After Paris, everyone is talking about Muslim immigration, and not just in Europe

Here are a couple of recent opinion pieces on how we need to reconsider Muslim migration to America. There are others, if you see one to add here, let us know.

Lawrence Auster (January 26, 1949 – March 29, 2013): A man ahead of his time! In 2009, he argued for a dramatic halt in Muslim immigration to America.

The first is from the columnist Georgie Anne Geyer:

There are simply too many cases on the books now not to believe that there is a powerful current among these Islamic immigrants that abhors belonging and demands ruling. And it is not only in Europe, but it is also in Canada and the United States, where anti-Semitism and the subjugation of women in particular are present in the minds and manners of too many Muslims.

Indeed, in America itself, we need only to look critically at the trial now starting in Boston of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, accused in the Boston marathon terrorist attack. He comes from quite a family. Not only are young Dzhokhar and his late older brother suspected in the bombing, but his mother and two sisters were earlier accused of shoplifting and various other crimes.

So the question then comes down to one word: Why?

Why was this family — Muslims all, from the extraordinarily brutal Chechen ethnic region of Russia, with no means of support in this country and with no loyalty to American principles — allowed to migrate here? The odds that they would succeed, given their background and the rage they HAD to have in their hearts against the world, were virtually nil. And they have fulfilled that promise with flying colors. [The answer is that we have an absolutely out of control asylum system, and the sooner everyone, including columnists get up to speed on it, the sooner it might be reformed.—ed]

So it is time to ask the unspoken (and unspeakable?) question: Why should the U.S. and Europe take as immigrants people who are 99.9 percent allied against the Western way of life? Why are we not protecting ourselves? Why are we singing infantile songs about how all have the right to be “free” when “freedom” for them is becoming radicalized and joining a murderous group like ISIS.

And, here is Ian Tuttle at National Review Online (with an enormous number of comments).

Radicalism seems to ferment as much, if not more so, among first-generation Westerners as among their immigrant parents. Which means that massive Muslim immigration may have few visible repercussions today — but a great many tomorrow.

That reality is becoming manifest in the United States.

There is much more, read it all.  Tuttle mentions our refugee admissions policy.

Thank you Lawrence Auster!

For all of you newbies on the control-Muslim-immigration band wagon it might do you good to visit this speech (A Real Islam Policy for a Real America) by Lawrence Auster given four years before his untimely death in 2013.  Thanks to Judy for sending it.

Endnote:  One of our top posts of all time, is this one from 2013 where radio talk show host Laura Ingraham (also ahead of her time) called for a moratorium on Muslim immigration to America.

Plea deal in Maine arson case; poor Somali language translation dooms prosecution

This is an update of our post earlier this month, here, about the then 12-year old admitted arsonist in Lewiston, Maine (the Somali capital of New England!).

Lewiston, Maine May 4, 2013: Displaced residents of Bartlett St. fire. When ‘Welcoming America’ promotes those economic studies about how refugees bring economic benefits to communities, do they factor in the cost of criminal activity? Photo:

From WMTW.TV (notice no mention here of the word “Somali” in the text).  Hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’

LEWISTON, Maine —The last of the criminal cases involving a string of arsons in Lewiston nearly two years ago has been resolved.

On Monday, a 14-year-old Lewiston boy was convicted of one count of aggravated criminal mischief, a felony, in connection with the May 3, 2013, fire that destroyed several apartment buildings in downtown Lewiston that displaced dozens of people.

As part of the plea deal, prosecutors agreed to drop four counts of arson against the boy, who was 12 at the time of his arrest.

The boy will be sent to a juvenile detention facility for an undetermined amount of time, up to the age of 17.

Prosecutors said because of language issues, they were not confident they would be able to prove their case against the boy.  [“Welcoming” communities, pay attention!  The cost of qualified interpreters falls on local and state government.—ed]

Prosecutors did ask the judge to levy a penalty of $58,000 on the Somali family, but the judge dismissed that crazy idea saying where the heck would they ever get that much money (not exactly in those words!).

Another article at Insurance News Net gives us a much more thorough review of the case and makes the following point.  Keep in mind that Abdi Ibrahim will be out of the juvenile facility in 3 short years!

Charges against Ibrahim stem from fires that burned four apartment buildings and a garage on Bartlett and Pierce streets in Lewiston on May 3, 2013. According to a forensic psychology report, Ibrahim is considered a moderate arson risk to the community in the future. That same report concluded the teen presents a higher behavioral and social risk because of a history of poor social skills and chronic behavior problems in multiple settings, including assaulting others and running away, according to court records.

That reference to assaulting people and running away reminded me of this story we reported from Lewiston, Maine in December 2009 where ‘youths’ were doing just that, was little Abdi Ibrahim among them?

By the way, some of you have asked where is the father?  He lives in Lewiston too!  I bet he has another wife tucked away!  From a 2013 story at the Bangor Daily News:

Ibrahim lives with his mother, Marian Ibrahim, according to court papers. His father, Yussef Abdi, lives at a separate address in Lewiston.

 For our VERY extensive archive on Lewiston, click here.

Private groups in Canada expected to pay for 60% of the Syrian refugees Canada is agreeing to take

And, frankly, this is how it should be!  Private groups should put their money where their mouths are!

The Reverend Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd is “disappointed” that private sponsors will have to foot the bill for the Syrian refugees.

In the US virtually 100% of the refugees are resettled with taxpayer money that is laundered through private groups masquerading as mostly “religious charities.”   Our Refugee Resettlement Program was supposed to be a public/private partnership but gradually the public has come to be almost the sole source of funding as some “charities” are 90% and upwards funded from the US Treasury.

Canada has got the right idea!

From Winnipeg Free Press (hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’):

Groups that sponsor refugees welcome — and question — Canada’s latest commitment to resettle another 10,000 people forced to flee Syria and 3,000 from Iraq.

“The announcement was short on details,” said Brian Dyck, chairman of the Canadian Refugee Sponsorship Agreement Holders Association.

“We want to get more clarity.”

He said they hope to get some answers during a teleconference Wednesday with officials from Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

The federal government has agreed to assist 40 per cent of the refugees it has committed to take from Syria and Iraq. It will be up to private sponsors — individuals, faith groups and charitable organizations — to take responsibility for the other 60 per cent.

That means the federal government will pick up the tab for 4,000 of the 10,000 Syrians it’s pledged to resettle in the next three years.

“When you strip away the smoke and mirrors represented by talking big with that 10,000 number… you see that it’s really only 4,000 and the rest is ‘maybe,’ ” said Tom Denton, executive director of Hospitality House Refugee Ministry in Winnipeg.

Rev. Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd of Westworth United Church said she was happy to read about Canada stepping up to welcome another 10,000 Syrians but “disappointed” to learn private sponsors are expected to help most of them.

Maybe the good Reverend has a spare room or two at her house!

For more on Canada, see our entire category here.

Can we get some French Jews as refugees?

A Washington, D.C., rabbi says The U.S. should open its doors to imperiled European Jews.  In a post at the Washington Post today, Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld writes:

As the world rightly focuses on the recent terror attacks in Paris on Charlie Hedbo and a kosher grocery store, it should be noted that the second attack is part of a larger problem: the ongoing vitriol toward the French Jewish community.

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders invited French Jews to move to Israel. That’s a nice gesture, but it’s not enough. The United States should join Israel and offer to also open up its shores as a refuge to the endangered Jews of France.

He tells about his visits to France and the danger Jews are in if they wish to live openly as Jews.

When I speak with Jews in France today, I feel the return of a grave danger to Jews that has arisen too often in Europe. My father ran from the Nazis and, as a toddler, hid in the ditches of the French countryside to escape deportation and almost certain death. More recently, we remember the brutal killing of Ilan Halimi, the son of Jewish Moroccan immigrants, in January 2006…. during my recent visit to France, people mentioned Ilan Halimi’s name as a turning point for the Jews of France and as a harbinger of the tension that followed.

We must work toward saving France’s Jews before it is too late. Many French Jews are moving to Israel; more than 7,000 Jews from France have moved there this past year. Yet Israel’s existence as a refuge does not absolve the rest of the world from doing whatever is possible to save the Jews of France.

So how about it?  Can French Jews seek asylum here?  Or do refugees to the U.S. have to be destitute, low-skill, and a burden to the taxpayer?  Let’s invite refugees who are educated, skilled, self-supporting, and an all-around benefit to our country — the Jews of France and any other European country where they are in danger.



Ignoring Merkel (again) Dresden “Trauermarsch” goes on, draws record numbers opposed to the Islamification of Germany

Protestors ignored Merkel’s appeal to stay away. However, apparently she will choose sides today and march with Muslims!


They marched again in Dresden yesterday and exceeded last week’s anti-Islam numbers by about 7,000 according to the BBC:

A record 25,000 people have joined an anti-Islamisation rally in Dresden, Germany, called in the wake of the Paris terror attacks.

The protesters defied calls from German politicians to stay away from the Pegida organisation’s rally.

Elsewhere across Germany, tens of thousands of people joined anti-Pegida rallies.

Merkel says she will march for Muslims today:

Chancellor Angela Merkel has said she will attend a protest organised by Muslim groups in Berlin on Tuesday.


They marched in silence – at first at least. Normally Pegida’s demonstrations in Dresden are rowdy affairs but this, organisers emphasised, was a “Trauermarsch” (a mourning march) dedicated to the victims of the Paris shootings.

Pegida’s been accused of trying to capitalise on the terror attacks, and Angela Merkel warned Germans not to support them.

But tonight thousands of people ignored her, some wearing black ribbons as they marched.

There is more, read it all.

For all of our coverage on the crisis in Germany, visit our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, here.  Or, go directly to our German archive.