wrote about this sinking incident here yesterday.

Sure looks like US taxpayers helped fund their voyage. The US is the top donor of UNRWA (the special UN agency just for Palestinians).

Just one of many maps showing migration routes to Europe. http://www.stratint.nl/2013/08/migration-routes-europe.html


Many paragraphs in to this article from the EU Observer we learn this:

The Palestinian men told the IOM [International Organization for Migration] they paid a “travel office” in Gaza $2,000 each using money from grants to rebuild their homes.

Haaretz reports, citing an anonymous trafficker, that some pay up to $4,000. They enter Egypt through tunnels under the Rafah crossing point, where buses drive them through the Sinai desert to safe houses.

The sea voyage to Europe can take a week because they are forced to keep changing boats.

The smugglers bribe Egyptian officials. They also have agents in south Europe who help migrants get out of detention facilities. Some tell the Palestinians to claim they are Syrians escaping the civil war.

The survivors told IOM their boat was deliberately rammed by traffickers in waters south of Malta on 11 September when the migrants refused to board a smaller vessel.

“After they hit our boat they waited to make sure that it had sunk completely before leaving. They were laughing”, one survivor said.

The traffickers had their money, and like most Middle Eastern Muslims they must see the Palestinians as pawns in their more important war with Israel.

See our ‘invasion of Europe’ series here.

Australians foil plans in Muslim migrant community to behead Australian

Daniel Greenfield had the story yesterday, here, and thanks to reader Ed for sending it to us.

Photo from a demonstration in Sydney in 2012. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/children-with-beheading-signs-an-outrage-says-scipione-20120916-2602v.html

Here is Greenfield at Frontpage magazine (with lots of photos):

Islamic terror doesn’t stay in Iraq. It doesn’t stay in Afghanistan. It follows the trail of Muslim migrants and settlers.

And here is the full story at Australia’s ABC News:

Police say a large-scale anti-terrorism raid in Sydney this morning has foiled a plot to “commit violent acts” in Australia, including a plan to behead a member of the public.

More than 800 officers launched the raids as part of Operation Appleby in suburbs across Sydney’s west and north-west, with a further 70 police involved in raids on properties in Brisbane’s south.

Police said 15 people had been detained in Sydney as part of the operation between NSW officers, the Australian Federal Police and ASIO.

Court documents are expected to reveal that the raids, at 25 different properties, were aimed at a cell which planned to behead a member of the public in Sydney.

The documents are expected to say that the plan involved snatching a random member of the public in Sydney, draping them in an Islamic State group (IS) flag and beheading them on camera.

There is more….

Regular readers know that Australia is having the same problem as Europe with illegal migrants—mostly from Muslim countries—attempting to break into the country.

But, they also have a growing Muslim ‘community’ from years past as they opened their doors to “refugees.”  The Abbott government is trying to get it under control now and Australia is one of only a few countries in the world at least seriously attempting to save itself.

See our Australia category (143 previous posts).  See especially this recent post that brought thousands of readers to RRW.

Why do you think it is that in Europe and in Australia, Muslims feel safe carrying signs like this one?

There goes the hellhole myth for El Salvador and Guatemala; so why the flood of migrants?

Could it be that Obama Administration pals in the No Borders movement (including the Catholic Church) used the “children” as pawns and started the stampede northward?  I think so, and hope one day we will all have the truth.

In the meantime, here comes a worldwide study that puts El Salvador and Guatemala in the top ten countries where people are most satisfied with their lives, while the US is number 12!

From the Daily Mail  (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’).  A picture is worth a thousand words:


Latin America is the place to feel happy: Seven of the top 10 countries in the well-being poll hailed from the Americas, with Canada rounding out the top 10. Six of the 10 worst were from Africa


Here is how the article begins (Respondents were asked to rate their well-being over five categories: purpose, social, financial, community and physical):

People in Panama feel happiest about their lives, according to a new global well-being poll in which the U.S. finished 12th and the United Kingdom 26th.

There were six Latin American countries in the top 10 in the poll, which asked people to measure their well-being across five key areas.

Panamanians were well above the world average for feeling positive about their lives – 61 per cent were found to be ‘thriving’ in at least three of the five facets – compared with just 17 per cent internationally.

Read it all.

See all of our posts on ‘Unaccompanied minors’ by clicking here.  The archive goes back several years.

From America’s first Muslim-dominated state comes Minnesota pork protest

It is not yet the first Muslim state in America, but it sure is vying to be number one.  Did you know it was a basic human right to have pork-free foods clearly designated at food pantries for those who are illiterate and can’t read labels?  And, did you know that you infidels are expected to pay for that!

This is the stealth jihad in all its glory!

Be sure to watch the video clip where Somali refugees arrive with a beligerant protest sign that says:  WE ARE HERE TO STAY!

Clearly designated Halal food is a basic human right because our people can’t read labels. Imam Hassan Mohamud. Photo and bio: http://www.mndawah.net/about-imam.html

From CBS Minnesota (hat tip: Caroline):

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO)Food shelves can be a life line for people dealing with poverty and hunger.

But many in the Somali-American community say finding a food shelf that caters to their religious dietary restrictions is almost impossible.


A group of first-generation Somali Americans says they need help in developing a food shelf that specializes in healthy foods that do not contain pork or pork byproducts.

“It’s about human rights also, basic human rights to get the proper food and also healthy food,” said Imam Hassan Mohamud.

With signs in hand, they marched to the Hennepin County commissioners’ office to ask Peter McLaughlin for help. Most live in his district and feel he can help them help themselves.


To get the food shelf up and running will cost $150,000, but McLaughlin says there is no plan on how much would be needed to sustain it.

The group hopes to present a proposal to the county commissioners during its budget meeting on Nov 13.

And, I said the Europeans are dumb.

Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?  Thank Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and World Relief Minnesota.