Here are a couple of recent opinion pieces on how we need to reconsider Muslim migration to America. There are others, if you see one to add here, let us know.

The first is from the columnist Georgie Anne Geyer:
There are simply too many cases on the books now not to believe that there is a powerful current among these Islamic immigrants that abhors belonging and demands ruling. And it is not only in Europe, but it is also in Canada and the United States, where anti-Semitism and the subjugation of women in particular are present in the minds and manners of too many Muslims.
Indeed, in America itself, we need only to look critically at the trial now starting in Boston of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, accused in the Boston marathon terrorist attack. He comes from quite a family. Not only are young Dzhokhar and his late older brother suspected in the bombing, but his mother and two sisters were earlier accused of shoplifting and various other crimes.
So the question then comes down to one word: Why?
Why was this family — Muslims all, from the extraordinarily brutal Chechen ethnic region of Russia, with no means of support in this country and with no loyalty to American principles — allowed to migrate here? The odds that they would succeed, given their background and the rage they HAD to have in their hearts against the world, were virtually nil. And they have fulfilled that promise with flying colors. [The answer is that we have an absolutely out of control asylum system, and the sooner everyone, including columnists get up to speed on it, the sooner it might be reformed.—ed]
So it is time to ask the unspoken (and unspeakable?) question: Why should the U.S. and Europe take as immigrants people who are 99.9 percent allied against the Western way of life? Why are we not protecting ourselves? Why are we singing infantile songs about how all have the right to be “free” when “freedom” for them is becoming radicalized and joining a murderous group like ISIS.
And, here is Ian Tuttle at National Review Online (with an enormous number of comments).
Radicalism seems to ferment as much, if not more so, among first-generation Westerners as among their immigrant parents. Which means that massive Muslim immigration may have few visible repercussions today — but a great many tomorrow.
That reality is becoming manifest in the United States.
There is much more, read it all. Tuttle mentions our refugee admissions policy.
Thank you Lawrence Auster!
For all of you newbies on the control-Muslim-immigration band wagon it might do you good to visit this speech (A Real Islam Policy for a Real America) by Lawrence Auster given four years before his untimely death in 2013. Thanks to Judy for sending it.
Endnote: One of our top posts of all time, is this one from 2013 where radio talk show host Laura Ingraham (also ahead of her time) called for a moratorium on Muslim immigration to America.